Introduction - Thyroid and TRT


New Member
Hi all, just wanted to do a short introduction. M, 43 year old (soon to be 44!).

Lifted and did martial arts on and off my whole life. More off during my 30s but still managed some good training. Unfortunately a bad knee injury put a stop to most of my quality martial arts training so these last years I have been focusing on lifting and getting stronger. After my 2nd child was born (girl, now 2 years old) I was just crazy tired every night. After kids were in bed I could barely get off the couch with my phone. I thought something cant be right so I ended up making an appointment with an endocrinologist and getting blood tests done which showed I had Hashimotos and hypothyroidism. At the same time I saw my testosterone was very low (low 200s). I worked with my endo over the next year dialing in my thyroid medication dose in hopes that it would also raise my testosterone. While my test did go up I could never get it above mid-high 300s/low 400s (once).

I started w Test gel and eventually switched to injections (on week 5 now). I am starting at a low dose of 80mg per week and I want to see how my labs look and will slowly increase from there.

Seeing my blood test results like that also go my ass in gear and since January 24 I have lost 40 lbs and been tracking all the food I eat.

I feel great my energy levels are good, but could be better. So hoping that as I up my TRT dosage I will feel even better.