Injection rotation and volume, how should I go about pinning?


New Member
For reference, I'm running a cycle soon and planning on pinning a bit more oil than previously. Looking on the forum I didn't see too much to answer these questions. For reference I'll be running 2 compounds (and I don't like messing with mixing 2 into one syringe).

How often should I rotate injection sites, how much does it depend on the volume of oil (MCT and GSO)? Last cycle I only pinned the ventro glute and occasionally delts (though my delts can't handle more than 0.5ccs without at least some issue). I did twice a week pinning, 1.5ccs of Test C in GSO and 1cc of Bold Cyp in GSO each injection day (and no I didn't get much PIP from the bold cyp). I got occasional lumping from this. I'd do it all in the ventro glute, Test C in the left Bold Cyp in the right one day and then switch the next time I'd pin (no special reason lol). I had started with chest pinning (which I loved at first) but after a time I started getting coughing and stopped. Since then I've disliked the idea of pinning where I've got veins (like lats) and quad pinning once with 0.5ccs stopped me from walking for a week. Was what I did before acceptable? How much more could I do, and how much does it change if I pin twice a week? Obviously it's not castor oil so the oil isn't just sitting there for an extended time. I've seen numbers like 3ml/week or something for the ventro glute being thrown around before.

Any wisdom/insight appreciated.
Have you considered using a higher concentration test so you don't need to inject as much volume?

I wouldn't pin the same site more than once every 4 days, but that's my personal thoughts. Some people do it more often. And when I pin delts, I try to move a little bit away from the last place I pinned. The delt site is larger than you'd think so you can avoid pinning the EXACT same spot every time.

Have you tried the dorsogluteal? It's only 2-3 inches away from VG (don't go too far back from VG).

Are you familiar with the two compounds you're considering? If you're sure you won't have a bad reaction, and you're using the same source (ideally from the same batch/time you acquired them), have you thought of buying sterile vials and mixing them into a single vial? That way you're not messing with mixing them into a single syringe. If they're not the same source, I'd start with them separately to make sure you don't have a bad reaction to one, and then consider mixing them into a single sterile vial.
I don't like messing with mixing 2 into one syringe
Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF
It's bad news. Stay with regular 200-250mg/ml concentration if you want to avoid pip and inflammation. Even if you don't feel anything, I believe those additives for such high concentration to hold are harming your body.
Which additives? Some sources do high concentration with only BA/BB
Bro you should mix your compounds. Its very easy to do and makes it much easier to pin since you will be pinning less. Try upper outer quads with your vg. gives you four spots you can rotate.
If your planning to pin ED use at least 6 different spots, if planning EOD use at least 4 spots.
This is what I do. Usually each quad and each glute. I don't really like pinning anywhere else so it works for me!

For reference each shot is 3ml usually. Which would fit with the 3ml per site per week.
Have you considered using a higher concentration test so you don't need to inject as much volume?

I wouldn't pin the same site more than once every 4 days, but that's my personal thoughts. Some people do it more often. And when I pin delts, I try to move a little bit away from the last place I pinned. The delt site is larger than you'd think so you can avoid pinning the EXACT same spot every time.

Have you tried the dorsogluteal? It's only 2-3 inches away from VG (don't go too far back from VG).

Are you familiar with the two compounds you're considering? If you're sure you won't have a bad reaction, and you're using the same source (ideally from the same batch/time you acquired them), have you thought of buying sterile vials and mixing them into a single vial? That way you're not messing with mixing them into a single syringe. If they're not the same source, I'd start with them separately to make sure you don't have a bad reaction to one, and then consider mixing them into a single sterile vial.
Currently on 300mg/ml, gonna go to 400mg/ml soon. Not doing crazy dosages. I could try DG, but wouldn't the volume of oil be an important factor since it's so close to the DG? And yeah I'm familiar with both already ran a cycle, and I homebrew btw. If I was continuing on Test C I'd consider mixing but I'm planning on switching to Test D which has a different half life (partially cause it'll hold more at 400mg/ml, and also because I only need to pin my test once a week compared to twice a week). Is "once every 4 days" a common rule? I see different things and can't seem to find much online. I appreciate your insight. I'm thinking about doing left VG once a week with Test D and doing BC twice a week, one day in right VG and another with multiple shots subq.
It's bad news. Stay with regular 200-250mg/ml concentration if you want to avoid pip and inflammation. Even if you don't feel anything, I believe those additives for such high concentration to hold are harming your body.
You don't need crazy solvents to brew Test C at 300mg/ml or Test D at 400mg/ml. The crazy solvents usually come into play for short esters and injectable orals.
I have been injecting 2 1/2x a day because when mixing I cant seem to get the correct amount of the 2nd compound and Im feeling it. It is gonna have to change for sure. Quads/VentroGlutes and delts.
For me 300mg/ml of acetate in MCT , inj volume 1ml, I rotate ED , give me pip in delts, lats, quads(less often), zero issue in glutes. But i noticed in cold seasons pip is way more brutal.

For 250mg/ml of any enanthate or decaonate mix in the same syringe, in MCT, zero issue up to 5ml in glutes, 4ml in quads, 3ml in delts occasional light pip, haven’t tried lats

For water based solutions (talking about carnitine, glutathione or something else, not steroid base) anything up to 4ml doesn’t give much issues on big muscles, but 2gr/4ml carnitine always give me pip but it disappears quickly
If it’s mct/gap it should be pretty tolerable/thin. BA/BB & the potential presence of some ethyl oleate factors in with PIP/Inflammation. Man, my quads get so sore when I tried to use them, even if I completely relax and take pressure of the muscle it’s still quite bothersome. As stated above I wouldn’t go to the higher concentrations because the solvents needed at those doses. Unless you yourself homebrewed these and therefore know exactly what’s in them, someone with more brew knowledge would know if the solvents are outright required for something like T400, or if they’re just utilized by labs frequently for ease sake. You can always aspirate too, lightly, to ease your mental concern about veins. Glutes always work best I think for most everyone, just switching between left and right and a liiiitle variance in the injection site you should be good if you can start mixing the compounds. I know what you mean about having concern, like I get worried I’ll contaminate one vial or that I’m not mixing in correct proportion but if you start with a CC, and then end up with 1.5 more for a total of 2.5 you know by logic it’s a certainty that it’s been done correctly. Good luck to you! Be safe!