Insulin dosing and timing with HGH for fat loss/muscle gain

is it possible you confuse your pre-loaded bolus of pre-bed gh for insulin? has this ever happened before?
This literal exact scenario happened to me my very first week including insulin in my protocol.

Like most people I reconstitute my 10iu vials with 1ml, at that time I was using bolus 4iu.

Not thinking, when I went to take my insulin with my post workout meal (also my prebed meal) I pulled .4ml of humalog out of muscle memory from the GH.

So I slammed 40iu without even realizing it.
I had to run to the store and get a couple liters of juice and spent the rest of the night drinking it as fast as I can, to the point of almost throwing up. My BG still dropped to the 60s despite all that at one point.

If I didn't realize my fuck up right away I could have don't some serious damage.
Don't fuck with insulin around bedtime
I think a lot of people speak on insulin without first hand knowledge or any actual research, its really not that scary.

You arent dying from a 10iu shot of humalog before bed if you accompany it with a meal of adequate carbs (preferably some complex). Hell, the dose could be much higher, your body will wake you up long before you die.

That said, that isnt how I would use it but I have been doing a shot of Humlin R at 6pm, done eating by 9 and sleeping by 10 without issue.

Mike Arnold has a few good posts on a PM thread about this very subject (how hard it is to actually die from insulin use, even when attempting to suicide via insulin overdose).
yeah but why take the risk. Probabaly will just end up storing those carbs as bodyfat anyway. Unless youre on a shit load of gh and your carbs are really high insulin works best around training. Your diet has to be super clean to use it throughout the day. Also who the fuck would take in a bunch of carbs before bed? Thats how you get fat dude. Protetin only before bed that should be common sense I dont understand some of the dumb shit these "coaches" come up with. Insulin before bed? Who ever told you to do that is a dumbass and you should get a different coach asap. just my opinion
yeah but why take the risk. Probabaly will just end up storing those carbs as bodyfat anyway. Unless youre on a shit load of gh and your carbs are really high insulin works best around training. Your diet has to be super clean to use it throughout the day. Also who the fuck would take in a bunch of carbs before bed? Thats how you get fat dude. Protetin only before bed that should be common sense I dont understand some of the dumb shit these "coaches" come up with. Insulin before bed? Who ever told you to do that is a dumbass and you should get a different coach asap. just my opinion

You guys have got to start reading and comprehending posts before you reply to them.

I am not the OP, I am not taking insulin before bed and my post did not advise taking insulin before bed.
You guys have got to start reading and comprehending posts before you reply to them.

I am not the OP, I am not taking insulin before bed and my post did not advise taking insulin before bed.
ooooooookkkkkkk bro what? I was replying to what you said. i know youre not the op. Your post pretty much said insulin before bed is ok and I was simply replying to what you said...
ooooooookkkkkkk bro what? I was replying to what you said. i know youre not the op. Your post pretty much said insulin before bed is ok and I was simply replying to what you said...

My fault, second half of your post threw me a bit but clearly it was stated in general to the thread topic, not specific to me.

All I was trying to say with my original post, and used the before bed insulin as an example, insulin is not as dangerous as everyone likes to say it is. If it were, we would have diabetics dropping like flies from accidental overdoses.

In hindsight, this wasn't the thread to share that opinion, as the focus is not on what can be done or cant be done but on what is best practice and what is not, specific to OP being advised by a coach to hit insulin pre bed.
I'm Diabetic. Never do a dose of fast or slow acting in the evening before bed, unless you have a monitor like lebray3 or dexcom 7. Otherwise you'll possibly will have a sevious low.
Probably the most retarded thing you can do in regards to insulin is rely on internet broscience information. Personally when I started using everyone parroted same 10g carbs per IU, at 6 IU and 90g carbs (15g per IU) my blood glucose was 3 on many occasions. Only way I learned I need 20g carbs and had I listened to (including Milos') advice I could have hypo'd myself easily on 10 grams each unit... And here people are telling you how you can safely use insulin pre sleep yeah