Like this guy a lot. The well known tree is pre ord and the present. I didn't know you were tree? Good thing about the ban is you'll have more time to join us here or me at ab. I caught the hammer talking loud about pacman/horizon. I wandered into the banned members lounge for a minute and saw that clown..... kilo clubs #1 homo(Osiris) stole in excess of 100k worth of gear from the IP guy.I don't know if this means anything ,but he just put in and pick up 5000ius of grey tops from a popular source over @ PM.
This guy remembers when it was sterility being the # 1 concern. The raws were so much better. In 2006 and 07 the height of the UGL had been reached. Labs everywhere with quality raws. Shit you home brewers could buy 90% to 95% pure raws from 4 suppliers that were as accessible as the net.
After RAW DEAL, and the other big blow to the online UGL, the raws accessible to ugl's and home guys sucked cock. That is, unless, you were in with one of the big guys in china before ORD. They are almost impossible to find now. Their info is a closely guarded info.
Oh....the other event leading up to the fall of the quality ugl era was Beijing. The Summer Games and the focus of the world were on and in Beijing, China. Gov't shut down of mail and pkg's. Nothing got out. The Chinese would not be embarrassed...that's a long story. Good seeing you, GS.
Yea, they might be cooperating with LE to reduce sentences
That could be. Hopefully, if that's him out on bail, he doesn't get jammed up again while out on bail. Committing a felony while out on bail is a mistake that is not worth making regardless of the monetary reward. The enhancements for doing such a thing calls for a several year stay. It's also what is seen as the straw that crippled the camel just prior to a superseding RICO indictment. Talk about a life changing experience? Fuck.