Is going domestic the solution to damaged raws?

My source has offered to ship me some test cypionate, as it is more stable in heat.

However I will be looking into QSC. Damn coinbase has frozen my account and QSC has a bunch of paint options.

I like mixing things up.

Thank you to all who have been very helpful!
My source has offered to ship me some test cypionate, as it is more stable in heat.

However I will be looking into QSC. Damn coinbase has frozen my account and QSC has a bunch of paint options.

I like mixing things up.

Thank you to all who have been very helpful!
Good luck
just curious what ester in sust that starts the melting? 50C is melting point of which ester?

my guess is yes some get warm but also there is left over solvents that reduce melting point which explains PIP aswell. as simple melting does not increase PIP.. or other left over from synth perhaps affecting ph which can affect melting but also PIP..
just curious what ester in sust that starts the melting? 50C is melting point of which ester?

my guess is yes some get warm but also there is left over solvents that reduce melting point which explains PIP aswell. as simple melting does not increase PIP.. or other left over from synth perhaps affecting ph which can affect melting but also PIP..
I don't know....all I do know is when I brew the melted raws they are very painful. I did get a small package of testosterone undecanoate (I use it orally for a boost when I need it) that was undamaged. I've never gotten bad test prop, but I only order that in a blue moon.

Apparently Test Cypionate can be shipped in the heat.

In any event my source has really been solid through his whole thing.
I think it will be interesting what post marketing data shows with TU.. the fact doses are SOO high nearly 500mg and the Europe data showing less liver issues was 80mg doses and the studies with "normal" usa doses showed much higher increase in DHT compared to gel/injections. aswell as 6% of people needed to go on heart meds(within months not years) in the TU compared to 1% in the gel group. had much larger decrease in HDL compared to Androgel..

that is to say I dont think it works the way they think bypassing stomach/liver (otherwise wouldn't need such high doses) I doubt your pooping out 470mg of unchanged test.

we have always known orals are worse, not sure how they convinced people oral TU is magic.

that being said absorption can be random but if taking it here or there NBD. and if ok/want more DHT oral TU is the best.
I think it will be interesting what post marketing data shows with TU.. the fact doses are SOO high nearly 500mg and the Europe data showing less liver issues was 80mg doses and the studies with "normal" usa doses showed much higher increase in DHT compared to gel/injections. aswell as 6% of people needed to go on heart meds(within months not years) in the TU compared to 1% in the gel group. had much larger decrease in HDL compared to Androgel..

that is to say I dont think it works the way they think bypassing stomach/liver (otherwise wouldn't need such high doses) I doubt your pooping out 470mg of unchanged test.

we have always known orals are worse, not sure how they convinced people oral TU is magic.

that being said absorption can be random but if taking it here or there NBD. and if ok/want more DHT oral TU is the best.

My opinion has remained the same. Test U is for reduced dosing frequency, not best health outcomes.

TRT: natural endogenous testosterone undergoes daily circadian variations. We're talking TRT not blasting. Test C/E or sustanon-like blends EOD or twice-weekly provide adequate TRT and don't soak all your cells in high androgens 24/7.

NOT talking about TRT+ or sports TRT or cruising doses.

Androgel and Natesto mimic natural testosterone fluctuations way more than Test U. But less convenient. It's a trade-off.
we have always known orals are worse, not sure how they convinced people oral TU is magic.

Calling you out on this. Please post links/refs showing oral TR is more harmful than injectable TU.

I don't think this is the case for oral TU.

For TRT, dose is different of course. Equivalate for TRT efficacy and what evidence oral is worse?
Calling you out on this. Please post links/refs showing oral TR is more harmful than injectable TU.

I don't think this is the case for oral TU.

For TRT, dose is different of course. Equivalate for TRT efficacy and what evidence oral is worse?
yes it was just worse when compared topical trt vs oral TU. still dont think 6% of injection TRT users need cardio meds(outside scope I know but still seems high)... but ya, I think its just the DHT is higher than injections.. from what I gather in literature stating "highest conversion to dht is oral TU", but could be wrong at very least creates more than topical.

this is prob where all the extra T goes as for whatever reason orally converts to DHT faster..

oral TU still requires 2-3 doses per day..

they are working on NEW formula of straight TNE orals though.

anyway, im just not convinced this new oral TU is going to be as good as we thought. infact I dont think FDA really likes it but because of oral format it does have merit.

the biggest thing that pops out is this "mostly bypassing" liver.. I dont buy it, it kicks in fast and 90% of it goes somewhere and likelihood of most of it landing in your poop unchanged I feel is slim.. esp when we see side effects are actually worse re heart/lipids and DHT compared to topical, except for UK 1/4 dosing size (less effective at consistent serum levels though).

and yes speaking trt ONLY.

I dunno I think oral TU may mimic fluctuations nearly as much as natesto but more so than gel as oral requires 2-3 a day dosing. I haven't looked at serum levels but making an assumption they drop after 4 hrs or so..
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