Is it worth it to run HCG on a small cycle?


New Member
I'm about to start my first cycle at 350mg test e per week for 5 months. In addition to this I have aromasin on hand in case I have high E symptoms. My question is would it be worth it to take HCG on this small cycle? I'm thinking of taking it since it would make coming off cycle easier.
I would add it personally. 5 months is quite a long spell to be on for though don’t ya think? Definitely a conservative dose but with that length of time you’re surely going to want to run 500-1000 I.U a week of HCG or have a very aggressive PCT. A better option imho would be run 350 then gradually titrate up to 500mg for 12-14 weeks. That would put you at 3-3.5 months. After that assessment of bloodwork and gains should be made to prepare you for the next cycle. That would take place 3-3.5months after the cessation of PCT/recovery..not after the last shot of Test on the current cycle. This game is a marathon not a sprint, enjoy the processs. Best of luck to you sir.
A better option imho would be run 350 then gradually titrate up to 500mg for 12-14 weeks. That would put you at 3-3.5 months. After that assessment of bloodwork and gains should be made to prepare you for the next cycle. That would take place 3-3.5months after the cessation of PCT/recovery..not after the last shot of Test on the current cycle. This game is a marathon not a sprint, enjoy the processs. Best of luck to you sir.
Thanks for the advice, would you still run the hcg on the 14 week cycle?

Instead of PCTing do you think that it’d be better to bnc to my goals? Eventually I’m trying to get to a point where I look fine without aas, using gear to speed up the process. That was my original line of thinking with the low dose almost half a year cycle.
Instead of PCTing do you think that it’d be better to bnc to my goals
For sure man. I see a pct as a harmfull process. If you really want to join this lifestyle PCTing just doesnt make sense.

HCG is a hassle if you ask me... but fertility... dunno, I choose to belive ill get a chick pregnant regardless. I can only hope.
For sure man. I see a pct as a harmfull process. If you really want to join this lifestyle PCTing just doesnt make sense.

HCG is a hassle if you ask me... but fertility... dunno, I choose to belive I’ll get a chick pregnant regardless. I can only hope.
I don’t think i want to make this a lifestyle as of now. At the moment I just view AAS as a way to fast track progress.

If i were to BNC I think i’d add hcg because having your hpta shut off for so long probably makes it harder to come off and return your natural t if you’d ever need to
It’s the term “5 months” that’s catching …

If you woulda said 16-20 weeks it’s more tolerated. 20 weeks is still long go get me wrong but it’s the months thing I’m telling you
I don’t think i want to make this a lifestyle as of now. At the moment I just view AAS as a way to fast track progress.

If i were to BNC I think i’d add hcg because having your hpta shut off for so long probably makes it harder to come off and return your natural t if you’d ever need to
How old are you, how long have you been training?

BnC is definitely a lifestyle change and believe me after running high levels of androgens for months on end..coming off won’t be a barrel of laughs. PCT is the way to go for younger athletes who truly only want to run a cycle a year. Gives your body a break and allows your natural testosterone/ fertility to restore. Running high test feels amazing but it definitely adds stress to the body. You want to mitigate that as much as possible. For athletes north of 40 TRT/BnC is the way to go. As you get north of 35 the bodies natural production of testosterone slowly declines year after year. So trying to restart a HPTA that will only garner you a 350-550 test level isn’t worth it IMHO.

I started BnC at 36. Never ran anything before. My test level was 732 prior to TRT. At 44 I came off after 8 years to restart my HPTA to try for kids. Stayed off for 8 months till regained quality sperm and wife was pregnant. Ran 3300iu of HCG+25mg pharm grade clomid from my urologist. Test peaked at 406 after 3 months of that protocol. 300+ng/dl drop off for my pre TRT levels albeit 8+years later.

My urologist advised to run 500iu 2x a week alongside my TRT if I want to keep fertility going though he said it’s not a guarantee. I’m following this protocol in case the wife wants to try for another child. I’m already on track to be the world’s oldest dad lol. Hope some of this info is useful for you. Do your research and try to make the best informed decisions about what you put in your body..BnC is most assuredly a commitment you’ve got to take serious. Have your PCP on board so they can order labs as needed and make sure to get checked out 1-2 times a year. Best of luck sir.
BnC is definitely a lifestyle change and believe me after running high levels of androgens for months on end..coming off won’t be a barrel of laughs. PCT is the way to go for younger athletes who truly only want to run a cycle a year. Gives your body a break and allows your natural testosterone/ fertility to restore. Running high test feels amazing but it definitely adds stress to the body. You want to mitigate that as much as possible. For athletes north of 40 TRT/BnC is the way to go. As you get north of 35 the bodies natural production of testosterone slowly declines year after year. So trying to restart a HPTA that will only garner you a 350-550 test level isn’t worth it IMHO.
I'm 20

At the moment I see AAS as a way to fast track my progress to a decent physique that I can maintain naturally. I think I have settled on BNC until I have a decent physique then I am going to come off until my natural test begins to wane almost two decades from now.
Do your research and try to make the best informed decisions about what you put in your body..BnC is most assuredly a commitment you’ve got to take serious. Have your PCP on board so they can order labs as needed and make sure to get checked out 1-2 times a year. Best of luck sir.
Should I be honest with my PCP? It would be very good if I could have prescribed bloods instead of having to purchase them myself.
I'm 20

At the moment I see AAS as a way to fast track my progress to a decent physique that I can maintain naturally. I think I have settled on BNC until I have a decent physique then I am going to come off until my natural test begins to wane almost two decades from now.

Should I be honest with my PCP? It would be very good if I could have prescribed bloods instead of having to purchase them myself.
20? Sir, I would highly recommend NOT going the BnC route. Much to young and unless your hypogonadal it’s way more harm then good. The reason to BnC is for folks who can’t recover natural test to high enough levels with PCT or athletes who need elevated test levels all year round.

The problem with starting so young is you may damage your body’s ability to produce testosterone naturally by being on for years on end. Not everyone bounces back to previous testosterone levels when they decide to come off,even with a solid PCT.

I didn’t realize how young you were, don’t say anything to your dr. If you can procure bloodwork on your own then do it. See where your natural test levels are as well as your metabolic health. If you’ve got good numbers it’s a solid indication to defer the BnC route till your late 30’s.

From experience the more test you take and the longer your on it becomes less effective over time. There is a reason people constantly ramp up the dosages and add in other compounds year after year. The body adapts and you need more to grow.

You can have a fantastic first cycle and with a proper pct hold on to much of it with proper training and eating. Your natural test levels haven’t even peaked yet. Most men have peak levels between 24-32 years old(baby making years). You don’t wanna sabotage that man. Really,really think this through cause TRT and BnC is a life changing/altering.

I waited till I was 36 before I used steroids and I’m 100%glad I went that route. Maxed out my natural potential and built my physique in the gym and kitchen before adding the sauce. Even then I used only testosterone and anavar. AAS are powerful yet potentially harmful tools so just make sure you know the deal before starting. Best of luck and be safe. If you have the funds it might be worthwhile hiring a professional who’s got experience with this to guide you. Not cheap but a good trainer with AAS experience monitor your bloodwork and progress so you don’t get hurt.
I'm about to start my first cycle at 350mg test e per week for 5 months. In addition to this I have aromasin on hand in case I have high E symptoms. My question is would it be worth it to take HCG on this small cycle? I'm thinking of taking it since it would make coming off cycle easier.
If you enjoy high E2 go for it.
20? Sir, I would highly recommend NOT going the BnC route. Much to young and unless your hypogonadal it’s way more harm then good. The reason to BnC is for folks who can’t recover natural test to high enough levels with PCT or athletes who need elevated test levels all year round.
I apologize if it wasn't clear but my ultimate aim is to just fast track to something like a peak natty physique that I can maintain naturally. I don't want to be on roids at all, they're poison that inevitably destroys your heart and hair. I want to be on AAS for as short of a time frame as I can while still achieving my goals. I don't want to bnc permanently, I was just thinking of doing bnc for a few blasts rather than a few cycles, all with the same result of permanently stopping.
just laugh it off buddy when you realize that you are wrong lol. I know it may be difficult for your endocrine rotted forty year old brain to grasp but not everyone wants to be a mass monster @bigboy420
Its not about mass monster... its just how you play this game of steroids...
One cycle is nothing, useless, the end should be trt.

I personally think its better to stay natty if you already know this lifestyle is not for you.

Like in the long run, did you profit any gains/time to shut ur ballz off for such a short duration? Like worth more than to just keep training natural?
All this is going to do is shut down your natural T production at 20 years old . Questions you need to answer. Do you want to produce the amout of T as a 70 year old at 21 ? Do you want to not be able to get a hard on at 20? You are already at the age where your endo should be at its peak. Why destroy that. By the time your 22 you will have to hop back on gear cause you have no T and will have to then rely on test to even be functional Yah your going to grow for 5 months but guess what you will loose half your gains in the first month of PCT . You are thinking of the short term and thats a stupid way to think if you enjoy bodybuilder. Wait till your 25. All these guys these days just want the end result without putting the work in .

Fill in the below before you even think about starting .

Height ?
Weight ?
Max bench ?
Max deadlift ?
Max squat ?