What did you inject today?

Day 6. Any questions are appreciated

Split between left and right pecs:

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone

-Testosterone / >120.00 nmol/L / Avove norm

/ 0.28 mmol/L / Below Low Normal

-Cholesterol / 2.02 mmol/L / Below Low Normal

-Cholesterol In HDL / 0.20 mmol/L / Below norm

-Cholesterol In LDL / 1.69 mmol/L

-Cholesterol Non HDL / 1.8 mmol/L
/ 3.8 mmol/L

/ 139.0 mmol/L

-Potassium / 3.8 mmol/L

-Chloride / 105.0 mmol/L

/ 7.8 mmol/L / Above norm

/ 88.0 umol/L

-Triacylglycerol Lipase / 68.0 U/L / Above norm

-Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) / 18.0 U/L

-Bilirubin, Total
/ 8.0 umol/L

-Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
/ 105.0 U/L

-Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
/ 36.0 U/L

-Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) / 25.0 U/L
/ 1.61 mIU/L

/ 9.2 x10e9/L

/ 4.51 x10e12/L

/ 132.0 g/L

/ 0.410 L/L

-MCV / 90.9 fL / Above norm

-MCH / 29.3 pg

/ 322.0 g/L

-(RDW) / 15.3 / Above Norm

/ 420.0 x10e9/L

-MPV / 11.3 fL / Above norm

/ 6.8 x10e9/L

/ 1.7 x10e9/L

-Monocytes / 0.5 x10e9/L

/ 0.3 x10e9/L

/ 0.0 x10e9/L

-Granulocytes Immature / 0.0 x10e9/L

-A1C / 4.8%
Yesterday was in the bis***

Day 7. Any questions are appreciated

Split between left and right triceps:

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
Yesterday was in the bis***

Day 7. Any questions are appreciated

Split between left and right triceps:

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
how much a,i?
do you put on muscle just looking at a weight?
are you experiencing any mental side effects from trest?
slin or hgh involved?
how much a,i?
do you put on muscle just looking at a weight?
are you experiencing any mental side effects from trest?
slin or hgh involved?
Almost don’t want to say how much letro I. Running but to hell with it. 15mg daily. Yes, 15mg. If you have not ran these compounds together at these exact dosages you are not in the position to comment on the “excessive” letrozol dosing. Until you have my body and its individual needs, you shouldn’t have a say in whether it’s necessary or not. Also keep in mind that I both feel, look and perform my best when my e2 is as low as possible so that is a contributing factor to the large ai dosing.

Not exactly sure what you meant by this but in relation to weight, I’ve put on 12lbs since Sunday, if I were to take a guess only around 2lbs of it is actual weight.

Only mental sides I’ve notice from ment is insane desire for sex. See That woman innocently walking down the sidewalk? Go ask her to come home with you, she’ll say yes. While your at it ask the other 5 down the road. Why not have an orgy?

No slin or gh at the moment. Might add some lantus soon tho
Almost don’t want to say how much letro I. Running but to hell with it. 15mg daily. Yes, 15mg. If you have not ran these compounds together at these exact dosages you are not in the position to comment on the “excessive” letrozol dosing. Until you have my body and its individual needs, you shouldn’t have a say in whether it’s necessary or not. Also keep in mind that I both feel, look and perform my best when my e2 is as low as possible so that is a contributing factor to the large ai dosing.

Not exactly sure what you meant by this but in relation to weight, I’ve put on 12lbs since Sunday, if I were to take a guess only around 2lbs of it is actual weight.

Only mental sides I’ve notice from ment is insane desire for sex. See That woman innocently walking down the sidewalk? Go ask her to come home with you, she’ll say yes. While your at it ask the other 5 down the road. Why not have an orgy?

No slin or gh at the moment. Might add some lantus soon tho
Do you split your letro am/pm ?
at how much e2 do you like to be precisely ?
No hcg ?
Last edited:
Day 9. Any questions are appreciated

Forgot to post yesterday’s inj. Same doses, hit both traps

Split between left and right lats.

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone