Is Nandrolone more anabolic/myogenic than testosterone?


New Member
In real life, do you not find that Nandrolone is truly more anabolic than testosterone and is much better at accruing Lean Body Mass and Muscle than testosterone.

Most of the "gains" of testosterone are huge water retention that users mistake for muscle gain.

There is a common myth that real nandrolone increases water retention, makes people bloat. However, that is not true. Dr. Kerr was one of the 1st doctors to conclude that Nandrolone is very dry. Only if we mean real Nandrolone, not UGL Nandrolone sold as test etc.

Also, Testosterone is not tissue-selective. It is anabolic, but binds less to the AR than Nandrolone.
I don't think it is, no. From all the pro cycles i've seen so far 99% grow with Test being higher than all. Most consider nandrolone an add-on like 300-600mg and if it wasn't for the joint lubrication and strength boost that nandrolone gives i don't think anyone would use it nowdays.

It was popular once when Test was very hard to get, plus they couldn't push test high because there were no AI meds.
In my personal experience, nandrolone is the most powerful mass building injectable steroid mg for mg. Much stronger than testosterone but perhaps it's simply fake water and strength and not real tissue. Hard to tell but whenever I add nandrolone I'm stronger than ever.
Some people "think" they're getting stronger just because their tendons and joints stop hurting and they're able to push more towards their limits. Not saying it's all placebo but it doesn't work for anybody. In my case when i added 175mg NPP for 6 weeks to my already Test/EQ cycle didn't do anything strength related, physique wise or joint relief.
Only if we mean real Nandrolone, not UGL Nandrolone sold as test etc.
I doubt anybody has interest in faking nandrolone on a wide scale when it's one of the most long-standing and available AAS out there, through prescriptions too - especially because the sides are particularly revealing in many so its not that simple to pass it off as Test (ED and mental issues are common from Nand).

Could it happen, sure, but it's not going to be wide-spread enough to assume that all this time, the water issues from Nandrolone have been fake gear.

Ultimately it'll come down to what you can tolerate. I can't handle Nandrolone as I get instant ED and mental issues, alongside a strong rise in HR from it's beta adrenergic stmulation. So even if it is more anabolic, I won't be using it.

Have you read this? Nandrolone Insights: Unique Characteristics of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids – Part 6
I wish I knew the answer to this since I can run it high without mental sides other than feeling relaxed. But I have to think it's not enough of a difference to matter as you don't hear about pros running deca or npp anymore. It's usually test plus a dht derivative.
I don't think it is, no. From all the pro cycles i've seen so far 99% grow with Test being higher than all. Most consider nandrolone an add-on like 300-600mg and if it wasn't for the joint lubrication and strength boost that nandrolone gives i don't think anyone would use it nowdays.

It was popular once when Test was very hard to get, plus they couldn't push test high because there were no AI meds.
Test was hard to get? In what universe?
I wish I knew the answer to this since I can run it high without mental sides other than feeling relaxed. But I have to think it's not enough of a difference to matter as you don't hear about pros running deca or npp anymore. It's usually test plus a dht derivative.
It's because the new trend is to be ripped even in off season. If one doesn't get the mental side imho nandrolone is a fantastic steroid for a cycle. I feel fantastic on it and I look great too
Test was hard to get? In what universe?

Ours but 50 years ago xD

Yes, there wasn't any UGL back then (or Walter Whites like you xD) only pharma stuff and from what i've read availability was super low, sometimes the price for a vial was equivalent to $300 nowdays money. Deca was everywhere and cheap.

Also, imagine if most guys back then instead of taking 2-3 grams of deca + some dbol for the estrogen took the same amount of test with no AI lol, they would all have grown ass tits lol
Ours but 50 years ago xD

Yes, there wasn't any UGL back then (or Walter Whites like you xD) only pharma stuff and from what i've read availability was super low, sometimes the price for a vial was equivalent to $300 nowdays money. Deca was everywhere and cheap.

Also, imagine if most guys back then instead of taking 2-3 grams of deca + some dbol for the estrogen took the same amount of test with no AI lol, they would all have grown ass tits lol
I never knew this, I thought test was always the most available and after there was Deca. I would never have thought that you could find deca easily but not test. Any reason for it?
I never knew this, I thought test was always the most available and after there was Deca. I would never have thought that you could find deca easily but not test. Any reason for it?

Not any that i'm aware of but if i had to guess i'd say because Test is being used to hypogonadal men and at least in my country up to this day there's no way you can get prescripted Test from the pharmacy, they always try to avoid, they give you psych meds, say to fix diet, start working out etc and that's it. I imagine back then things would be even worse.

Also, a reason so much test is available right now is because of transgenders. 50 years ago if you said you identify as a woman they'd probably exorcise you lol.

Deca was simply a med for anemia, bone marrow failure etc. This is my guess though, perhaps there was another reason test was harder to get.
It's because the new trend is to be ripped even in off season. If one doesn't get the mental side imho nandrolone is a fantastic steroid for a cycle. I feel fantastic on it and I look great too
Yes! You hit the nail on the head. I've been noticing this and wondered if that was the case. I love the way Arnold looked in the first part of Pumping Iron. He's not ripped but he's still huge and detailed. I feel like you don't see that look anymore but that's what I'm aiming for. I don't need to be any leaner than that
Yes! You hit the nail on the head. I've been noticing this and wondered if that was the case. I love the way Arnold looked in the first part of Pumping Iron. He's not ripped but he's still huge and detailed. I feel like you don't see that look anymore but that's what I'm aiming for. I don't need to be any leaner than that
NPP 10/12 weeks or deca 20 weeks.. high test and enjoy the gainz. If you wanna top it off you can add low dose of a DHT like masteron or primo
One time I saw a interview with a bodybuilder from '70 and he said the reason they took deca,primo,dbol and not test was because they think that their body produces test so no reason to take extra.
Not so much knowledge as bodybuilding and peds was at the beginning.
Empirically yes, although studies that have compared the two did not detect a significance difference but this was due to statistical and methodological weaknesses. Basically, they had too few subjects and had different unskilled practitioners apply calipers. Validity is crucial for calipers, the technique has to be consistently correct for calculating fat and lean compartments.

The difference in the near-term is that Deca/NPP gives a more “3D look” and a visual appearance that testosterone solo users look totally different from. It is a unique drug and the only compounds that are similar are very difficult to source and come with other hazards like Nilevar from France.
I think they’re pretty equal for the most part.

If people did deca only on a first cycle, I’m sure they’d think it was stronger, while people who did test only on their first cycle will think that is stronger, since the first response will always be the best response.
I think a better question would be which is more anabolic between 350mg of each vs 700mg of just one of them.

It’s always hard to answer these questions since our response to gear for every cycle gets weaker than the last.