JY Pharma

Package came in today, everything is here. Packaged pretty well. Only question i have is why the Anadrol 50mg is the only bigger pills and the 50mg Anavar/dbol alongside the 1mg Arimidex are very tiny. Have a micro scale coming tm. Maybe someone can answer something I'm missing? is Anadrol harder to keep compact as a solid ? Sending out a Jano test on the Anavar 50mg this week
How many days to which country?
Package came in today, everything is here. Packaged pretty well. Only question i have is why the Anadrol 50mg is the only bigger pills and the 50mg Anavar/dbol alongside the 1mg Arimidex are very tiny. Have a micro scale coming tm. Maybe someone can answer something I'm missing? is Anadrol harder to keep compact as a solid ? Sending out a Jano test on the Anavar 50mg this week
Have you tried the anavar? Or are you going to wait for results first?
If its a controlled delivery and you sign your fucked. I've been asked to sign once before for some raws I denied signing and lost that pack. A kg of test is cheap a prison sentence is not. Ordering from the same source and having several successful delivering not requiring sig and then all of sudden needing to sign is a big red flag to me..
I'm the same, I'll walk from a order if it feels wrong. You get into the rhythm of deliveries and when something changes, you know somethings up! What's $1,000 order compared to the $10k to fight a charge plus whatever they hand down.
I'm the same, I'll walk from a order if it feels wrong. You get into the rhythm of deliveries and when something changes, you know somethings up! What's $1,000 order compared to the $10k to fight a charge plus whatever they hand down.

I get where you're coming from. I used to think like this too. But the thing is, if they're out to get you, you're not going to outwit them by avoiding a delivery. They wouldn't just say "oh well, we set up this complex sting involving a team of law enforcement officers who spent significant time building a case but we'll just have to walk away now.".

Add to this the fact that, particularly for "rare" crimes, LE loves to boast about arrests far and wide. One arrest and a news release will discourage thousands from doing the same thing. A lot of bang for the buck. They're not disappearing steroid users into black sites and keeping these operations a secret.

Yet find an example of what you're describing. It doesn't exist.

Read the documents in the New Hampshire lab bust from 2022 in the legal section. The feds, with unlimited resources and 3 agencies involved, just arranged to be notified when packages of raws and supplies were dropped off at the suspect's house, without signature, no controlled delivery, and then an agent stopped by the same day to talk to the perp. That's it. And that was for a major lab with hundreds of regular customers and 5000 vials in stock.

He got 3 years, btw, release to a halfway house after 18 months, and it was only that stiff because he was a 3 time convicted coke dealer.
DEA: "How do we bust these guys smuggling steroids into the country?"

Postal Inspector: "If only there was a way to find packages containing this stuff and identify the criminals."

CBP Agent: "Here are the 40 packages we seized today containing confirmed steroids and a list of the recipient's names and addresses."

DEA and Postal Inspector: "When you're done sending the seizure letters and throwing that stuff into the incinerator help us look through these packages for leaks, maybe we can catch them that way."
What it comes down to is a focus at the federal level. Government has had bigger fish to fry and use their limited resources on for a number of years.

BUT, they can swing that federal focus to PEDs and have done so before with pretty devastating results for many people.

Would I be overly concerned today that I would be getting a 6am no knock.... Not high on my list of concerns. But it doesn't mean it can't/won't happen.

Because of that ability to swing focus, that's why I practice TIGHT opsec regardless. I assume that I'm getting no knocked every day and work backwards from that assumption in everything I do... It just becomes 2nd nature after awhile. I think I came into this scene around much the same time as Declan back in the late 90's early 00's and this was just the way EVERYONE had to operate at the time because it was a very real risk in both our countries!

Is it painful and very likely over the top, 100%! But if government focus every changes again, my digital and physical footprints will be light AF to non-existent and they can't use 30 prior deliveries to identify me.

Maybe it is because I'm old now and out of touch.... But I physically cringe every time I see someone with zero opsec or sloppy opsec because today is good and they don't think ahead to tomorrow.

I'm not saying people need to go to the lengths that I do when buying PEDs... But it seems a no brainer to me for international orders at least that you should obscure payment origin and figure out ways so the delivery is not in your name and preferably not to an address that can be tied to you.

Until I see changes at the legislative level, that's the way I'll always approach buying PEDs.

I'll certainly enjoy this period of availability though!
I get where you're coming from. I used to think like this too. But the thing is, if they're out to get you, you're not going to outwit them by avoiding a delivery. They wouldn't just say "oh well, we set up this complex sting involving a team of law enforcement officers who spent significant time building a case but we'll just have to walk away now.".

Add to this the fact that, particularly for "rare" crimes, LE loves to boast about arrests far and wide. One arrest and a news release will discourage thousands from doing the same thing. A lot of bang for the buck. They're not disappearing steroid users into black sites and keeping these operations a secret.

Yet find an example of what you're describing. It doesn't exist.

Read the documents in the New Hampshire lab bust from 2022 in the legal section. The feds, with unlimited resources and 3 agencies involved, just arranged to be notified when packages of raws and supplies were dropped off at the suspect's house, without signature, no controlled delivery, and then an agent stopped by the same day to talk to the perp. That's it. And that was for a major lab with hundreds of regular customers and 5000 vials in stock.

He got 3 years, btw, release to a halfway house after 18 months, and it was only that stiff because he was a 3 time convicted coke dealer.
its not about outwitting LE mate, you simply can't! What it is about though is what they know.... and what can be proven in court. That makes a huge difference in outcomes!

I was an example.... Many years ago now. Wont go into more details publicly.
I'm the same, I'll walk from a order if it feels wrong. You get into the rhythm of deliveries and when something changes, you know somethings up! What's $1,000 order compared to the $10k to fight a charge plus whatever they hand down.
I respect that man. Exactly, very few people look at it that way and will take the risk rather then losing $1k. I've been told im to paranoid for losing that pack but call me whatever I still have my freedom.
Package came in today, everything is here. Packaged pretty well. Only question i have is why the Anadrol 50mg is the only bigger pills and the 50mg Anavar/dbol alongside the 1mg Arimidex are very tiny. Have a micro scale coming tm. Maybe someone can answer something I'm missing? is Anadrol harder to keep compact as a solid ? Sending out a Jano test on the Anavar 50mg this week
I have some var,dbol,halo, aromison all tiny white tabs from that same order another bottle of aromison tabs are red and large. Not sure why they change the size of some. I prefer the larger tabs there easy to break those tiny white tabs are pain in the ass to split
Package came in today, everything is here. Packaged pretty well. Only question i have is why the Anadrol 50mg is the only bigger pills and the 50mg Anavar/dbol alongside the 1mg Arimidex are very tiny. Have a micro scale coming tm. Maybe someone can answer something I'm missing? is Anadrol harder to keep compact as a solid ? Sending out a Jano test on the Anavar 50mg this week
Size if the pill doesn't matter. There will be alot of filler.
I respect that man. Exactly, very few people look at it that way and will take the risk rather then losing $1k. I've been told im to paranoid for losing that pack but call me whatever I still have my freedom.
Wasn't there something about C. Bumstead's sister receiving a package, some time ago, and being arrested or cautioned? Maybe you know/remember what happened. I don't think she went to jail but LE did pay her a visit.
I get where you're coming from. I used to think like this too. But the thing is, if they're out to get you, you're not going to outwit them by avoiding a delivery. They wouldn't just say "oh well, we set up this complex sting involving a team of law enforcement officers who spent significant time building a case but we'll just have to walk away now.".

Add to this the fact that, particularly for "rare" crimes, LE loves to boast about arrests far and wide. One arrest and a news release will discourage thousands from doing the same thing. A lot of bang for the buck. They're not disappearing steroid users into black sites and keeping these operations a secret.

Yet find an example of what you're describing. It doesn't exist.

Read the documents in the New Hampshire lab bust from 2022 in the legal section. The feds, with unlimited resources and 3 agencies involved, just arranged to be notified when packages of raws and supplies were dropped off at the suspect's house, without signature, no controlled delivery, and then an agent stopped by the same day to talk to the perp. That's it. And that was for a major lab with hundreds of regular customers and 5000 vials in stock.

He got 3 years, btw, release to a halfway house after 18 months, and it was only that stiff because he was a 3 time convicted coke dealer.
One guy lost his job because of a charge he got for importation of gh in my city, he works as a gym teacher. Nothing came out of the case, it was dropped, however, the humiliation he went through and stress plus he lost his teaching license too. LE of course overpriced the generics but ultimately its because he works with school athletes is why they frown on his gh use.

This is something people need to understand, everyone is risking something different here. It might be ok for you and you don’t care since you have the resources to beat the charges, but you should understand that people have reputations and jobs to consider. Sure, the notion that if they want you they’ll get you and it’s naive to think otherwise so you forego the necessary measures because it’s futile is a lazy mentality in my opinion.

You might be right too, maybe they don’t care or that all this measures we’re doing is useless however, I can sleep better at night knowing a package containing hundreds of grams of powder and 20 vials of unknown substance is going to a PO box under the name of a 85yr old retiree living in Japan right now lol.

Wasn't there something about C. Bumstead's sister receiving a package, some time ago, and being arrested or cautioned? Maybe you know/remember what happened. I don't think she went to jail but LE did pay her a visit.

C.bum’s sister took the fall, they got caught in a controlled delivery when they mailed syn products from Canada to Florida. Small amounts, plea deal no jail time. So, it does happen, they don’t have history of ordering large quantities it’s their first time doing it.