HGH + Insulin timing?

Don't use Malto. Use High-molecular corn starch.

Personally, I find the protocol where you eat your pre-workout meal, then inject insulin and then go into training very bad.

No matter how much carbs you eat, you will never know exactly whether you have eaten enough/too much/too little. If you eat too much, the body will release insulin on its own, which is something we want to avoid at all costs.

My protocol works like this:
- 10IU insulin 2h before training
- 130g carbs (usually you'll start with 100g. But that was way to little for me) 1.75h before training (the amount of carbs must be adjusted after the first attempt)
- Measure blood sugar 1 hour before training
Case 1: blood sugar is >100 --> wait 20 minutes and measure again
Case 2: Blood sugar is 90-100 --> wait 10 minutes and measure again
Case 3: Blood sugar is <90 --> top up with sugar depending on the value + take GH

Example case 3: my measured blood sugar is 80, then I add 20g of sugar. If my BS is 79, I will add 30g of sugar. Then I wait another 20 minutes and repeat from above.

If I add sugar the second time I measure, I measure again 20 minutes later (just before I go into training) to be on the safe side.

The protocol has the advantage that you are training with a blood sugar of around 100, which is optimal.
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Don't use Malto. Use High-molecular corn starch.

Personally, I find the protocol where you eat your pre-workout meal, then inject insulin and then go into training very bad.

No matter how much carbs you eat, you will never know exactly whether you have eaten enough/too much/too little. If you eat too much, the body will release insulin on its own, which is something we want to avoid at all costs.

My protocol works like this:
- 10IU insulin 2h before training
- 130g carbs (usually you'll start with 100g. But that was way to little for me) 1.75h before training (the amount of carbs must be adjusted after the first attempt)
- Measure blood sugar 1 hour before training
Case 1: blood sugar is >100 --> wait 20 minutes and measure again
Case 2: Blood sugar is 90-100 --> wait 10 minutes and measure again
Case 3: Blood sugar is <90 --> top up with sugar depending on the value + take GH

Example case 3: my measured blood sugar is 80, then I add 20g of sugar. If my BS is 79, I will add 30g of sugar. Then I wait another 20 minutes and repeat from above.

If I add sugar the second time I measure, I measure again 20 minutes later (just before I go into training) to be on the safe side.

The protocol has the advantage that you are training with a blood sugar of around 100, which is optimal.

This makes no sense to me. The whole point of using insulin in your workout window is to shuttle all those yummy muscle building ingredients into your muscle. They way you’re doing it.. there’s nothing to shuttle.
This makes no sense to me. The whole point of using insulin in your workout window is to shuttle all those yummy muscle building ingredients into your muscle. They way you’re doing it.. there’s nothing to shuttle.
I was reading it and arrived at the end and thought: what the fuck did I just read lol