JY Pharma

On 3/12 my shipping update said arrived at sort facility US but hasn't updated since then. Did you guys experience similar with your tracking info?
I’ve ordeered non stop from these guys - I have a lot of clients all age ranges with bloodwork from 20 year olds to 60 year olds nothing but amazing things to say. Currently have a bikini IFBB pro running the var 10 and she says it’s the best she’s had since her prescription var in 2023. Had a package land yesterday of about 200 bottles.
bikini IFBB pro running the var 10 and she says it’s the best she’s had since her prescription var in 2023.
I mean this with the utmost respect but these statements like this are so fucking stupid. 10Mg of oxandrolone is 10 mg of Oxandrolone doesn't matter where it comes from.. Nobody is changing the molecular structure of anavar to make there's any better than someone else's..
Either she has been taking underdosed anavar or now she is taking overdosed anavar... the fact that you are providing steriods for women (and I haven't seen you post any test) and not testing them is very dangerous and very irresponsible.. If tou are testing all this gear you are buying why not step up and share the results with the community.
I answered because someone asked regarding blood test my guy why ya so hurt by that buy some test your self. Have a great day we don’t gotta argue
I'm not arguing with you... I test my gear and the gear I make for women.. its posted dawg.. I am calling you out for making stupid fucking statements, I'm definantly not hurt, disappointed in you tho for giving ladies untested gear.. but luv you all the same...
Hugs D
I'm not arguing with you... I test my gear and the gear I make for women.. its posted dawg.. I am calling you out for making stupid fucking statements, I'm definantly not hurt, disappointed in you tho for giving ladies untested gear.. but luv you all the same...
Hugs D
I don’t their coaches do which is not my fault lol if their coaches who are larger names choose to do that then well not my doing. Loves and kisses
I mean this with the utmost respect but these statements like this are so fucking stupid. 10Mg of oxandrolone is 10 mg of Oxandrolone doesn't matter where it comes from.. Nobody is changing the molecular structure of anavar to make there's any better than someone else's..
Either she has been taking underdosed anavar or now she is taking overdosed anavar... the fact that you are providing steriods for women (and I haven't seen you post any test) and not testing them is very dangerous and very irresponsible.. If tou are testing all this gear you are buying why not step up and share the results with the community.
Pretty labels add an extra 30% of anabolism