Is Letro Just Stronger Adex?

Curious about trying Letro. Currently taking 1-2mgs of adex a day to manage e2, even on just 180 a week of test; ik this is absurd, but im not getting low e2 symptoms (I also feel better at lower e2 levels).

Maybe what I have is underdosed, but I was considering just switching to Letro to save money and take less pills. Its not suicidal, so is it essentially a stronger version of adex, or are there other things I’m not considering? How much letro would equate to 1mg of adex?

EDIT: I am planning to lower the test dose, but I’m still going to be in situations where I might need a high AI dose so need to be prepared to manage regardless
yes it is, and this is absolutely not a good idea.

What levels are you talking about on your bloodwork?
You shouldnt need any AI at all on 180 a week, or at the most a tiny bit of AI.

Taking 1-2MG A DAY is definitely not right. that would 100% crash your e2 to nothing on that test dose.
yes it is, and this is absolutely not a good idea.

What levels are you talking about on your bloodwork?
You shouldnt need any AI at all on 180 a week, or at the most a tiny bit of AI.

Taking 1-2MG A DAY is definitely not right. that would 100% crash your e2 to nothing on that test dose.
Planning to get bloodwork soon, but I’ve had low e2 before in the past, not the scenario here (maybe theres a lag since ive been tapering doses).

Libido is good, no sides, guess my body is weird, or this adex is severely underdosed.

EDIT: Also taking mast, maybe the raise in free T is elevating e2

Assuming this is the proper dose, would it make sense to take letro in this situation?
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Planning to get bloodwork soon, but I’ve had low e2 before in the past, not the scenario here (maybe theres a lag since ive been tapering doses).
You cannot gauge your e2 levels by feel.

Libido is good, no sides, guess my body is weird, or this adex is severely underdosed.
it would need to be 100% bunk for you to be having elevated e2 on that dose.
EDIT: Also taking mast, maybe the raise in free T is elevating e2
not how that works, especially not at such low dosages. If anything this should be alleviating e2 symptoms
Assuming this is the proper dose, would it make sense to take letro in this situation?
no, it almost never makes sense to take letro for nearly anyone. even people on a gram of testosterone can usually manage e2 with like 25mg aromasin 2-3 times a week.
Letro is too strong to dial in properly and has no place whatsoever in a cruise/trt protocol
It is stronger per mg. It is extremely unlikely that you need 1 - 2mg Arimidex a day for 180mg test a week. Your E2 is probably absolutely crushed.

Stop the AI and go get a sensitive E2 ASAP. I would then take no AI for a few weeks and get another E2 draw to see what your baseline is with no AI. If you need to bring down your E2 Exemastane is the superior choice.
It is stronger per mg. It is extremely unlikely that you need 1 - 2mg Arimidex a day for 180mg test a week. Your E2 is probably absolutely crushed.

Stop the AI and go get a sensitive E2 ASAP. I would then take no AI for a few weeks and get another E2 draw to see what your baseline is with no AI. If you need to bring down your E2 Exemastane is the superior choice.
What's funny is that my dosage of Arimidex just started going down; idk wtf my body has been doing w/ aromatization the last few weeks going from blast to cruise, but I just started feeling low e2 symptoms after my last adex dose yesterday.

Order and balance in the universe has been restored; the human body is a true mystery.
Go get an E2 blood test.
I will, but you shouldn't need to rely on bloodwork to manage estrogen. You can't just blindly take an AI unless you understand the symptoms of high e2; the bloodwork just gives you a concrete measure to make sense of what you're feeling.

There are individuals who could have sky high e2 on a blood test, yet they have no symptoms, so why would they need to take an AI?

When I was taking my adex, I felt good each time I took, despite thinking how I shouldn't be taking the doses I'm taking; If I didn't take it just for the sake of thinking a certain dosage is innapropriate, I'd be a bloated angry mess. Now it seems my body is actually adapting and the dosages I need are becoming more aligned w/ what most would expect.
I will, but you shouldn't need to rely on bloodwork to manage estrogen.
you should, because most people only feel low or high e2 when its really high or really low and anyone can deceive themselves into believing something about their e2 when in reality they have no idea.
There are individuals who could have sky high e2 on a blood test, yet they have no symptoms, so why would they need to take an AI?
because it can be very difficult to objectively look at yourself and determine if you have side effects from high/low estrogen. also high estrogen is not good regardless of side effects
I will, but you shouldn't need to rely on bloodwork to manage estrogen. You can't just blindly take an AI unless you understand the symptoms of high e2; the bloodwork just gives you a concrete measure to make sense of what you're feeling.

There are individuals who could have sky high e2 on a blood test, yet they have no symptoms, so why would they need to take an AI?

When I was taking my adex, I felt good each time I took, despite thinking how I shouldn't be taking the doses I'm taking; If I didn't take it just for the sake of thinking a certain dosage is innapropriate, I'd be a bloated angry mess. Now it seems my body is actually adapting and the dosages I need are becoming more aligned w/ what most would expect.
You are very misinformed on these topics. Blood work showing E2 is the most important thing when deciding AI usage. If you get numerous E2 draws over time and are particularly good at feeling your body and side effects and such then Feelz can be helpful but I don't believe most people would be able to do that very accurately.

Also, even if someone does not report negative side effects having high E2 is without a doubt bad for males no matter what your testosterone level is.

You posted a question wanting advice but all you want to do is give your opinion which you seem confident and stuck on. You are wrong about these things but I'm done trying to give you good information.
If you get numerous E2 draws over time and are particularly good at feeling your body and side effects and such then Feelz can be helpful but I don't believe most people would be able to do that very accurately.
Nearly every time I get bloodwork my e2 falls within the 10-40 reference range, I have found I feel best when my values generally lie around 20. Either thats sheer luck or maybe I have some miraculous ability a lot of people seem to not have; I’m not sure how you can bodybuild without a natural intuition with your body.

I will admit last test I got was around 50, which is why I actually have been more aggressive with the AI. I do agree that bloodwork can help to optimize the dosage further, but there are plenty of individuals who feel great at this level so still nothing crazy.
Also, even if someone does not report negative side effects having high E2 is without a doubt bad for males no matter what your testosterone level is.
Why? E2 is cardio and neuroprotective. If blood pressure and prostate are good, and you aren’t getting mental sides, what exactly is the issue? Help me understand.

I came here to ask about the differences between arimidex and letro, any discussion outside of that I am going to offer my opinion; the purpose of a forum is to provide a medium for discussion, no one should be criticized for doing so.
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Nearly every time I get bloodwork my e2 falls within the 10-40 reference range, I have found I feel best when my values generally lie around 20. Either thats sheer luck or maybe I have some miraculous ability a lot of people seem to not have; I’m not sure how you can bodybuild without a natural intuition with your body.

I will admit last test I got was around 50, which is why I actually have been more aggressive with the AI. I do agree that bloodwork can help to optimize the dosage further, but there are plenty of individuals who feel great at this level so still nothing crazy.

Why? E2 is cardio and neuroprotective. If blood pressure and prostate are good, and you aren’t getting mental sides, what exactly is the issue? Help me understand.

I came here to ask about the differences between arimidex and letro, any discussion outside of that I am going to offer my opinion; the purpose of a forum is to provide a medium for discussion, no one should be criticized for doing so.
I am criticizing what you were saying because you are wrong. If you're too sensitive to be told that you're wrong about something, then don't ask questions, just go along your way and do whatever.

Your AI dosing is ridiculous. Letro Is not a good AI and has many side effects. Letro is "stronger" than Adex per mg but that doesn't really matter. If you need more AI you could just increase the dose of Adex, which I would not recommend for you because your dosage is already insanely high. Letro is a crap AI and the side effects from it should make it an AI to use only if you absolutely cannot get anything else. Exemastane is superior to adex and letro.

High E2 is bad for men. Period.

Here is some reading to get you started:

Article on distinguishing progestins, prolactin, and progestagenic androgens (e.g., Tren, MENT, Deca) & SERM vs. AI logic [by Type-IIx]

There is a search bar in the top right area of the forum page. There is more information on the site as well and you can find it through the search bar. but i dont think its bunk (maybe underdosed). Seems like my body doesnt need the AI anymore, it started crushing my e2 yesterday
Can you share what the brand is and maybe a pic of the strip or box if you still have it?

Looks like Femistra (made by Zydus) has a Janoshik report showing one pill at 0.98 mg. Since the pills get vacuum packed I don't think there's a chance of it having lost potency.

Anaridex (made by Healing Pharma) doesn't have any lab reports. It's packaged similarly.

Lots of people here trust Healing Pharma products from PCT vendors (Accufine, Healpecia, Modaheal) since they're affordable manufacturer and make a lot of generics.

But they're not a big conglomerate like Sun or Cipla or Zydus. I heard some complaints that their pills (Modaheal) crumble apart when pushing them out of the blister pack.

Next time it's worth comparing the manufacturers, if I see one of the big pharma brands have the same price as the generics I always go for the big pharma brand.
Curious about trying Letro. Currently taking 1-2mgs of adex a day to manage e2, even on just 180 a week of test; ik this is absurd, but im not getting low e2 symptoms (I also feel better at lower e2 levels).

Maybe what I have is underdosed, but I was considering just switching to Letro to save money and take less pills. Its not suicidal, so is it essentially a stronger version of adex, or are there other things I’m not considering? How much letro would equate to 1mg of adex?

EDIT: I am planning to lower the test dose, but I’m still going to be in situations where I might need a high AI dose so need to be prepared to manage regardless
Not everyone gets such sides effect,for example It happened that i crashed my e2 but didnt had depressione or others sympthoms beside joint crackings
It was crushing it the whole time
No, just until recently, seems my new dosage is now .25 ED.

Im getting bloodwork Tuesday, if I’m as clueless as everyone here is telling me, then my e2 will show up under the reference range; lets see who was truly right and wrong.