It doesn't look like it, but it feels like it.


New Member

My last cycle ended in May of 2014. I ran PEPs gear and it was 500mg Test E/600mg EQ for 14 weeks. I used liquid stane as an AI every 3 days, and started my PCT 3 weeks after my last pin utilizing the standard nolva/clomid routine.

Yes, the gear sucked, it probably was completely bunk or extremely under dosed but I ran the full cycle thinking I could get something out of it.

6 months later, I entered an extended form of training and was unable to work out on my own, I ran a lot, and lost some weight, but nothing crazy.

During this time period I developed pain in my left nipple, directly behind it, and to the side underneath. It looked like it was saggier than my right. I tried to use Ralox for about 2 months and had no luck. I am now using Nolva to see if it has an effect.If you were to look at my chest, you would not be able to see anything wrong gyno wise. I have little body fat. The pain however is there, though diminished quite a bit after a week of Nolva.

I guess the question is, what the hell is going on with my body? Any recommendations on what should be done? I plan on using nolva for anohter week or so.