Bumping this thread a little to make sure there are no new glowing testimonials for KPV.
I have crushing chronic joint pain (mostly bilateral hip labral tears, chronic right meniscus tear, acute left meniscal tear...lol) + some tenosynovitis in my right hand (among other things..lol).
I cannot tolerate BPC.... disappointing because it does seem to help at least a little bit if I run it more than about 1 week, I feel...nothing (like a shell of a human...distant and disinterested in anything aside from going to work...and that's just because I have to). Thankfully, after 3 runs, the anhedonia seems to still resolve after a few days once I stop it (I've heard it can be irreversible for some people). I did not even believe it was a real side effect...just stayed in denial because I was hoping to find something that might help. I'm done trying to use it now...lol.
Dr. Ben (honorary) mentioned KPV and I'm trying to decide if it's worth a try for inflammation. (I get it's up to me...and if I was doing it "right" I would combine with BPC, TB-500,.GHK-Cu etc.
Anyone have any compelling thoughts on KPV by itself? Im on about a $300 spending limit before the IWS (Internal Wife Service) starts asking questions. (She's done playing detective with all the India packs...lol...and has accepted I'm either going to kill myself or become a cyborg...I think either outcome is acceptable to her...life insurance and all...lol).
Anyone able to talk me in or out of KPV?
I doubt anyone can name something I haven't tried for pain (medication or otherwise)...my right hip is improving significantly after surgery last year but now the left side is basically doing everything the right side did (pretty sure I had bilateral hip dysplasia since childhood...but I had to diagnose myself despite countless specialist evaluations etc...but enough about me..lol.
Thanks for any input anyone may or may not have (I realize this is not an active thread but figured it wasn't worth starting a whole new one).