Investigational Kisspeptin Analog TAK-448

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
This might be a treatment for ASIH much like a GnRH agonist.

MacLean DB, Matsui H, Suri A, Neuwirth R, Colombel M. Sustained Exposure to the Investigational Kisspeptin Analog, TAK-448, Downregulates Testosterone into the Castration Range in Healthy Males and in Patients with Prostate Cancer: Results From Two Phase 1 Studies. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Background/Objective: Kisspeptin-54, an endogenous naturally-occurring ligand of the G-protein coupled receptor-54 (GPR-54), stimulates GnRH-gonadotropin secretion and suppresses metastases in animal models of cancer but is subject to rapid degradation and inactivation.

TAK-448 is an investigational oligopeptide analog of the fully active 10-amino acid C-terminus of kisspeptin-54. This phase-1 study evaluated the safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of TAK-448 in healthy subjects and patients with prostate cancer (PC).

Design: Healthy subjects aged ?50 years received TAK-448 subcutaneously (sc) as a single-bolus or 2h infusion (0.01–6 mg/day; Part A) and as a 14-day sc-administration (0.01–1 mg/day; Part B). In a subsequent, open-label, phase-1 study in PC patients aged 40–78 years, TAK-448 was given as a 1-month depot formulation.

Results: 82 healthy subjects received TAK-448; 30 received placebo. Grade 1–2 adverse events were reported in 26% of subjects during TAK-448 treatment. All dosing regimens resulted in dose-proportional exposures. Cmax occurred after 0.25–0.5h and t1/2 was 1.4–5.3h.

Testosterone increased approximately 1.3–2-fold by 48h following single-bolus or 2h injections whereas during the 14-day infusion, at doses above 0.1 mg/day, testosterone dropped to below-baseline values by 60h and reached a subsequently sustained below-castration level by day 8. In PC patients, testosterone decreased to <20 ng/dL in 4/5 patients dosed with 12 or 24 mg TAK-448 sc-depot injections. PSA decreased >50% in all patients dosed with 24 mg.

Conclusions: Continuous TAK-448 infusion was well-tolerated by healthy males and resulted in sustained testosterone suppression. Depot injection in patients with PC similarly reduced testosterone and resulted in PSA responses.