It's about time


New Member
What's up Members of Meso?

I converted to this forum after reading stuff on here that yall post for awhile.

A few members already welcomed me after liking and replying to one of their post so thank you guys for that.

I'm looking forward to contributing content when I can if I think it's relevant. Even if it's not about gear I'm knowledgeable about a ton of other stuff to.

Here are some stats.
I've been lifting since I was 12 years old when my dad bought a competition bench for the house and a ton of other equipment. I made gains and then fell out of lifting for a while. I've been on and off for several years because my job as a pipe welder making me travel to places with no gym. (I just would rather work out in a gym) I've been steady In my workouts for 2 years now.

6 foot 190pounds

Found gear when I was in college and worked at GNC so I was on all kinds of free supplements from the store and met a ton of cool people that was geared the fuck up.

I'm looking forward to connecting with yall and again thanks for welcoming me to the forum.