HGH + Insulin timing?

Don't use Malto. Use High-molecular corn starch.

Personally, I find the protocol where you eat your pre-workout meal, then inject insulin and then go into training very bad.

No matter how much carbs you eat, you will never know exactly whether you have eaten enough/too much/too little. If you eat too much, the body will release insulin on its own, which is something we want to avoid at all costs.

My protocol works like this:
- 10IU insulin 2h before training
- 130g carbs (usually you'll start with 100g. But that was way to little for me) 1.75h before training (the amount of carbs must be adjusted after the first attempt)
- Measure blood sugar 1 hour before training
Case 1: blood sugar is >100 --> wait 20 minutes and measure again
Case 2: Blood sugar is 90-100 --> wait 10 minutes and measure again
Case 3: Blood sugar is <90 --> top up with sugar depending on the value + take GH

Example case 3: my measured blood sugar is 80, then I add 20g of sugar. If my BS is 79, I will add 30g of sugar. Then I wait another 20 minutes and repeat from above.

If I add sugar the second time I measure, I measure again 20 minutes later (just before I go into training) to be on the safe side.

The protocol has the advantage that you are training with a blood sugar of around 100, which is optimal.
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Don't use Malto. Use High-molecular corn starch.

Personally, I find the protocol where you eat your pre-workout meal, then inject insulin and then go into training very bad.

No matter how much carbs you eat, you will never know exactly whether you have eaten enough/too much/too little. If you eat too much, the body will release insulin on its own, which is something we want to avoid at all costs.

My protocol works like this:
- 10IU insulin 2h before training
- 130g carbs (usually you'll start with 100g. But that was way to little for me) 1.75h before training (the amount of carbs must be adjusted after the first attempt)
- Measure blood sugar 1 hour before training
Case 1: blood sugar is >100 --> wait 20 minutes and measure again
Case 2: Blood sugar is 90-100 --> wait 10 minutes and measure again
Case 3: Blood sugar is <90 --> top up with sugar depending on the value + take GH

Example case 3: my measured blood sugar is 80, then I add 20g of sugar. If my BS is 79, I will add 30g of sugar. Then I wait another 20 minutes and repeat from above.

If I add sugar the second time I measure, I measure again 20 minutes later (just before I go into training) to be on the safe side.

The protocol has the advantage that you are training with a blood sugar of around 100, which is optimal.

This makes no sense to me. The whole point of using insulin in your workout window is to shuttle all those yummy muscle building ingredients into your muscle. They way you’re doing it.. there’s nothing to shuttle.
This makes no sense to me. The whole point of using insulin in your workout window is to shuttle all those yummy muscle building ingredients into your muscle. They way you’re doing it.. there’s nothing to shuttle.

Maybe carbs alone + insulin is good for a pump but I always include pre-workout protein - usually a carb/protein meal - for the reasons you stated.
I have searched around and I can't find a clear answer, if you run insulin fast acting humalog novorapid etc those one, pre and post WO, do you time your HGH with insulin or it doesn't matter and you can take it before bed for example?

the timing of the insulin is very important but what about the HGH timing? for example let's say 10IU HGH. all before bed? 5IU prewo and 5IU postwo?
Is it just preference or there is a big difference when you take your HGH while injecting insulin?
im just asking, not juding, but why run insulin? i read the whole posting. if your a1c isnt going up at the dose and carbs, what is the benefit? ive ran lantus and fasting acting before, pharma pens, and i never saw a benefit, which is why im asking hopefully you can shed light where i went wrong. I understand it if youre coming from trying to prevent beta burn out! thanks! also thanks for asking the question and everyone else sharing answers
im just asking, not juding, but why run insulin? i read the whole posting. if your a1c isnt going up at the dose and carbs, what is the benefit? ive ran lantus and fasting acting before, pharma pens, and i never saw a benefit, which is why im asking hopefully you can shed light where i went wrong. I understand it if youre coming from trying to prevent beta burn out! thanks! also thanks for asking the question and everyone else sharing answers
because one try to shuffle most of the carbs and protein towards the muscles when you use insulin.
That and if you are eating a shit load of carbs (not me) you need help in shuffling dose as your pancrease can't keep up with the insulin production needed.

There are different reasons for using insulin. I'm no expert tho, I just started reading and trying to understand how it works and how it's used, better wait for someone a lot more expert on the matter
because one try to shuffle most of the carbs and protein towards the muscles when you use insulin.
That and if you are eating a shit load of carbs (not me) you need help in shuffling dose as your pancrease can't keep up with the insulin production needed.

There are different reasons for using insulin. I'm no expert tho, I just started reading and trying to understand how it works and how it's used, better wait for someone a lot more expert on the matter
thanks for the reply. i read the whole posting. im thinking my issue might been an intra workout, electrolyte problem.

will add slin back in in dec.
thanks for the reply. i read the whole posting. im thinking my issue might been an intra workout, electrolyte problem.

will add slin back in in dec.
the benefit will be seen if you eat enough to shuffle the nutrients, but don't increase carbs to cover insulin, should be the other way around.
If you are looking for sick pumps, HGH + Insulin pre workout + intraworkout with electrolyte (sodium++) EEA and fast carbs like dextrose or cycline. You will have crazy painful pumps
the benefit will be seen if you eat enough to shuffle the nutrients, but don't increase carbs to cover insulin, should be the other way around.
If you are looking for sick pumps, HGH + Insulin pre workout + intraworkout with electrolyte (sodium++) EEA and fast carbs like dextrose or cycline. You will have crazy painful pumps
thanks! i understand the logic on dosing slin! thanks for covering that with me though! good luck. be safe
"Use insulin to cover your carbs, don't add carbs to cover your insulin"

Some people have very strong opinions about this. That's fine, whatever.

I'm on a low carb diet rn and still like the pump and nutrient partitioning effects of preworkout insulin, so I add some carbs to my preworkout mixed meal.
This makes no sense to me. The whole point of using insulin in your workout window is to shuttle all those yummy muscle building ingredients into your muscle. They way you’re doing it.. there’s nothing to shuttle.
I've got 150g+ carbs in my system including insulin. That means "nothing to shuttle" to you?