JY Pharma

Please send a message to let us know that there are several unclaimed payments at present.

If you don't receive the tracking number within three days after payment, please contact us in time in case we miss your order.
It's been 6 days since sending payment, contacted 3 days ago asking for tracking. My rep in whatsapp has read my message but not replied ....
I’ve had to double text him on multiple occasions. Let me know what happens
There must be a glitch in the app?
I have sent 2 messages and they both indicate 1 grey tick in the right hand corner of the text box.
This would indicate it hasn't even been delivered.
Update: my email to JY was answered promptly. After a Quick Look into the issue by the rep, the problem was identified. Will update when tracking received. Thanks for the quick fix @JY Pharma
Have not received tracking yet. Order placed on the 13th, emailed JY when I didn’t get tracking after two weeks without an update. JY said the issue was an out of stock item on my order and that’s what was causing the 3 week delay in shipping.

Sent an email yesterday to which they responded, “Sorry, we are waiting for the tracking of the freight forwarder.”

Now 17 days with no product shipped and $500 in the hole I can only hope for a package to be shipped within 6 weeks of placing order.

The shitty part is, this was a trial order to see if this company had their shit together and maybe become a good source for me. Not looking good.