Insulin on Low Dose HGH


New Member
I’m a runner/cyclist taking 1iu ED for recovery. Results couldn’t be better thus far. I’ve gone from 50 miles/week running to 75 miles/week and feel like I still have more in the tank. I’m on my 3rd week of GH. I dose an hour after dinner, two hours before bed.

Should I be using insulin? I’ll admit I am not well read regarding the potential effects on blood sugar and such.
If you’re concerned about the effects of your Gh use on your BG levels the first thing to do would be to get a monitor and some strips and start checking.

You can find them for very reasonable prices at Walmart or online starting at about 20$ for the unit and 5$ for some strips. I paid a little more to get one that connects to my phone with Bluetooth and keep records in an app so I can track them more easily.

You want to start checking your blood sugar at specific times each day so you know where you’re at.

I would also get an OTC A1C test if you haven’t had one performed by your doctor recently. Do it now, then again in 3 months if you choose to continue to use GH.

This is how you know if you need to use anything to help with your BG levels related to insulin resistance, and actually administering insulin would likely not be the first thing to do in your case ideally if it were needed.

Hope this helps.
I’m a runner/cyclist taking 1iu ED for recovery. Results couldn’t be better thus far. I’ve gone from 50 miles/week running to 75 miles/week and feel like I still have more in the tank. I’m on my 3rd week of GH. I dose an hour after dinner, two hours before bed.

Should I be using insulin? I’ll admit I am not well read regarding the potential effects on blood sugar and such.
I really don't think 1iu gh will do anything for your recovery after just 3 weeks.
If you’re concerned about the effects of your Gh use on your BG levels the first thing to do would be to get a monitor and some strips and start checking.

You can find them for very reasonable prices at Walmart or online starting at about 20$ for the unit and 5$ for some strips. I paid a little more to get one that connects to my phone with Bluetooth and keep records in an app so I can track them more easily.

You want to start checking your blood sugar at specific times each day so you know where you’re at.

I would also get an OTC A1C test if you haven’t had one performed by your doctor recently. Do it now, then again in 3 months if you choose to continue to use GH.

This is how you know if you need to use anything to help with your BG levels related to insulin resistance, and actually administering insulin would likely not be the first thing to do in your case ideally if it were needed.

Hope this helps.
This is a huge help. Thank you!!