MESO-Rx Exclusive Insulin and skeletal muscle hypertrophy by @Type-IIx

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I am pleased to announce the publication of member @Type-IIx 's first article on MESO-Rx! Type-IIx has been answering your questions on hgh, insulin, dnp and several bodybuilding compounds in the forum for some time. You will appreciate his MESO article as a more detailed treatise on how insulin promotes muscle growth. Be warned, it is technical but feel free to post questions in this thread for clarification and further discussion on anything in the article:

Thank you again @Millard, I am happy to be writing for MesoRx!

There are some good sections dispelling bro-science that don't require the reader to have had a few espressos to grasp. Bro-science, to me, is the process of developing informal explanations using inductive rather than deductive reasoning. Here, the examples given are popular myths (the examples are inadequately explanatory; and lead to the wrong conclusion; i.e., they are wrong). I like good bro-science, but there's still a great deal of mythos and claims that strain credulity with slin.

Enjoy, all!
The one conclusion that I fear readers may draw from this is that I, personally, believe that Lantus makes you fat. I believe that it can enhance body composition by effects on IGF-I (generally increasing its uptake into muscle, and in a free form). But I do not believe that it has a permissive effect on lipolysis or enhances fat loss. It requires careful titration of macronutrients & energy around its activity.
To fuel the fire of "insulin makes you fat," Zierler and Rabinowitz showed insulin blunts lipolysis at far lower concentrations than it promotes glucose uptake (ref).

Insulin is very good at preventing free fatty acid release from adipocytes.

But that study showed you'd need type 1 diabetic levels of insulin. Diabulemia = no bueno.
I've crossed paths with some people who studied in Rob Wolfe's lab. They said muscle biopsies were like a rite of passage (or hazing). They were the guinea pigs of any studies they proposed.

Thighs like pin cushions (like us but for biopsies which are far more invasive).
So for the average retarded user like me, what I gathered is: exogenus rapid insulin (novorapid humalog) is bad and it will fuck you up?

Increased cardio vascular risk increase insulin resistance (I don't understand how the increase in insulin resistance can happen with the use of a fast acting tho...)

Isn't insulin resistance happening when you have for a long time high BG in your body? With fast acting insulin you don't get that and it's actually the opposite, you reduce the high level of BG in the body after an high cho meal, what am I missing?
Isn't insulin resistance happening when you have for a long time high BG in your body?

The cause/effect is reversed here. You get high BG because of insulin resistance. BG spikes don't cause insulin resistance. hGH use is upstream of insulin resistance.

Insulin use in the context of T2D helps manage BG but isn't helping insulin resistance, but we're talking about a bodybuilding context here.

So for the average retarded user like me

In other words, not retarded.
The cause/effect is reversed here. You get high BG because of insulin resistance. BG spikes don't cause insulin resistance. hGH use is upstream of insulin resistance.

Insulin use in the context of T2D helps manage BG but isn't helping insulin resistance, but we're talking about a bodybuilding context here.

In other words, not retarded.
Well yeah insulin use doesn't help insulin resistance to get better but it doesn't aggravate it either unless you are using lantus + HGH then your insulin sensitivity goes to shit very fast and your insulin resistance sky rocket.

it does reduce the time you are spending with high BG tho when using fast acting insulin...

So in some ways it is helping you not being with high BG all the time at least during those one or two meals that you use fast acting insulin.

Yes HGH is the one bringing the highest insulin resistance with times and high doses especially but if you keep your insulin sensitivity good with other things like Metformin or glp1 the use of rapid act insulin shouldn't give you all those possible cardio vascular sides we are reading in the article or did I get it wrong again?

One problem of insulin is getting desensitized from the insulin for what I have understood, that's why if you use lantus you get massive insulin resistance very quickly and you can go diabetic style fast, as you are releasing insulin in your blood stream continuously and your insulin resistance build very quick?