Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Thank you for the perspective I get confused by feedback (from even what appear to intelligent members) I am on here playing Mr. Google or Mr. ChatGPT and that I have no experience / knowledge of what I speak about.

For those that think it is simple, try to mimic @Ghoul with some Google and let's see how it turns out. I guess that's just par for the course interacting on social media.

The minimization bothered me until I realized Meso critics have a shorter half life than any drug.
agreed… most members don’t comprehend the chemistry behind it… especially when you get to discussing isomers with the test e…

Appreciate your thoughts.
also this is very time consuming and I don’t think anyone else has the patience for it…

So why mock the person who makes the time? I don't get it. I guess there is always a strong pressure to maintain the status quo among social groups.

Appreciate your thoughts.

So why mock the person who makes the time? I don't get it. I guess there is always a strong pressure to maintain the status quo among social groups.

Your research isn’t obsolete… just the crowd you are trying to reach I don’t think comprehends the information… it takes time and some sort of background knowledge imo… I have spoken with a source on here that sees down your same alley and would like to further testing etc… but it’s a hard movement and complicated because nothing has been showing opposite of what you expect yet…
Your research isn’t obsolete… just the crowd you are trying to reach I don’t think comprehends the information… it takes time and some sort of background knowledge imo… I have spoken with a source on here that sees down your same alley and would like to further testing etc…
Appreciate the feedback.

but it’s a hard movement and complicated because nothing has been showing opposite of what you expect yet…
I honestly didn't know what to expect. I don't agree tests coming back clean were a waste. Very strange concept to me.

So with Jano's assistance I do have hope we can start to gather some quarterly data and stats on failure rates. Perhaps that will help with the education and understanding or people can keep telling me I told you so.

I know we get sideways sometimes, but want you to know I appreciate your feedback and engagement.
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Appreciate the feedback.

I honestly didn't know what to expect. I don't agree tests coming back clean were a waste. Very strange concept to me.

So with Jano's assistance I do have hope we can start to gather some quarterly data and stats on failure rates. Perhaps that will help with the education and understanding or people can keep telling me I told you so.

I know we get sideways sometimes, but want you to know I appreciate your feedback and engagement.
Well you know in research, is never enough trial runs/test… you need diff variables , setting etc… it’s costly and time consuming then you have to explain it in simple terms that errrbody understand…

I appreciate your consistent effort and dedication towards harm reduction… not an easy task… we can’t always see face to face lol
Sample number 280
"Hilma Biocare"

The sample is a 10ml vial.

In which the active substance Methenolone Enanthate is declared 100mg/ml.

1) Chromatography:


2) Mass spectrometry: the active substance contained in the sample is ~99.2mg/ml.

3) Foreign impurities:
Please, don't post fake reports from bogus laboratories into my thread, it is insulting.
Sample number 280
"Hilma Biocare"

The sample is a 10ml vial.

In which the active substance Methenolone Enanthate is declared 100mg/ml.

1) Chromatography:


2) Mass spectrometry: the active substance contained in the sample is ~99.2mg/ml.

3) Foreign impurities:
Would some context on your post and a new member intro be too much to ask? Or should we just read your mind and assume you mean no disrespect skipping the new member intro?
Sample number 280
"Hilma Biocare"

The sample is a 10ml vial.

In which the active substance Methenolone Enanthate is declared 100mg/ml.

1) Chromatography:


2) Mass spectrometry: the active substance contained in the sample is ~99.2mg/ml.

3) Foreign impurities:

Who did this test?
Who did this test?
Some Ukrainian laboratory supposedly.
It is quite notable what accuracy they manage to get on an instrument physically incapable of such accuracy. This guy I believe hat posted their results multiple times already and I believe I've said my part about that laboratory and those results. if you review the results which they do post on some telegram channel I'm sure you can see some interesting trends.
Sample number 280
"Hilma Biocare"

The sample is a 10ml vial.

In which the active substance Methenolone Enanthate is declared 100mg/ml.

1) Chromatography:


2) Mass spectrometry: the active substance contained in the sample is ~99.2mg/ml.

3) Foreign impurities:

Why you posted this stuff here, idk, it has nothing to do with OP.

Get it deleted and repost it somewhere else, if you must.

If it is too late to see the delete option, you can still report it and ask for deletion.
It should not be here
The type of valuable perspective only an expert can bring to the table.
What's best, it can be easily independently confirmed by checking general GC split injector RSD and MS general RSD.

Especially aas being only semivolatile they get tricky to get low rsd with gc. But then you look at *some* labs and their data where everything (desirable) is within 0.5%.
What's best, it can be easily independently confirmed by checking general GC split injector RSD and MS general RSD.

Especially aas being only semivolatile they get tricky to get low rsd with gc. But then you look at *some* labs and their data where everything (desirable) is within 0.5%.

The soul of "harm reduction" is piercing the veil of the unknown, and it's no exaggeration to say without your contribution, this community would be nearly blind.
Yes, I did post the email from your team above. If it included a method extension for the oil matrix I missed it. The links were to USP standard and the vendor test kit info. Frankly, trying to get this info for the community while being shit on as a troll here is getting frustrating and becoming more trouble than it is worth.

Thanks for sharing the additional data points and I wish you success as you bring the assay in house.

@Ghoul TLDR, let's see some others put in some sweat equity chasing down these answers. I'm done playing the unpaid intermediary role for the analytical lab producing these results. I look forward to other competent members interacting with Janoshik to get the answers to the questions they are curious about.

Open questions

1. Calibration method on water based endotoxin analyses. @Ghoul the method procedure was provided above along with the info on assay kit used.

2. Recovery method used to extend endotoxin analysis to oil based products [OPEN]. Jano invited someone to contact his company to get more info.

3. Suitability of current HPLC method to measure purity of Test E and Test C raws that contain -ene impurities [OPEN]. See more info above in this thread. An appropriate certified reference standard for Test E impurity F will need to be obtained and sent to Jano's lab. Jano has agreed to run the required HPLC experiments complimentary. I am looking for a suitable vendor currently.

hope this helps spell it out.
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Like I said before, questions about endotoxin details are best taken up to our email, so the mailbox girls can inquire with the lab we outsource(d) them to (until 2025) directly.

Asking me only adds additional layer between asking the question the person responsible and getting the answer.

Endotoxin result is expressed per vial, I believe that peptide which would have trouble dissoving in 1 ml wasn't tested for endotoxin yet (and it's exceedingly rare to have a peptide that doesn't dissolve in 1 ml given enough time etc). Would have to check.

Given we've been given the detection limit in per ml basis in relation to the result, I believe that's the answer.

About the missing answer to oil matrix, I am not sure what exactly the question is and I apologize, but I am far too busy to look it up. As you say, if there is any taker, they ought feel free to email us.

Must comment here ,because can not in right topic.
Tried Astera Lab Cialis 20mg/50tab,and it is very bad. Im very sensitive to Cialis, on 5mg my back hurt a lot, and red face ,but on Astera 20mg nothing, give to my friend,same thing, nothing what Cialis should do. Not even close to Cialis from Hilma,or pharmacy store. And yea, lab results show it is all 1/1 ,but this just proves that lab results should be taken with skepticism.
Hello, for starters we will post the reply that our customer team gave you:


There hasn’t been any similar reports, as I have said the product has been tested by a third party lab test by us and by our customers, and the product is what it says.

You can send and untampered tab to a laboratory for an analysis, that’s the only real way of proving it’s the correct product and API and not that something is wrong with you, as I have said there are plenty of different conditions that can affect how you react to it.

In our case the API raw material and the tabs itself has been tested, the product is legit, you can send it yourself for testing to remove any doubts about it’s quality.”

Seeing that your reply shines some doubt about @janoshik testing we can’t do or suggest anything more to help you, lab testing on a legit third party laboratory is the only way sellers and customers can make each other accountable, and from the labs out there - Janoshik - is the one trusted by all the community.
We're in process of moving endotoxin in-house, however, we have had to ask one of our suppliers for a reship, as some of our supplies didn't pass our QA/QC.

We apologize for the delay caused by that and hope all will be good before the end of the month.
My friend and I bought the same three raw drugs from the same supplier. I told my friend I was gonna test mine (and therefore give him some reassurance his are legit). He suggested we stick a bit of both of our batches together and get them tested as one.

Does this actually work? Obviously if the purity comes back like 30-70% we know one of our batches (but not which one) is legit, and the other fake. But other than that, are there any drawbacks?