
New Member
What's up,y'all? I'm a former amateur boxer turned coach/fitness trainer/sports nutritionist for a little over a decade. I'm 42 years old, 5'10", currently around the 185-190 lbs. area, and I'd guess at or maybe below about 10% body fat. Feels like I ought to be right on top of the whole body composition thing but honestly, after years of paying such close attention to it, I'm finding I get my best results when I ignore the numbers and just go by what I see in the mirror.

Anyway, I've got about 6 years or so experience with anabolic compounds and have been prescribed trt for going on 9 months now. My clinic offers peptide therapy, so I ordered this mix labeled Duo Blend, a combination of 5mg of CJC-1295 and 9mg of Imaporelin. After following their mixing instructions and recommended protocol, you end up injecting about 208 mcg CJC-1295 and 375 mcg Imaporelin one time at bedtime five days on, two days off. I find a lot of conflicting information online about dosing, but it's all involving these two substances being ran together from seperate vials where you can manipulate the amount of each. The articles on these kind of peptides on the home page of this site is about the closest to this blend I've found, but it still makes it's suggestions based on running both peptides together from seperate sources. I still run aas cycles on and off on top of my trt doses and currently run the following:

Test c 200 mg/adex 1 mg mix ew (trt prescription)
Eq 450 mg ew

Tren a 500 mg ew
Mast p 600 mg ew

Winny 37.5 mg/anavar 30 mg ed
T3 75 mcg ed

Clen 120 mcg ed
Ketotifen 1 mg ed
Adex 1 mg ed

...more than I typically run, but I'm less than a month out from a Youtube video shoot for some online training videos. I'm about to drop the test and eq temporarily so I can really dry out when my little one week out carb/water tricks take place. I'm just trying to see what protocol I can start on this new peptide blend without throwing off all my prep for this shoot while still aiming at increased muscularity and body fat reduction. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with this specific blend or ratio? I appreciate any insight y'all got. Thanks and good to be here
Firstly welcome. Secondly that is a masive cycle. 500mg tren 450eq. And so little test. Anyhow this is intro so hi.
Dont drop the test to dry out and keep the eq and tren going at such high doses. Both have ai qualaties and you will end up with no estrogen. I realize you want to dry out but this isnt the way.
Firstly welcome. Secondly that is a masive cycle. 500mg tren 450eq. And so little test. Anyhow this is intro so hi.
Dont drop the test to dry out and keep the eq and tren going at such high doses. Both have ai qualaties and you will end up with no estrogen. I realize you want to dry out but this isnt

Firstly welcome. Secondly that is a masive cycle. 500mg tren 450eq. And so little test. Anyhow this is intro so hi.
Dont drop the test to dry out and keep the eq and tren going at such high doses. Both have ai qualaties and you will end up with no estrogen. I realize you want to dry out but this isnt the way.
Thanks. Rick. Yeah I'm not a fan of these extremes, either...and I don't plan on repeating this type of gear-running. I've seen it work for show prep for competitors I've helped train many times, but they weren't MY clients...plus, I'm not a competitor. I'm just a guy in the fitness industry who really likes the activity of bodybuilding and who's trying to have the best video shoot and portfolio of his life, so I'm sacrificing a lot going into it. I very rarely go above my trt protocol for test even when I'm trying to size up. I will run other gear on top of it, but nothing this extreme for bulks or cuts before. I mostly rely on nutrition for whatever the goal is. That being said, I'm never too ego'ed up to think I can't learn no matter how long I've been doing this so input's always taken with respect. I appreciate the game. Do you have any takeson the peptide inquiry?
Peptides arent my special area. Really cant go to wrong with what is common practice. Good luck with photo shoot. Cant believe im saying it but if all you want is a good shoot , on last 5 weeks big dose of premo will dry you out it will pop your veigns out and fill your muscle bellies. Body builders use it that way. Drop all orals a week before photo all make you hold water. Some much worse than others. Dehydrate day two and three before shoot and then carbo load 12 hours before. So all the glycogen and water goes to the dehydrated muscles making them huge.
Greg doucette has a complete day by day photo shoot prep on u tube. Others too. Dont wing it when pros tell you hour by hour how to nail it. Good luck. Post pics.
Peptides arent my special area. Really cant go to wrong with what is common practice. Good luck with photo shoot. Cant believe im saying it but if all you want is a good shoot , on last 5 weeks big dose of premo will dry you out it will pop your veigns out and fill your muscle bellies. Body builders use it that way. Drop all orals a week before photo all make you hold water. Some much worse than others. Dehydrate day two and three before shoot and then carbo load 12 hours before. So all the glycogen and water goes to the dehydrated muscles making them huge.
Greg doucette has a complete day by day photo shoot prep on u tube. Others too. Dont wing it when pros tell you hour by hour how to nail it. Good luck. Post pics.
Hey, I really appreciate that. Didn't consider the primo option, but sounds money to me. Yeah I'm not looking forward to the peak week carb/water trickery, but I know it really makes big time visual changes. I'll look up Mr. Doucette, too. Thanks a lot, Rick and I'll definitely try to get some good pics in.
Hey, I really appreciate that. Didn't consider the primo option, but sounds money to me. Yeah I'm not looking forward to the peak week carb/water trickery, but I know it really makes big time visual changes. I'll look up Mr. Doucette, too. Thanks a lot, Rick and I'll definitely try to get some good pics in.
Dont mind the nockers. They bag everything. You worked hard and you achieved. They do nothing but complain. Keep getting things done.
Dont mind the nockers. They bag everything. You worked hard and you achieved. They do nothing but complain. Keep getting things done.
Right on. My Paw used to tell me, "If you've got a lot of folks willing to talk down on you, you must be doing something right."
Smart man. Has a smart son. Nailing this is all timing. Do your homework and follow to the word. You are in over my head. But one step at a time and you will do your paw proud.
Do you know if there's any rules about posting pictures?...no faces...no logos...no whatevers...anything like that? I'm not finding where such guidelines would be posted and I'm not here to violate the forum.
Do you know if there's any rules about posting pictures?...no faces...no logos...no whatevers...anything like that? I'm not finding where such guidelines would be posted and I'm not here to violate the forum.
As far as I know, there are no such rules that it is impossible, you decide whether to publish yourself or not. People often paint their faces when posting their physical form.
Peptides arent my special area. Really cant go to wrong with what is common practice. Good luck with photo shoot. Cant believe im saying it but if all you want is a good shoot , on last 5 weeks big dose of premo will dry you out it will pop your veigns out and fill your muscle bellies. Body builders use it that way. Drop all orals a week before photo all make you hold water. Some much worse than others. Dehydrate day two and three before shoot and then carbo load 12 hours before. So all the glycogen and water goes to the dehydrated muscles making them huge.
Greg doucette has a complete day by day photo shoot prep on u tube. Others too. Dont wing it when pros tell you hour by hour how to nail it. Good luck. Post pics.
I didn't think to take actual before and after pictures of myself...come to think of it, I've never been a real take puctures of myself kind of dude...but, here goes...

The first one's around the beginning of the year when I agreed to the shoot.

The second one's about 90 or so days out after a quick bulk just before I started the current cycle I'm on.

The third is my current look a little over three weeks out from the shoot.

I didn't think to take actual before and after pictures of myself...come to think of it, I've never been a real take puctures of myself kind of dude...but, here goes...

The first one's around the beginning of the year when I agreed to the shoot.

The second one's about 90 or so days out after a quick bulk just before I started the current cycle I'm on.

The third is my current look a little over three weeks out from the shoot.

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Dont worry arnold. No body will look at your legs. Quote from franko. Man im impressesd. I can see why you are a trainer. You have this nailed. Great size and insane conditioning. Excelent work. Really cant tell you how amazing this is. The photoes will bring clients knocking down your door. Splended work. No one going to knock that progress.
Dont worry arnold. No body will look at your legs. Quote from franko. Man im impressesd. I can see why you are a trainer. You have this nailed. Great size and insane conditioning. Excelent work. Really cant tell you how amazing this is. The photoes will bring clients knocking down your door. Splended work. No one going to knock that progress.
Man, thanks so much. Might be the best compliment anyone ever put together for me in the fitness department. Just realizing none of the pictures do my legs any justice but trust me I train them hard, too...maybe harder than anything else. Can't count the number of times I literally crawled out of my truck into my house because my muscles wouldn't unlock after leg day. I never wanted to be the "Johnny Bravo" guy. Pretty sure I don't qualify as a hardcore bodybuilder, but I was "raised" from a rookie by two very old school hardcore masters, so I reckon I've got more of that in me than than the other stuff. Either way, Rick, thanks again, man...very positive

P.S. I can handle criticism, too. It's just another learning tool.
Man, thanks so much. Might be the best compliment anyone ever put together for me in the fitness department. Just realizing none of the pictures do my legs any justice but trust me I train them hard, too...maybe harder than anything else. Can't count the number of times I literally crawled out of my truck into my house because my muscles wouldn't unlock after leg day. I never wanted to be the "Johnny Bravo" guy. Pretty sure I don't qualify as a hardcore bodybuilder, but I was "raised" from a rookie by two very old school hardcore masters, so I reckon I've got more of that in me than than the other stuff. Either way, Rick, thanks again, man...very positive

P.S. I can handle criticism, too. It's just another learning tool.
Nothing to knock. Honestly you look better than half the guys here. Much leaner than me that is for sure. You have a passion and a gift and drive. Make a name for yourself. Like it or not your body is a tool. Use it. Get pro photoes done when u peak. Others want to look like u. Help them. As i said 90% of meso is bs. You are in the other group. Now step up your business the way you improved your body. Dont settle for being medoicer (sorry bout the spelling). You have what it takes to be the trainer of the best but you have to sell it. If you peak with premoviron for weeks before your photoes you will look soooo grainy and shreded. Look up an old bodybuilder dorian yates. He has similar body to yours. Good photographer will have you looking like dorian.
I didn't think to take actual before and after pictures of myself...come to think of it, I've never been a real take puctures of myself kind of dude...but, here goes...

The first one's around the beginning of the year when I agreed to the shoot.

The second one's about 90 or so days out after a quick bulk just before I started the current cycle I'm on.

The third is my current look a little over three weeks out from the shoot.

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Great shape and very low fat percentage in my opinion. You look cool, man!
What's up,y'all? I'm a former amateur boxer turned coach/fitness trainer/sports nutritionist for a little over a decade. I'm 42 years old, 5'10", currently around the 185-190 lbs. area, and I'd guess at or maybe below about 10% body fat. Feels like I ought to be right on top of the whole body composition thing but honestly, after years of paying such close attention to it, I'm finding I get my best results when I ignore the numbers and just go by what I see in the mirror.

Anyway, I've got about 6 years or so experience with anabolic compounds and have been prescribed trt for going on 9 months now. My clinic offers peptide therapy, so I ordered this mix labeled Duo Blend, a combination of 5mg of CJC-1295 and 9mg of Imaporelin. After following their mixing instructions and recommended protocol, you end up injecting about 208 mcg CJC-1295 and 375 mcg Imaporelin one time at bedtime five days on, two days off. I find a lot of conflicting information online about dosing, but it's all involving these two substances being ran together from seperate vials where you can manipulate the amount of each. The articles on these kind of peptides on the home page of this site is about the closest to this blend I've found, but it still makes it's suggestions based on running both peptides together from seperate sources. I still run aas cycles on and off on top of my trt doses and currently run the following:

Test c 200 mg/adex 1 mg mix ew (trt prescription)
Eq 450 mg ew

Tren a 500 mg ew
Mast p 600 mg ew

Winny 37.5 mg/anavar 30 mg ed
T3 75 mcg ed

Clen 120 mcg ed
Ketotifen 1 mg ed
Adex 1 mg ed

...more than I typically run, but I'm less than a month out from a Youtube video shoot for some online training videos. I'm about to drop the test and eq temporarily so I can really dry out when my little one week out carb/water tricks take place. I'm just trying to see what protocol I can start on this new peptide blend without throwing off all my prep for this shoot while still aiming at increased muscularity and body fat reduction. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with this specific blend or ratio? I appreciate any insight y'all got. Thanks and good to be here
Hey my friend just wondering if you have done your utube bit yet.
No, sir. Supposed to be next weekend, but I've been hearing talks of the gym pushing the date back to next month sometime...I really hope they don't
Yeah. Timing is everything right. Anyhow all the best. I want to tell everyone i know that this guy in the utube clip is a friend. But no one would believe i know a celeberity.