Insane weight fluctuations day to day


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Between yesterday and this morning I had the largest single day weight fluctuation of my life!

Yesterday I did 15 mins cardio, Push day, then in the evening I went for a 2-3 mile hike with my dog and then came home and sat in my infrared sauna for about 35 minutes and got a good sweat going (plus the benefits of photobiomodulation ;)...however I will say, I can't wait to move and get a REAL sauna!

Last night after my sauna session and shower I went and weighed myself out of curiosity. I weight 227.4 pounds. Holy shit, that is literally heavier than I was when bulking?! I also noticed I looked more bloaty than even a few hours before. That is weird, usually after the sauna I look more trim. My stomach looked like I had gained a good 5 lbs out of nowhere. This morning I wake up and weigh myself pre-poop and I was 218.6. Post-poop was 218.2. So apparently I lost 9 fucking pounds overnight, magically!

Last night I didn't have any night sweat episodes. I did wake up and had to pee so bad my dick literally hurt as I had to hold it in on my way to the bathroom (first time that's ever happened lol) and took a ridiculously long pee. I was probably peeing for 40 seconds straight. Then went back to bed and woke up again around 4, took a normal sized pee and weighed myself. It is really not uncommon for me to lose a good 3-4 lbs overnight, but 9?! That is just unheard of. I mean I did take what might have been the biggest pee of my life, but I don't think it was 8 pounds worth of pee?! lol

Okay, to get serious. I know we lose weight at night the following ways:
1. Respiration: every night we lose about 1 pound of weight just through expiration. This is mostly water vapor as well as carbon atoms. According to this source: "So for every gram of air we breathe, we lose less than 0.013 g of carbon and more than 0.019 g of water vapor."
2. Sweat: we always sweat some amount, even if it isn't "night sweats" where you wake up soaked.
3. Urination: obviously I peed a LOT.
4. Body heat: the laws of physics apply here, we lose weight through generation of heat

My stomach and subcutaneous water level is back to normal this morning--zero puffiness or bloat at all.

Unless my urine really did weigh several pounds, I don't see how I could've lost that much weight overnight? Has anyone else had such a large weight fluctuation?
Could it be that your scale stood uneven?
I don't think so, it hasn't moved at all in the last few days. I'll double check. though My floors aren't the most level in some spots lol
I've had cycles where I routinely dropped about 10lbs overnight. I'd be back to my "normal" weight by the following night and do it again the following morning. Even when not on a cycle or doing anything extreme with diet, 5lbs overnight isn't real unusual.
I've had cycles where I routinely dropped about 10lbs overnight. I'd be back to my "normal" weight by the following night and do it again the following morning. Even when not on a cycle or doing anything extreme with diet, 5lbs overnight isn't real unusual.
Yeah, like I said 3-4 pounds is normal, I have never had 9+ pounds though. Right now I'm on 210 mg tren, 50 mg anavar, and 5 mg MENT (on top 150 mg TRT), so usually looking quite dry. I looked super bloated last night after my sauna session, idk wtf was going on. Most of the weight must have been lost from the urine I guess.

Good to know I'm not the only one. I was searching and it seems like most people say 3-4 is normal.
Yeah, like I said 3-4 pounds is normal, I have never had 9+ pounds though. Right now I'm on 210 mg tren, 50 mg anavar, and 5 mg MENT (on top 150 mg TRT), so usually looking quite dry. I looked super bloated last night after my sauna session, idk wtf was going on. Most of the weight must have been lost from the urine I guess.

Good to know I'm not the only one. I was searching and it seems like most people say 3-4 is normal.

Yeah but when you're on a cycle things can get strange... Especially with sauna and maybe an unusual day of eating/drinking.
Yeah, like I said 3-4 pounds is normal, I have never had 9+ pounds though. Right now I'm on 210 mg tren, 50 mg anavar, and 5 mg MENT (on top 150 mg TRT), so usually looking quite dry. I looked super bloated last night after my sauna session, idk wtf was going on. Most of the weight must have been lost from the urine I guess.

Good to know I'm not the only one. I was searching and it seems like most people say 3-4 is normal.
Sounds like your body was trying to hold onto water.
Sounds like the scale is off cause nobody can magically drop almost 10lbs overnight without pissing and sweating it out and that would be a stretch as 10lbs of water is roughly 6 litres.

This is basic physics and occam's razor applies to this.
Sounds like the scale is off cause nobody can magically drop almost 10lbs overnight without pissing and sweating it out and that would be a stretch as 10lbs of water is roughly 6 litres.

This is basic physics and occam's razor applies to this.
Yeah I don't see how I could've pee'd THAT much.

I'll chalk it up to some weird anomaly, combined with actually losing probably a good 5 pounds.
Yeah I don't see how I could've pee'd THAT much.

I'll chalk it up to some weird anomaly, combined with actually losing probably a good 5 pounds.
Respiration is a huge factor in water loss. Your body has to humidify the air you breathe and when you breathe it out, put goes all of the moisture too. I do not know at what rate you lose water from breathing but it is not insignificant.
Respiration is a huge factor in water loss. Your body has to humidify the air you breathe and when you breathe it out, put goes all of the moisture too. I do not know at what rate you lose water from breathing but it is not insignificant.

Respiration accounts for about 1 cup loss of water per 24 hours so dropping almost 10 pounds overnight is not from breathing and not a huge factor as you stated.

Either dude's scale is fucked or he gave birth overnight lol. There's no mystery here as physically impossible things don't happen!
Respiration accounts for about 1 cup loss of water per 24 hours so dropping almost 10 pounds overnight is not from breathing and not a huge factor as you stated.

Either dude's scale is fucked or he gave birth overnight lol. There's no mystery here as physically impossible things don't happen!
The amount of water lost due to respiration is based on lung capacity and RH. I won’t try to argue that he breathed out 10 lbs. but a half pound could be possible overnight.

I just don’t buy the theory that his scale wasn’t broken until that day and now it’s fixed again. I find it much more plausible he peed out 1.25 gallons of water than the scale broke and fixed itself in 24 hours
The amount of water lost due to respiration is based on lung capacity and RH. I won’t try to argue that he breathed out 10 lbs. but a half pound could be possible overnight.

I just don’t buy the theory that his scale wasn’t broken until that day and now it’s fixed again. I find it much more plausible he peed out 1.25 gallons of water than the scale broke and fixed itself in 24 hours

Pretty sure he say he didnt piss much overnight so who the fuck knows lol. The no point debating this as we have no idea if it happened or not. Aaaaaannnnyways :p
Yeah my scale is working fine still, it never seemed to be broken at all. In fact it worked fine that morning, I was in the 218 range, then that night up to 227, then the next morning back down to 218.

I have no idea what exactly happened. Peeing a gallon seems impossible. I'm thinking of how long it takes to fill a 1 gallon bucket or milk jug with the sink on full blast. I definitely didn't pee for that long LOL. Maybe I was standing on the scale weird or something? My scale isn't a fancy one but it works well enough. I weight myself then weigh myself again an hour later and it's within .2 or .4 lbs of the previous weight (which is to be expected with fluid intake).

Perhaps...perhaps I entered into a time warp when I went pee around 2 AM. Maybe a wormhole moved through my body at exactly that time, making what seemed like a 40 second pee actually take 40 minutes. So I actually peed out over a gallon of urine?! It doesn't explain how I could fit a gallon of urine in my bladder without appearing distended or something...I suppose those stomach vacuums are really working well, and the urine was just at a very high density?

I think that's it! We cracked the case!!!
Yeah my scale is working fine still, it never seemed to be broken at all. In fact it worked fine that morning, I was in the 218 range, then that night up to 227, then the next morning back down to 218.

I have no idea what exactly happened. Peeing a gallon seems impossible. I'm thinking of how long it takes to fill a 1 gallon bucket or milk jug with the sink on full blast. I definitely didn't pee for that long LOL. Maybe I was standing on the scale weird or something? My scale isn't a fancy one but it works well enough. I weight myself then weigh myself again an hour later and it's within .2 or .4 lbs of the previous weight (which is to be expected with fluid intake).

Perhaps...perhaps I entered into a time warp when I went pee around 2 AM. Maybe a wormhole moved through my body at exactly that time, making what seemed like a 40 second pee actually take 40 minutes. So I actually peed out over a gallon of urine?! It doesn't explain how I could fit a gallon of urine in my bladder without appearing distended or something...I suppose those stomach vacuums are really working well, and the urine was just at a very high density?

I think that's it! We cracked the case!!!
I have had extreme fluctations of 8-10 lbs as well. In just 1 day. Just as you described.
I’m pretty sure he said it was maximal urination.
Yeah it was a LOT but I can't imagine anywhere near a gallon. The bladder can't even hold close to a gallon i don't think. My money is on the wormhole time warp hypothesis!