Ironclad Chems - New Stock On Injectables

Thank you @ironcuntchems for considering meso. We will have to turn down this offer due to the fact that your a dumbass with a gmail account ;)

Sincerely yours MESO

#ironcunt #fuckoff #darwinism
They tried opening up shop here with a gmail account....cant figure out basic cyber security but they got that edit down pat.:rolleyes:
Ok I'm going to post for everyone to streamline this whole process:

"Just got my popcorn. Cant wait till the vets get in here"

*screenshots with shit circled in red and some blabbering on about 'kicking rocks'

Just Fish:
"Get the fuck out of here with that fake shit you fucking pussy"

"If you take the square of the hypotenuse and multiply it by the factor of 4.5124 (which is the exact ratio of X to Z if you were paying attention before you would see that...."

"I don't know why you would take any more than 100mb of boldenone a week. Try clomid at a gram every four minutes for the first two years"

"I can confirm that those are legitimate Pharmacom products"

"God what a fucking unprofessional dipshit"

"I can see the box of 10 amps but those were only made in boxes of 5. Pleas post further pictures or fuck off"

"God this guy doesn't even speak fucking english"

"Tested two vials of test cyp from this guy even though I didn't open the package, please see assay attached"

"Please post picture of current setup. I'm currently doing research on how eating cookies before bed raises prolactin. I will get back to you guys"

"You've definitely sourced here before"

Thats all I can think of now. Hope we have saved some time.
Ok I'm going to post for everyone to streamline this whole process:

"Just got my popcorn. Cant wait till the vets get in here"

*screenshots with shit circled in red and some blabbering on about 'kicking rocks'

Just Fish:
"Get the fuck out of here with that fake shit you fucking pussy"

"If you take the square of the hypotenuse and multiply it by the factor of 4.5124 (which is the exact ratio of X to Z if you were paying attention before you would see that...."

"I don't know why you would take any more than 100mb of boldenone a week. Try clomid at a gram every four minutes for the first two years"

"I can confirm that those are legitimate Pharmacom products"

"God what a fucking unprofessional dipshit"

"I can see the box of 10 amps but those were only made in boxes of 5. Pleas post further pictures or fuck off"

"God this guy doesn't even speak fucking english"

"Tested two vials of test cyp from this guy even though I didn't open the package, please see assay attached"

"Please post picture of current setup. I'm currently doing research on how eating cookies before bed raises prolactin. I will get back to you guys"

"You've definitely sourced here before"

Thats all I can think of now. Hope we have saved some time.

I am sure there's gonna be more of these Reddit amateurs coming so we should be prepared.