I was wondering what people do to keep the most of their dbol gains, and how much of the gains have you typically kept?
Sust350- put down 3x pin to 700week 16 weeks then tapper to trt cruise
Dbol pin/pill- @ 40 day- 4 weeks
Decca- @ 600 week 12-14 week maybe cruise on trt
Aromasin and caber
hgh 2iu for however long.
Thinking the cruise will help keep most of the gains.
Sust350- put down 3x pin to 700week 16 weeks then tapper to trt cruise
Dbol pin/pill- @ 40 day- 4 weeks
Decca- @ 600 week 12-14 week maybe cruise on trt
Aromasin and caber
hgh 2iu for however long.
Thinking the cruise will help keep most of the gains.