Insane BPC-157 and TB-500 Cycle Results? Near-total reversal of injury-related deafness?


Warning: This is complete bro science. It’s possible it wasn’t even the BPC-157 and/or TB-500, but it’s also possible it is.

A while ago I went completely deaf in one ear after a head injury & infection. My right ear just died, and the cells were badly damaged.

After a while of injecting TB-500 and BPC-157 from QSC, more than 90% of my previously-lost hearing has been restored in that ear, but there’s a pretty shitty caveat: I need to keep the ear plugged as I’m getting super dizzy when I hear with it, or I need to take anti-dizzy meds.

My doctor seems hopeful that I’ll adjust. Let’s see what happens.

Audiograms show essentially:

- Normal-ish hearing (before)
- Almost zero hearing (after head injury and infection)
- Near-identical hearing to before (after BPC-157 & TB-500)

I’ll post these audiograms later in the thread when I can find the papers so you can see the difference.

So, I previously injected the stack in my stomach and had zero changes. Then I read on these forums that you have to inject them close to, or near the affected site. So I started injecting right beneath my ear on my shoulder for a month, and that’s when I noticed weird changes. I’ll probably need to wear a hearing aid in that ear, but now I can hear and listen to music again, so… that’s nice!
Not the first time I have heard or witnessed some very stark changes with BPC.

Always hard to draw causality but a (mostly) fixed ear is a good thing no matter what caused it!
Not the first time I have heard or witnessed some very stark changes with BPC.

Always hard to draw causality but a (mostly) fixed ear is a good thing no matter what caused it!
Yep, it’s really hard to draw this causality, but truthfully… I don’t give a damn. I just added this disclaimer in case anyone had unrealistic hopes. The truth is I don’t know if it worked or not, but I’m happy with it. Now if I can just stop being dizzy.
I did some pretty intensive massage and ART on my forearm muscles, ripping up/resetting some old chronic injuries. Afterwards I couldn't do more than five reps when rehabbing, I would also get super exhausted and dizzy. This went on for a year, despite being on a solid dose of HGH.

Come a year later, I started adding 350 mcg bpc 157 twice daily. Two months later i could do seven reps, then eight, then nine etc.

Bpc 157 works.
Your recovery is fantastic, especially considering the somewhat delicate nature of healing sensory organs. I've got some injuries in my shoulders and have been debating trying a stack but I'm worried about long-term results. Did you notice any other benefits besides your hearing returning?
Your recovery is fantastic, especially considering the somewhat delicate nature of healing sensory organs. I've got some injuries in my shoulders and have been debating trying a stack but I'm worried about long-term results. Did you notice any other benefits besides your hearing returning?
No other benefits noticed, although… anxiety is gone. So that’s interesting.
Yep, it’s really hard to draw this causality, but truthfully… I don’t give a damn. I just added this disclaimer in case anyone had unrealistic hopes. The truth is I don’t know if it worked or not, but I’m happy with it. Now if I can just stop being dizzy.
For an additional data point, willing to share what your TB-500 and BPC-157 cycle looked like dosage wise?
I am also curious about dosage.
And hopefully your hearing won't degrade again after going off cycle...
Warning: This is complete bro science. It’s possible it wasn’t even the BPC-157 and/or TB-500, but it’s also possible it is.

A while ago I went completely deaf in one ear after a head injury & infection. My right ear just died, and the cells were badly damaged.

After a while of injecting TB-500 and BPC-157 from QSC, more than 90% of my previously-lost hearing has been restored in that ear, but there’s a pretty shitty caveat: I need to keep the ear plugged as I’m getting super dizzy when I hear with it, or I need to take anti-dizzy meds.

My doctor seems hopeful that I’ll adjust. Let’s see what happens.

Audiograms show essentially:

- Normal-ish hearing (before)
- Almost zero hearing (after head injury and infection)
- Near-identical hearing to before (after BPC-157 & TB-500)

I’ll post these audiograms later in the thread when I can find the papers so you can see the difference.

So, I previously injected the stack in my stomach and had zero changes. Then I read on these forums that you have to inject them close to, or near the affected site. So I started injecting right beneath my ear on my shoulder for a month, and that’s when I noticed weird changes. I’ll probably need to wear a hearing aid in that ear, but now I can hear and listen to music again, so… that’s nice!
sounds great. I suffer of tendonitis in my right forearm and i'm using bpc157 at dosage at 1mg/day. i feel so better in a just 10 days
I am also curious about dosage.
And hopefully your hearing won't degrade again after going off cycle...
I’ve been off cycle for several weeks. No degrading, but I can’t hear without being dizzy, so it’s blocked up currently. Need to see if I need surgery next.
Warning: This is complete bro science. It’s possible it wasn’t even the BPC-157 and/or TB-500, but it’s also possible it is.

A while ago I went completely deaf in one ear after a head injury & infection. My right ear just died, and the cells were badly damaged.

After a while of injecting TB-500 and BPC-157 from QSC, more than 90% of my previously-lost hearing has been restored in that ear, but there’s a pretty shitty caveat: I need to keep the ear plugged as I’m getting super dizzy when I hear with it, or I need to take anti-dizzy meds.

My doctor seems hopeful that I’ll adjust. Let’s see what happens.

Audiograms show essentially:

- Normal-ish hearing (before)
- Almost zero hearing (after head injury and infection)
- Near-identical hearing to before (after BPC-157 & TB-500)

I’ll post these audiograms later in the thread when I can find the papers so you can see the difference.

So, I previously injected the stack in my stomach and had zero changes. Then I read on these forums that you have to inject them close to, or near the affected site. So I started injecting right beneath my ear on my shoulder for a month, and that’s when I noticed weird changes. I’ll probably need to wear a hearing aid in that ear, but now I can hear and listen to music again, so… that’s nice!
I have a chronic sinus infection after a stupid dentist didn't give me enough of a warning pulling my wisdom teeth out.

You're telling I can inject this stuff into my nasal cavity?

Hearing comes from cilia in the ears and the sinus cavity also uses cilia to move mucus.
I have a chronic sinus infection after a stupid dentist didn't give me enough of a warning pulling my wisdom teeth out.

You're telling I can inject this stuff into my nasal cavity?

Hearing comes from cilia in the ears and the sinus cavity also uses cilia to move mucus.
No way. I’m not injecting this into my sinuses. I injected it into my shoulder, as it was closer.

Unfortunately the results did not last… I have lost the hearing again. Now it keeps coming and going… it’s annoying as fuck.
When the hearing loss happened, yep. It was excruciating.
Is the tinnitus gone now? I got hearing loss and tinnitus in my right ear after a bad ear infection a couple of years ago. My hearing has mostly come back but the tinnitus is still with me unfortunately. Doctors say its permanent. I have 50mg of BPC157 coming in the mail that I got for a chronic elbow tendon injury but now I am wondering if I should pin it in my traps near my ear and try to cure my tinnitus too?
Is the tinnitus gone now? I got hearing loss and tinnitus in my right ear after a bad ear infection a couple of years ago. My hearing has mostly come back but the tinnitus is still with me unfortunately. Doctors say its permanent. I have 50mg of BPC157 coming in the mail that I got for a chronic elbow tendon injury but now I am wondering if I should pin it in my traps near my ear and try to cure my tinnitus too?

From all my experience bpc 157 is systemic. Stomach fat will do.
I have heard doctors using this treatment have had better success with site specific injections, so I'll just stick with that.