BPC-157 is fucking magic.
I literally tore a muscle in my leg (on the IT band) about 5 years ago. It was an acute injury, I felt it tear..it was really gross feeling. I could literally feel the flesh separating....ugh. I think the cause of pain was essentially the torn nerve.
After a year of numbness and chronic nerve pain. For example, if my wallet was in my pants just touching my leg for 10 mins or so, my leg would start to get physically HOT and feel like it was burning. It would actually sweat locally in just that spot. It would just hurt randomly, my strength was impaired. I had about a 6 inch diameter circle of pain and suffering across the side of my IT band and quadricep.
I finally heard about and decided to run BPC-157. I injected 100-150 mcg SubQ right above the injury spot. Over the course of about 8-9 months, the 6 inch circle slowly shrunk to a 5 inch circle, then 4 inch, then 3...2......1...and finally it was done! The pain was gone! It was insane. BPC-157 healed a chronic nerve injury that was already present for an entire YEAR before I even started treatment. It healed it up like magic. I am so grateful for BPC-157.
I am using it again now on my tennis elbow, which has been chronic and extremely painful and really fucked up my lifting and progress for the last 6 months. I lost about 8-10 lbs

pretty big bummer, but I am back on running MENT and Mast P on top my TRT, and able to lift back at max capacity for many lifts, I just have to be VERY careful about what I do, form, and avoid angles that cause pain. Even sleeping with my elbow cocked weird sets me up for a day of hurt. The BPC-157, once again, is healing what nothing else could. I had to run prednisone and had a cortisone shot about 2 months ago that did nothing. A month of BPC-157 and simply going back to lifting carefully is healing this thing more than anything else ever did. My pain has already been drastically reduced, although some days flare up. But I expect the BPC will heal it on up over the next couple months. I just ordered 25 mg of the stuff and will be injecting every morning and night.
The only thing that makes me upset is that this isn't used in mainstream healthcare. It's fucking ridiculous. BTW BPC-157 actually negates the increased injury risk after a cortisone shot (cortisone shots increase the risk of straining/spraining/tearing a tendon or ligament and BPC actually mitigates that risk!). This should be STANDARD ISSUE for anyone who has any kind of joint injury or tear, strain, or sprain. Or at least should be an option, that's for damned sure!
Edit. I am also doing self-prescribed PT for my tennis elbow. I do my BPC shot then go right into my PT to increase blood flow in the area. Also, I know that part of the reason BPC-157 isn't part of mainstream healthcare is because it isn't patentable because it is a naturally occurring peptide, but FUCK some company should step up and fucking do it anyway just for the goodness of society. Have a knee replacement? BPC-157. Torn rotator cuff? BPC-157. OH, it happened a year ago, there's nothing we can do for an injury that old...JUST KIDDING. BPC-157 BIYATCH!!!
Anyway. BPC-157 is magical. It is incredible. It is the best fucking thing ever discovered as far as healing goes.