Trying to plan out my second blast. First one was test 350 with some cruising for a total of 20w and didn't even require any pct drugs for me. That said, I had to take some time to cruise like I said to shave off fat that I had gained on cycle. If I aggressively control estrogen throughout (but make sure to not crash it), is it likely I'll do better with fat control? I didn't do that good of a job with controlling estrogen previously and had subscribed far too much to the modern MPMD dogma of "estrogen is anabolic bro." My face also got hella bloated, and is still a bit more bloated even off cycle (but less than on cycle) with the 9-10 ish lbs tissue that I managed to retain up till now. I'm also back down to my 32 waist size though so I'd say it was all worth it. As of today I'm about 1 month out from my last injection, and I already got bloods showing that my natty production started back up a while ago
Will adding in another compound like a DHT derivative reduce fat gains from an anabolic cycle?
Will adding in another compound like a DHT derivative reduce fat gains from an anabolic cycle?