JY Pharma

This is my first cycle.
I'm pinning subq to avoid building up scar tissue because I'm planning to do this for years on end.
thats a pretty lame reason... Rotate over 6-8 sites ... I doubt you are over 2 cc's as a first cycle ,split 1cc 2x weekly Like mon-thurs. Use a reasonable gauge needle , not some 21 g , 1.5 inch harpoon .... and scar tissue should be the least of your worries
This is my first cycle.
I'm pinning subq to avoid building up scar tissue because I'm planning to do this for years on end.
As the blokes above have said dont mix everything in the one pin.
You can still sub Q the water based products and even the oil if you really wanted ( some do , I wont ) . But if you continue to use slin pins for all your shots even into the muscle , you wont really build up scar tissue.
Scar tissue builds up if you've been pinning delts since the 90's with an 18 Gauge... ask me how I know :)
It does explain the lumps because you’re pinning subq an it’s not absorbing all the way
Why I asked for help if you’re not gonna take any of the help and continue to question
It's not a lump of oil only, that I understand.

It's a bit enlarged and tender, not just oil stuck in limbo ://
This is my first cycle.
I'm pinning subq to avoid building up scar tissue because I'm planning to do this for years on end.
I’ve used gear 28 years and avoided scar tissue! Pin properly, rotate regularly with as many sites as you can. You are getting swelling because the poor absorption, your body is reacting to it and trying to reject it. Didn’t you research about mixing oils with water based before your cycle? Anyway, we all make mistakes. Just switch your method now.
I’ve used gear 28 years and avoided scar tissue! Pin properly, rotate regularly with as many sites as you can. You are getting swelling because the poor absorption, your body is reacting to it and trying to reject it. Didn’t you research about mixing oils with water based before your cycle? Anyway, we all make mistakes. Just switch your method now.
I do feel the effects of the test, but the water and oil mixing was a mistake, I'll admit.

I'm more interested in SubQ because I'm also interested in the longer half life + slow absorption, and I want to familiarize myself with all injection methods as well.
Anyone still in contact with JY? His WhatsApp number nothing is sending through, he said he got a new number then after sent me the exact same phone number that no one picks up.