Is going domestic the solution to damaged raws?


New Member
I have used the same Chinese source for domestic raws and GH for a long time. However, I am now getting (repeatedly) damaged raws. The evidence is overwhelming that these raws are damaged because they sit in the (hot) Chinese warehouse for long periods of time.

When I get them (here in the US) they are a gelatinous blob. I have brewed them and the final product is extremely painful.

My logic, then, is that a possible solution is to order raws from a domestic source. I know I need to do my own research, but the amount of sources ( and dozens of pages devoted to each) is daunting reading. Therefore I would greatly appreciate any advice in regards to a good domestic source for raws.

Thank you.
I have used the same Chinese source for domestic raws and GH for a long time. However, I am now getting (repeatedly) damaged raws. The evidence is overwhelming that these raws are damaged because they sit in the (hot) Chinese warehouse for long periods of time.

When I get them (here in the US) they are a gelatinous blob. I have brewed them and the final product is extremely painful.

My logic, then, is that a possible solution is to order raws from a domestic source. I know I need to do my own research, but the amount of sources ( and dozens of pages devoted to each) is daunting reading. Therefore I would greatly appreciate any advice in regards to a good domestic source for raws.

Thank you.

Do you think domestic sources are produced here?

The only difference between most domestic vs Chinese is that the domestic sits in a warehouse in China THEN sits in a warehouse in the US.

You need to just find a better source
Do you think domestic sources are produced here?

The only difference between most domestic vs Chinese is that the domestic sits in a warehouse in China THEN sits in a warehouse in the US.

You need to just find a better source
Yes, I considered this point. The advantage is that the raws could be viewed AFTER they are already here before they are shipped domestically.

However you are correct. The bottom line is it seems that my source, while one time good, has gotten sloppy.

That is why I asked for recommendations.

Thank you.
I have used the same Chinese source for domestic raws and GH for a long time. However, I am now getting (repeatedly) damaged raws. The evidence is overwhelming that these raws are damaged because they sit in the (hot) Chinese warehouse for long periods of time.

When I get them (here in the US) they are a gelatinous blob. I have brewed them and the final product is extremely painful.

My logic, then, is that a possible solution is to order raws from a domestic source. I know I need to do my own research, but the amount of sources ( and dozens of pages devoted to each) is daunting reading. Therefore I would greatly appreciate any advice in regards to a good domestic source for raws.

Thank you.
Is it just Test E , Deca , or EQ ?

Those raws have low melting points. They’re not damaged regardless of the state of matter. I.e - your water isn’t magically different if it freezes into ice then thaws again.

Only way to know if you raws are bad is to get them tested.

Theres multiple domestic sources for raws now but like another user said, they’re still bringing those in from China. They just happen to have them here past customs for you.
Is it just Test E , Deca , or EQ ?

Those raws have low melting points. They’re not damaged regardless of the state of matter. I.e - your water isn’t magically different if it freezes into ice then thaws again.

Only way to know if you raws are bad is to get them tested.

Theres multiple domestic sources for raws now but like another user said, they’re still bringing those in from China. They just happen to have them here past customs for you.
It is Sustenon. My deca came in months ago before it got hot. This is the third batch of Sustenon I have received that was gelatinous. The first I brewed and was very painful. Interestingly, a month ago I received test E that turned out maybe there is something else going on.

The second batch was shipped a month ago in the hopes that is would not be damaged, but it was. The second gelatinous batch I received today.

Are you suggesting that long term exposure to heat causes no damage? I know heat is use in the brewing process...and also that finished batches have withstood a period of time, say in a hot car, but as mentioned it has been my experience that gelatinous Sustenon has resulted in a finished product with tremendous PIP.
It is Sustenon. My deca came in months ago before it got hot. This is the third batch of Sustenon I have received that was gelatinous. The first I brewed and was very painful. Interestingly, a month ago I received test E that turned out maybe there is something else going on.

The second batch was shipped a month ago in the hopes that is would not be damaged, but it was. The second gelatinous batch I received today.

Are you suggesting that long term exposure to heat causes no damage? I know heat is use in the brewing process...and also that finished batches have withstood a period of time, say in a hot car, but as mentioned it has been my experience that gelatinous Sustenon has resulted in a finished product with tremendous PIP.
test e and sustanon are known for pip. I bought test e also and it was painful. Switched to test c and it’s better. Use the ones that are less prone to pip.
Maybe your sustanon was test e and your test e was sustanon.
Somehow a mistake has happened and test e is painful as it is and low melting point and sustanon has a higher melting point around 150°C vs test e around 30°C. Even the test d that is in sustanon has a melting point of 50°C that can indeed be reached during hot days.

From my "experience" I have brew deca that was liquid when I open the package during summer and then became waxy and didn't have any issues
test e and sustanon are known for pip. I bought test e also and it was painful. Switched to test c and it’s better. Use the ones that are less prone to pip.

My 280 mg has very little pip. My test c (220) has virtually none.
Are you suggesting that long term exposure to heat causes no damage? I know heat is use in the brewing process...and also that finished batches have withstood a period of time, say in a hot car, but as mentioned it has been my experience that gelatinous Sustenon has resulted in a finished product with tremendous PIP.

I’m suggesting that you send your raws in to janoshik before assuming anything father about them.

I am no expert to tell you definitely about degradation of raws. However, I can tell you that many users have received raw material and themselves have then sent the material to jano. The reports still come back in the 96-98% range generally. So from that I have the assumption that negiligable degradation occurs during transit.
I’m suggesting that you send your raws in to janoshik before assuming anything father about them.

I am no expert to tell you definitely about degradation of raws. However, I can tell you that many users have received raw material and themselves have then sent the material to jano. The reports still come back in the 96-98% range generally. So from that I have the assumption that negiligable degradation occurs during transit.

I have been using this source for 7 years. They have reports from Janoshik already published on tis I have personal labs on their test (always on point) and labs for their GH (IGF-1 always good).

I qualified for nationals twice using their gear (and I have terrible genetics, LOL) and have 2 clients that also qualified. Their history has been very good. It is only recently that I have had problems with this source. They have always reshipped if there were a problem. Up until now their track record has been excellent.
I have been using this source for 7 years. They have reports from Janoshik already published on tis I have personal labs on their test (always on point) and labs for their GH (IGF-1 always good).

I qualified for nationals twice using their gear (and I have terrible genetics, LOL) and have 2 clients that also qualified. Their history has been very good. It is only recently that I have had problems with this source. They have always reshipped if there were a problem. Up until now their track record has been excellent.

Then what’s the problem
I have been using this source for 7 years. They have reports from Janoshik already published on tis I have personal labs on their test (always on point) and labs for their GH (IGF-1 always good).

I qualified for nationals twice using their gear (and I have terrible genetics, LOL) and have 2 clients that also qualified. Their history has been very good. It is only recently that I have had problems with this source. They have always reshipped if there were a problem. Up until now their track record has been excellent.

This is old style thinking that we don’t subscribe to here. We certainly don’t care who qualified for nationals. A sources rep is only as good as their response to the latest problem. Have you tried contacting them?
This is old style thinking that we don’t subscribe to here. We certainly don’t care who qualified for nationals. A sources rep is only as good as their response to the latest problem. Have you tried contacting them?

Yes. About a month ago I got a similarly gelatinous package of sustenon raws. They reshipped and now I have gotten another gelatinous package of sustenon. It seems the problem may be ongoing.

EDIT: I just received an email/apology from them and they have agreed to investigate the problem, so I must give them credit for that. They have also offered to refund my money. The bottom line is this source has acted in very good faith and that is why I did not name them.

It seems that the melting point for Sustenon is very low, so at this time of the year any sus coming in from China is going to be damaged. That is why I was hoping to find some undamaged domestic sustenon.
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I know that you like QSC. However, since Sustenon melts so easily it does not matter how good a source is, if shipped from China it is apparently going to get damaged.

So, I am perusing the MASSIVE QSC thread and have not yet determined if they have Sustenon (or at this point, any long acting testosterone raws to tide me over util the weather cools) that can be shipped domestically, and thus avoid heat damage.

Would you be so kind as to tell me if this is the case?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see that you recommended that I contact them in their thread. I will do so.

Thank you very much for the tip, exactly the kind of advice I was looking for!
I know that you like QSC. However, since Sustenon melts so easily it does not matter how good a source is, if shipped from China it is apparently going to get damaged.

So, I am perusing the MASSIVE QSC thread and have not yet determined if they have Sustenon (or at this point, any long acting testosterone raws to tide me over util the weather cools) that can be shipped domestically, and thus avoid heat damage.

Would you be so kind as to tell me if this is the case?


Sorry I don't do raws at all. Like I said, I'd post that question in the QSC thread because that's where you'll likely get the attention of the majority of raws buyers here @ mesa.
Sorry I don't do raws at all. Like I said, I'd post that question in the QSC thread because that's where you'll likely get the attention of the majority of raws buyers here @ mesa.
I just posted in their BIG thread. Thank you very much!

PS, home brewing is fun.
I just posted in their BIG thread. Thank you very much!

PS, home brewing is fun.

You've landed amongst a very knowledgable, occasionally tren raging crowd.

I don't homebrew but I find the subject very interesting. The guys here that do have a serious drive for doing it right, and experience to back it up so take advantage of their cumulative knowledge.