Labmax - Primo

Damn it looks like somebody found some primo. Now if it matches the label is the next question. Keep them fingers crossed!
Right now I'm choosing to keep it private, as primo is such a hot commodity and I don't want members rushing in to buy it, and potentially being disappointed/blaming me. I will run this primo for a while and have feedback on it. I'm not a rep or anything for the lab. In truth, I tested it as a favor to the brewer (he's a friend and didn't have any labmax kits). I respected that he was interested to at least labmax the primo before considering bringing it to market. A mass spec will be done shortly (he is hoping) after this positive test.

I'll keep you informed if/when the lab decides to market this product (or, the lab will). However, I cannot promise I will be particularly proactive, as I mentioned I don't have any affiliation besides being a friend of the brewer.
Well said
I got tied up in some bs last year
Lesson learned. Trying to help someone out can turn on you fast. What do you look for as in resaults from prim
How would you know it's dosed rite. They say stay on prim for
Some time.
Started last week on some and never ran it before courious what to look for.
Ya I can read about it but first hand exp would be nice.
Pinned the first CC today. I'll run 1cc a day for a while and see what happens. I used to run primo at 700mg's, so im fairly familiar with what to expect. It's sort of a combo of masteron and EQ in regards to the effects. You will look fuller and harder, with little to no water weight.
Nice does it make orgasm
I'm im
Prim eod
Test e 600 mg
I'm getting no pip from
The prim
First batch fkn cripeled me
Just sucks you have to run it for awhile to notice anything
So I've read
Nice does it make orgasm
I'm im
Prim eod
Test e 600 mg
I'm getting no pip from
The prim
First batch fkn cripeled me
Just sucks you have to run it for awhile to notice anything
So I've read
Yeah- I thjnk primo is the most complicated and misunderstood AAS
Pinned the first CC today. I'll run 1cc a day for a while and see what happens. I used to run primo at 700mg's, so im fairly familiar with what to expect. It's sort of a combo of masteron and EQ in regards to the effects. You will look fuller and harder, with little to no water weight.

Correct! That's why people say, I can't feel.primo working. It changes body composition like you said. No water weight
Correct! That's why people say, I can't feel.primo working. It changes body composition like you said. No water weight
Yeah, I've never "felt" primo working in the past. It's a slow and steady drug. I would say its unfit for most users, for many reasons.
Pyramid that shit in 4 week intervals. 400, 500, 600, and then 700 last two if you want. It may cost a lil much but you will find your sweet spot and know where to run it for future use!
Thanks for the info.
Totally new to me I have enough to run for as long as I need.
Even at a gram a week.
Shit almost ruined me on the first batch pain was stupid crazy.
And dident help doing a leg shot.
Now it's strait and smooth at 100 mg.
Word well if you have a good amount I would use it at 500-600 to start and bump up like I said untill you hit the sweet spot. This way you will be able to try 800-900 at the end. Then you can properly plan future cycles once you find where you prefer it ran.
Actually brotha I have not :(. But I have done plenty of reading because I really want to incorporate it my regimen! Most guys want to use it because it is lighter on the htpa so most will try and stay on lighter compounds making recovery easier and gains more maintainable over a longer span. Seems legit for athletes trying to get edge in off season and maintain during season.

You run trt right? So your possibilities are endless but I personally would run either just Primo or Primo with a low dose of whatever you use most often. That way since you know how the one compound works for you from using in the past any new effect will be solely off the Primo.

Primo and tren would get my vote. Lower dose tren and Primo to assist it. Should get all the gains without the sides!

Edit: However, test would be fine, hcg only would work too but I probably wouldn't go that route personally.
I have ran primo ace home was legit it will give you softball on ass and flu like symptoms I dealt with it for two months lobed it. it even helped with estrogen water from test I was on I eventually started drinking it Luke people do with winstrol sounds strange but it is a oral compound and with Geo.and b.b. and b.a. in it tasted Luke chicken
but if I ever make primo again I will make enanthate and ace make it a oral only ace is easy to crash so if it is actually 100mg.its got either E.O. in it or alit of b.b. to suspend. Bayer quit making primo ace inject because of pip.they did make it 25mg. a mill but its much better oral best way is take ace orally and inject enanthate only side effect I had was eye twitching but stopped when I switched to anavar .my muscles looked great. I plan on making enough to last a year. but the first time I used was Bayer primo ace tabs in the 1992 Missouri contest prep saved my hardearned muscle from burning up to nothing's. thatsvwhat its best for low fat low calorie diets. it helps you keep muscle full. I won that year Mr.teen mo.
next contest 2016 mo. I will use primo enanthate, anavar, winstrol, npp.test prop. I believe its the shiznic. precontest stack if no primo use masteron
I'm doing testE at 600 mg
Prim I will bump it up.
Crazy that the prim is smooth.
At 100 mg
I still have 400 ml that is crashed. I have to bring the dose down