Lab result on 2.7 iu genotropin

I said my body wasn't change how it should
Which is an observation and does not in any way provide evidence to suggest your product is fake.

Given your Igf number it's most likely real.

Your other test result (the one you're questioning) is dependent on how much and when you injected as well as when you had blood drawn. You have yet to answer that question.
Im trying to figure this out here. So when you inject are you priming it to 2.7? Cuz those measurments are in mg so 2.7 on the pen is going to be more like 8 iu.
You don't really understand it. Kind of already explained it in this thread.

You don't seem to understand pharma vs generic GH doesn't show a difference in blood work
Yeah that's why I ask the question generic/ fake can still show up more igf 1 but it's false it's what I'm saying
Yeah that's why I ask the question generic/ fake can still show up more igf 1 but it's false it's what I'm saying
How many iu did you take and how long before your gh serum test did you take the bolus of gh? Gh serum rapidly goes down after pinning, so unless you timed things right with a high iu dose before you’re going to get not great serum results.

Your igf-1 is super impressive for 2.7iu
How many iu did you take and how long before your gh serum test did you take the bolus of gh? Gh serum rapidly goes down after pinning, so unless you timed things right with a high iu dose before you’re going to get not great serum results.

Your igf-1 is super impressive for 2.7iu
5iu 2.5h before
5iu 2.5h before
I'm suspicious of that given your other responses.

You have two options.

1. Take 10iu and follow the typical GH serum testing protocol. If your test result is still low you have reason to be suspicious of the product. However, you still don't have definitive proof of it's legitimacy.

2. To know without doubt whether your product is real or fake you need to send it to Janoshik for testing.

Since you have the money to buy pharma GH one would assume you can afford to have it tested. If your test comes back good you can show the result to the vendor and more than likely they'll work with you to fix the situation.

I would go with #2
I'm suspicious of that given your other responses.

You have two options.

1. Take 10iu and follow the typical GH serum testing protocol. If your test result is still low you have reason to be suspicious of the product. However, you still don't have definitive proof of it's legitimacy.

2. To know without doubt whether your product is real or fake you need to send it to Janoshik for testing.

Since you have the money to buy pharma GH one would assume you can afford to have it tested. If your test comes back good you can show the result to the vendor and more than likely they'll work with you to fix the situation.

I would go with #2
Janoshik can't tell if is pharma or generic that the whole point
If you’ve got generic it’s pretty good for gh in terms of igf-1. What is making you suspect it’s generic rather than pharma with test results so good? 600+ is insane for 2.7iu
Because igf 1 increased by generic is false and has no effect like I described in previous post
Because igf 1 increased by generic is false and has no effect like I described in previous post
Where do you get this weird belief? If your igf-1 is that high it’s from hgh. You can go do the 10iu serum test as was described above, but your igf-1 score is so high that even if generic it’s amazing stuff. I don’t think anything exists that can push igf-1 that high that isn’t hgh.
Janoshik can't tell if is pharma or generic that the whole point
Neither can you.

At the beginning of this post you were concerned about "fake GH". Now you're saying your concern isn't that it's fake, but that it's generic?

Your opinion of "feels" isn't enough to claim someone scammed you.

Like the guy said above, your feelings are even less valid given your IGF score. I've seen much lower scores on way more GH
You are very wrong. You clearly don't know what you are talking abkut

I have been 497 on generic hgh.

Maybe they faked the generic and put pharma in mine
I don't understanding if I'm speaking another language can you all read my previous post before write? I said generic hgh can increase igf 1 but I doesn't effect the ways pharma do like my finger and bone wasn't effected like also my cognition like my skin ecc . I'm asking something who know his shit who can tell me yes geno from turkey is all fake you can't find real pharma hgh online or see the picture and says yes it's looks real ecc
I said generic hgh can increase igf 1 but I doesn't effect the ways pharma do like my finger and bone wasn't effected like also my cognition like my skin ecc
We understand you just fine, this just isn’t true is the problem…
I'm asking something who know his shit
You’ve got several very knowledgeable people in here telling you to chill, it’s real hgh, and someone vouching for the vendor you used with positive past experience,
I'm asking something who know his shit who can tell me yes geno from turkey is all fake you can't find real pharma hgh online
People are in here telling you that the source you used is legit? Also that despite there being a lot of fake pharma gh, there is definitely real shit you can get online.

You are getting upset looking for answers you’ve already been given. Your igf-1 score alone speaks to either amazing quality gh, or using something insanely overdosed. I wish 2.7iu gave me an igf-1 that high,