Lack of quality sleep and Growth Hormone


New Member
I've noticed that many guys on this site have sleep issues, as do I. I have at least a 10 year history of "Insomnia" and "Unrefreshing sleep" as Dr. Mariano described it in one of his posts/threads. Maybe he can shed some light on this issue. I am wondering that since I have a long history of Insomnia/Unrefreshing sleep, which before I was diagnosed with Major Depression and Rx'd SSRI etc... I slept way too much, and all I wanted to do was to stay in bed and sleep all day, everyday. I am 44 years old, Diagnosed with Hyogonadism due to a Testiculalr Injury in High School Football and have been on TRT for 4 years, 100mg TCypionate IM injections 1 x per week. It is hard for me to shut off my mind and fall asleep, and once I do fall asleep, I usually wake up at 3 a.m. and cannot go back to sleep until 5 or 6 a.m. where I will sleep until approximately 11:00 a.m. Ambien CR only helps a little bit and Melatonin 5mg helps me become sleepy, but it is only effective for about one hour of sleep, then I usually wake up, feeling "Wide Awake" I do not drink alcohol nor use Illegal drugs, I do not smoke. I excercise, lift weights, eat healthy and I am 6'2" 230lbs. My thyroid tests always come back "Within the Normal Range" and I have been trying to convince my Endocrinologist to test my Adrenal Gland function, but as many of you guys know, it is a long waiting process with "Traditional Doctor's" and I am sure we have all experienced "The Drive Through" Medical treatment dilemma, and the "Hurry up and Wait" game that many Doctor's Offices practice. Anyway, my concern and question to anyone who would have knowledge of sleep issues and the "Release Bursts" of Growth Hormone, during a certain stage of our sleep etc... Wouldn't it be reasonable to think that if a person such as myself, who does not, and has not slept very well, averaging 4 or 5 hours of sleep per night, and for at least 10 years, who is Hypogonadal, has Major Depression, Chronic Fatigue, and who in General has a low "Quality of Life" very well be suffering from AGHD Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency ?? I am open to serious replies on this post, and hopefully without insults. Thank you Geno
Geno, you may be correct. Have you checked your IGF-1 levels? Dr. Mariano practices in your location.
I've noticed that many guys on this site have sleep issues, as do I. I have at least a 10 year history of "Insomnia" and "Unrefreshing sleep" as Dr. Mariano described it in one of his posts/threads. Maybe he can shed some light on this issue. I am wondering that since I have a long history of Insomnia/Unrefreshing sleep, which before I was diagnosed with Major Depression and Rx'd SSRI etc... I slept way too much, and all I wanted to do was to stay in bed and sleep all day, everyday. I am 44 years old, Diagnosed with Hyogonadism due to a Testiculalr Injury in High School Football and have been on TRT for 4 years, 100mg TCypionate IM injections 1 x per week. It is hard for me to shut off my mind and fall asleep, and once I do fall asleep, I usually wake up at 3 a.m. and cannot go back to sleep until 5 or 6 a.m. where I will sleep until approximately 11:00 a.m. Ambien CR only helps a little bit and Melatonin 5mg helps me become sleepy, but it is only effective for about one hour of sleep, then I usually wake up, feeling "Wide Awake" I do not drink alcohol nor use Illegal drugs, I do not smoke. I excercise, lift weights, eat healthy and I am 6'2" 230lbs. My thyroid tests always come back "Within the Normal Range" and I have been trying to convince my Endocrinologist to test my Adrenal Gland function, but as many of you guys know, it is a long waiting process with "Traditional Doctor's" and I am sure we have all experienced "The Drive Through" Medical treatment dilemma, and the "Hurry up and Wait" game that many Doctor's Offices practice. Anyway, my concern and question to anyone who would have knowledge of sleep issues and the "Release Bursts" of Growth Hormone, during a certain stage of our sleep etc... Wouldn't it be reasonable to think that if a person such as myself, who does not, and has not slept very well, averaging 4 or 5 hours of sleep per night, and for at least 10 years, who is Hypogonadal, has Major Depression, Chronic Fatigue, and who in General has a low "Quality of Life" very well be suffering from AGHD Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency ?? I am open to serious replies on this post, and hopefully without insults. Thank you Geno

Post all your blood tests for the last 10 years.
Sort them (clearly) by dates
Analyte names, value, units, range, laboratory name
You may also post in similar way as crazycrew did, here:
Google for "histadelia" and/or "undermethylation". Although controversial, it is suggested that elevated histamine can stimulate the brain creating a state of persistent wakefulness like you describe, which is why I bring it up. I have the same problem and my histamines tested very high (150 on a scale of 40-60). How do you feel on anti-histamines, particularly stonger ones like unisom? Anti-histamines are only a partial fix because there are several histamine receptors in the brain and they only block H1. In addition, histamine blocks serotonin for a double-whammy. More permanent solution is increasing methylation to metabolize histamine, via sam-e, methionine, tmg. Just something else to consider. I'd like to know Dr. Mariano's opinion about undermethylation/elevated histamine as a cause for poor sleep.
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I second the sleep study. I thought my doc was nuts when he suggested a sleep study after complaining for years that even though I ate well, exercised daily, did not smoke or drink, was not overweight, didn't snore etc etc etc, I always felt tired. I started HRT and still felt tired and both my primary care and then the endo said why don't you give a sleep study a try. I finally did. Guess what? Sleep apnea. Imagine that. Also, like you I always woke up in the middle of the night and could not get back to sleep.

I am using a cpap, and although it is a pain in the ass at first, I am sleeping through the night most nights. I am less tired in the afternoons and I hope within another month or so of really settling in with the cpap I really feel good.
Thanks to all the guys who replied back to my sleep/GH issue/question. Three seperate Endo's and as soon as I mention the word "GrowthHormone" they all "Avoided the subject!" It appears to me that the Endo's that I have met were, and/or are afraid or "Don't want to go there!" on treating with GH. I guess for them, it is ..."Too Much Work" for them to spend their valuable time with, especially with backlogged appointments, "The Stigma Factor" which still is of concern for many Doctors (The Media, Barry Bonds, Jose Canseco, and all that....) Yes I have contacted Dr. Mariano and will set up an appointment with him soon. I am going to have to save some money for a face to face appointment, as I'm sure it will be expensive. I will do a sleep study soon! It's on my things to do list..... Thanks again for the positive replies gentlmen! Geno.
Yes sleep is important and you growth hormone bursts are decreased if you dont sleep consistently during the night or sleep later than 11:30 pm. I didnt quite get the point of you using SSRIs. These antidepressant class of drugs are known to disrupt sleep and keep people awake thus the need for a benzodiazepam rises pretty soon. How many years where you on SSRIs?

I have met people in the psych hospital i worked in summers that were there for insomnia issues after many many years of SSRI use. SNRIs do that too in a worse manner.

Maybe you need to get a cortisol testing.

Moreover dont exercise every day, maybe this doesnt help either keeping you overstimulated (depending on the sort of exercise), maybe you need to change the way you administer testosterone to your body, maybe injections keep neurotransmitters elevated for quite a while. I am not sure as you have not shown many tests to say something more precise.

But i guess a visit to Dr. Mariano will be very helpful. I wish i lived in the states now, i miss the medical system there.

Last to say is that melatonin is not such a simple substance to use and especially if you use it regularly. Dont forget it is a hormone and it is produced in much smaller amounts from your body than you receive it exogenously. Melatonin is known to tamper with LH and FSH function (and not only) and those peptides are used by the body in many many processes. Offcourse maybe your LH and FSH are way too low allready due to the testo administration. Noone can tell for sure you have to show us tests to suggest something more precise, but the best would be to go visit some of the best doctors, dont let your life go by trying to convince endocrinologists. They are in a different boat
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