Just competed in 1st mens physique comp


New Member
What’s up guys, hopefully this type of question/post is welcomed!
I have finally competed in my first show with a coach’s direction on diet and compounds for about a 20 week prep if you will.
My first 6 weeks consisted of Testosterone 300 mg, ÈQ 200, Dbol 25mg pre workout, pinned twice a week
Moved onto Susanon 400mg, Deca 300 Adrol 50mg pre workout
The final 6 weeks of prep was 700mg test prop, 600mg Mast E, 350mg tren ace with some vitamin b12 and injectable L carnatine pinned everyday. The entire doses divided by 7

I was happy with my physique, I placed 3rd due to my poor posing skills but hey it was my first time.

I’m really wondering about now after competition. I’m not knowledgeable much on this kind of protocol. I’m completely using broscience here and I’m running HCG 500iu every other day, cruising at about 150mg test C which is honestly what my doctor prescribed me for TRT, wanting to hop back on cycle September’ish and prep for next show but is that a solid protocol for after competition? Thanks for any feed back or criticism.


That’s a pretty big stack to run for a first show.
unless mean divided by 7 does that mean it 100 week prop or 700 a week.
That’s a pretty big stack to run for a first show.
unless mean divided by 7 does that mean it 100 week prop or 700 a week.
Yeah so everyday I was pinning 100mg prop and 50mg tren ace. The Masterton I would actually pin every Mon Wed Fri. I was a human pin cushion lol
Nice package! Do you have gyno problems? Can see a bit of flare up but nothing major
Yes unfortunately I do, it occurred once I started running the Tren ‍♂️ prolactin issue. I bought some caber on naps gear (never showed up, I think it’s stuck in customs or something) then purchased some on ashop and the package got seized. Im expecting the package to finally come this Friday and im really hoping the caber will still help with the gyno. Im taking nolvadex everyday right now with HCG and trt dose 125mg a week test
All the new members criticing this mans physique please post current pics of your physique and current cycle.

New members not members I know that look insane already...size28s

Yeah so everyday I was pinning 100mg prop and 50mg tren ace. The Masterton I would actually pin every Mon Wed Fri. I was a human pin cushion lol
My next one is Oct I’ll be on 300 test 300 mast. 50 Anavar and Winny 50 Winny. Current on 200 a week testIMG_1021.jpegA17FD903-8931-4790-99EE-4D0FB223816B.jpeg
Haven’t taken more than 200 test the last year I’ll be 43 in July. I won’t go high amounts or use any other compounds besides mast Anavar or Winny. Never will run tren npp decca eq or run test higher than 300. Not with the side effects
Wish I responded so well to those doses. I'm currently 700mg test p, 700mg mast p and 350 mg tren for just 4 weeks. 250lbs has been a job to maintain.
Seems to get more difficult in my 50s
Wish I responded so well to those doses. I'm currently 700mg test p, 700mg mast p and 350 mg tren for just 4 weeks. 250lbs has been a job to maintain.
Seems to get more difficult in my 50s
Ya I’m 220 and no need to get way bigger for physique and since my prep start soon
Haven’t taken more than 200 test the last year I’ll be 43 in July. I won’t go high amounts or use any other compounds besides mast Anavar or Winny. Never will run tren npp decca eq or run test higher than 300. Not with the side effects
I don’t think I’ll go higher than 300 in the future with the nor 19’s. Deca I break out super bad on my back, the tren fucked with my nipples too bad too