Insulin dosing and timing with HGH for fat loss/muscle gain


New Member
Currently running three IUHGH with 10 units of fast acting insulin as pre-workout and prior to bed. I wake up at about 90 glucose. I feel good doing this, but I’ve never really used insulin until recently. Can’t find any good resources on proper timing for optimal, fat loss as well as timing/dosages for optimal muscle gain please advise
Insulin before bed? You're a wild man john #InBeforeEternalSleep

For muscle gain, pre/post workout is reccomended.

Never heard of insulin for fat loss though as i believe it inhibits the mechanisms of fat loss, but I could be wrong on this part
So I was with a coach for a while before I canceled with him he gave me that protocol for HGH with insulin. Also, several other guys that I know do it the same way before bed, but they use the long Ester before bed to control their early morning glucose. Dave Palumbo had a video that I watched a few times, but he doesn’t actually talk about dosages. He just says that you need to monitor your glucose daily to see what your deficient and if your insulin needs a boost for meals or overnight. But he claims that it’s a great compound for fat loss, but doesn’t actually explain it
Insulin before bed? You're a wild man john #InBeforeEternalSleep

For muscle gain, pre/post workout is reccomended.

Never heard of insulin for fat loss though as i believe it inhibits the mechanisms of fat loss, but I could be wrong on this part
I guess before you start using insulin, you need to wake up and see if you can consistently wake up below 90. And then you need to do a two hour test postmeal to see if you’re under 130 if you’re too high in the morning then you need the long acting at night if you’re too high post, then you need fast acting during the day
Yeah I mean you said you're using fast acting slin at night. All it takes is one miscalculation and it could be fatal, and the thing is you'd never know if you miscalculated (because you'd be asleep). Seems like an easy way to go into a hypoglycemic coma

The long acting slin at night would make more sense depending on BG reading, but this also sounds like a good way to build insulin resistance if it's in your system most/all day.

I guess i'm just more familiar with the pre/post workout protocols with short acting slin that clears fast. I'll wait for someone else to chime in
Yeah I mean you said you're using fast acting slin at night. All it takes is one miscalculation and it could be fatal, and the thing is you'd never know if you miscalculated (because you'd be asleep). Seems like an easy way to go into a hypoglycemic coma

The long acting slin at night would make more sense depending on BG reading, but this also sounds like a good way to build insulin resistance if it's in your system most/all day.

I guess i'm just more familiar with the pre/post workout protocols with short acting slin that clears fast. I'll wait for someone else to chime in
Yeah, I’m interested to see what other people have to say. I didn’t go with the fast acting because you can’t run it for long before becoming resistant like you said, but 10 units of fast acting along with HGH. I also eat about an hour before I sleep so as far as I understand. Considering that I would have just ate, that’s not enough insulin to go into any kind of coma. Interested to see what other people.Think thanks
Yeah, I’m interested to see what other people have to say. I didn’t go with the fast acting because you can’t run it for long before becoming resistant like you said, but 10 units of fast acting along with HGH. I also eat about an hour before I sleep so as far as I understand. Considering that I would have just ate, that’s not enough insulin to go into any kind of coma. Interested to see what other people.Think thanks
my brother, please be careful.

first. what are your goals? Fat loss/diet/cut? or grow muscle? you mentioned fat loss, but are you just saying that in the context of a bulking phase where the scale goes up but you get perceivably leaner over time, or are you talking about a diet phase where you're actually trying to leverage insulin to increase fat loss?

second. do you have a structured/measured/tracked diet? what are your maintenance cals, what is your macro split and how is your diet currently set up-->are you in a deficit, maintenance, or surplus ; on average

third: do you need insulin? have you been running the same diet with gh prior to adding insulin and were you measuring bg at any time to get baseline readings and see where bg was trending? are you increasing carbs at the times you're also adding insulin or are you keeping the meal pretty much the same and just adding the in---ie are you adding insulin to cover the carbs or are you adding carbs to cover the insulin (or neither)?

these are pretty much the things you have to have completely nailed down if you want to run insulin safely and in a way that won't make you fat or quickly lead to insulin resistance. there's lots of great resources out there and a few ebooks you can search around for. again, please be careful, especially with fast acting before bed -- that's playing with fire. long acting is a different story, but again, your diet needs to be 100% on point and you need to actively manage insulin resistance.
my brother, please be careful.

first. what are your goals? Fat loss/diet/cut? or grow muscle? you mentioned fat loss, but are you just saying that in the context of a bulking phase where the scale goes up but you get perceivably leaner over time, or are you talking about a diet phase where you're actually trying to leverage insulin to increase fat loss?

second. do you have a structured/measured/tracked diet? what are your maintenance cals, what is your macro split and how is your diet currently set up-->are you in a deficit, maintenance, or surplus ; on average

third: do you need insulin? have you been running the same diet with gh prior to adding insulin and were you measuring bg at any time to get baseline readings and see where bg was trending? are you increasing carbs at the times you're also adding insulin or are you keeping the meal pretty much the same and just adding the in---ie are you adding insulin to cover the carbs or are you adding carbs to cover the insulin (or neither)?

these are pretty much the things you have to have completely nailed down if you want to run insulin safely and in a way that won't make you fat or quickly lead to insulin resistance. there's lots of great resources out there and a few ebooks you can search around for. again, please be careful, especially with fast acting before bed -- that's playing with fire. long acting is a different story, but again, your diet needs to be 100% on point and you need to actively manage insulin resistance.
Well, to answer some of those questions I am 265 pounds. I don’t know my body fat. But I have signs of a good midsection 20 inch arms and you can see the serrations in my shoulders and chest. I’m a eater. I take a lot of carbs roughly 200 mg pre-workout with the insulin And maintain around 2900 cal a day my goals were just too fuck around and find out. I’m not really too into the antibiotics. I’m just running 170 test and six I use a day at GH. I have a high carb meal with insulin and GH as a pre-workout. And since I always , used GH before bed three use with insulin to counteract the glucose. So I would say my goal is to compensate for extra glucose in my system based on food and GH, but my goal is to become more of a monster and every aspect of my life as time goes on hence introducing a little bit of insulin .
Dude, you gotta stop with it right before bed. It's just going to take one day where you slightly messed up and you're toast.

That's a really easy way to kill yourself. Who knows if your body is going through something one day; side effects from other compounds or metabolic changes causing random sugar issues, and poof, you're dead that night. I've thrown myself into ketoacidosis before from a bad combo of nootropic agents. If something like that would've lined up with playing with insulin? Roasted.

If you're gonna run it, i'd stick to the pre/post workout dosing regimen where you're awake to monitor sugar effects. You're not going to lose out on some massive amounts of growth by running it during the day only.

I get not wanting to use long acting insulin because of resistance issues, but that's what you ideally need if you're going to run it at night.

I'll save the whole "should you even be running it," shpeel because someone else already nailed it. Insulin is in a group with tren and DNP of drugs I'll never touch for aesthetic reasons. Between dealing with resistance, having to stay that on top of BG readings or risk going hypo etc, it's just not worth it for me.

I wish it was safer to mess around with because the gains are absolutely insane, haha.
dude NEVER use insulin before bed thats a big time no no in bodybuilding. High risk bro you could seriously not wake up. I use slin with my gh post training I always use the two at the same time.
I’m too much of a pussy to use insulin, way to many things that can go wrong with one’s body if everything isn’t dailed in. I do enjoy reading about yalls experience with it though, if it works, it works
Just take it with your highest carb meals that you can’t process with your own endogenous insulin production.. Which should be pre or post workout meals
I think a lot of people speak on insulin without first hand knowledge or any actual research, its really not that scary.

You arent dying from a 10iu shot of humalog before bed if you accompany it with a meal of adequate carbs (preferably some complex). Hell, the dose could be much higher, your body will wake you up long before you die.

That said, that isnt how I would use it but I have been doing a shot of Humlin R at 6pm, done eating by 9 and sleeping by 10 without issue.

Mike Arnold has a few good posts on a PM thread about this very subject (how hard it is to actually die from insulin use, even when attempting to suicide via insulin overdose).
I think a lot of people speak on insulin without first hand knowledge or any actual research, its really not that scary.

You arent dying from a 10iu shot of humalog before bed if you accompany it with a meal of adequate carbs (preferably some complex). Hell, the dose could be much higher, your body will wake you up long before you die.

That said, that isnt how I would use it but I have been doing a shot of Humlin R at 6pm, done eating by 9 and sleeping by 10 without issue.

Mike Arnold has a few good posts on a PM thread about this very subject (how hard it is to actually die from insulin use, even when attempting to suicide via insulin overdose).
we aren't saying you are dying from a 10iu shot of humalog right before bed. we are saying why take the chance of something going wrong right before you go to sleep? is it possible you confuse your pre-loaded bolus of pre-bed gh for insulin? has this ever happened before?

speaking form first hand knowledge and actual research, you're right, it's not scary at all. what's scary is that one particular time that something goes wrong or you make a mistake -- who knows what it could be -- anything -- and for that matter do you want the mistake to be paired with going straight to sleep instead of being able to manage your mistake? or are you just banking on the fact that mistakes don't happen to you?
I think a lot of people speak on insulin without first hand knowledge or any actual research, its really not that scary.

You arent dying from a 10iu shot of humalog before bed if you accompany it with a meal of adequate carbs (preferably some complex). Hell, the dose could be much higher, your body will wake you up long before you die.

That said, that isnt how I would use it but I have been doing a shot of Humlin R at 6pm, done eating by 9 and sleeping by 10 without issue.

Mike Arnold has a few good posts on a PM thread about this very subject (how hard it is to actually die from insulin use, even when attempting to suicide via insulin overdose).
so 1 guy says it's hard to die from dosing slin at night, so now we're advocating for slamming 10 or more ius of fast acting slin before bed?

"well you probably won't die, and even if you were going to die you'll probably wake up first, so just send the insulin at night"

You usually have great advice but this is some clown level logic
so 1 guy says it's hard to die from dosing slin at night, so now we're advocating for slamming 10 or more ius of fast acting slin before bed?

"well you probably won't die, and even if you were going to die you'll probably wake up first, so just send the insulin at night"

You usually have great advice but this is some clown level logic

Where did I give that advice?

I literally said *that isnt how I would do it*.

I was just speaking on the fear of insulin and how it isnt as scary as everyone likes to say it is.
Currently running three IUHGH with 10 units of fast acting insulin as pre-workout and prior to bed. I wake up at about 90 glucose. I feel good doing this, but I’ve never really used insulin until recently. Can’t find any good resources on proper timing for optimal, fat loss as well as timing/dosages for optimal muscle gain please advise
Did you read the article here under hgh?The 2 wrote on meso, both a hgh insulin one, and a fatloss one. They are amazing. The fatlosd is a page or two, the hypertophy is 11 pages. Go to the top and find it. I linked it before.