

New Member
Introduction: I feel like I’ve been lifting since I was 12, I tried Andro back in the day when I was 20, but other than that I have alway been natural with proteins and creating… Now that I’m in my 40’s I realize the gains are not the same and I’m looking in to trying Peptides. I would like some advice… specifically IPAMORELIN because of the alleged benefits… and now I’m now looking into combining it with CJC 1295. Any feedback or input would be greatly appreciated…
I'm posting just to say welcome to Meso. Welcome. :D

Unfortunately I am not a big fan of SARMS so I can't help you out but I bet if you use the search bar, you can find some info and there are likely some people that will respond and answer your ?s
So that is what is considered to be SARMs? Thanks I’m learning already…
Shit, I meant to say peptides. Good catch. Yeah, I just sounded really dumb there, however I also am not too big on peptides although I will say some do work quite well. Others, its hard to tell at least for me.
BTW @riveralg79 if you are going to spend money on the peptides you mentioned, why not just go with generic HGH? You will end up paying the same amount or perhaps even less.
Introduction: I feel like I’ve been lifting since I was 12, I tried Andro back in the day when I was 20, but other than that I have alway been natural with proteins and creating… Now that I’m in my 40’s I realize the gains are not the same and I’m looking in to trying Peptides. I would like some advice… specifically IPAMORELIN because of the alleged benefits… and now I’m now looking into combining it with CJC 1295. Any feedback or input would be greatly appreciated…
have you tried it I take exactly the combination, plus BPC 157. For almost 3 weeks. I ordered through QSC. Unfortunately, I haven't noticed any improvement in my injuries so far.