Thailand and gear...
spent 4 years in SEA (south east asia)
my reason was for work related etc, my first experience with drugs or sterioids was with valume as was not sleeping well do to first time in a new country all the sounds etc. I walked into a pharmacy told them I wanted valume they asked how many I said just a few, she opened a drawer cut some off a fool paper from a box and have me, I paid a left... no questions..
About 1 year later (2008) I started my first cycle and simple walked into the pharmacy (nana plaza area) asked for ddbol, wintrol, gh, clenbutrol, and Novoldex.
the lady said how much of each and I answered, she asked me to sit for a momment while she preared my order and after about 20mins all done paid and I left.
My last time in the gear in Chang Mai, 2015 same thing, simply walked in and they told me they didn't have what I wanted but could order and to come back the following week or try another pharmacy, which I did bought and left no problems.
There's now even people in gyms , bars etc that will run and get whatever you want for a small or inflated few.
SEA - Vietnam easy, Cambodia easy, Loas easy , Thailand easy, not sure on Burma , Singpore forms, Maylasia forms and India just walk into any pharma basically
that's my 2 cents and I've been all through the above countries and know first hand of course with time thing may vary however if all else fails to go a local bar sit have a pint and you'll soon find out.