Lasting uncomfort after injection (Sustanon 250)...


New Member
Newbie here,
I just started my 8 week cycle of Sustanon 250. My first injection felt great the first day, then really anoying and bothersom, actully really sore the next few days. I've been reading on different injection sites and chose the glute/ass for my first trails. I'm using a 22g 1" needle. This is my first experience ever in this and I really want to get everything I can out of this. I am 26 years old, 5'11'' and anywhere between 185lbs-195lbs. Anything from you guys will help. Thanks in advance for all replies...
Im not sure what your question is.

Anyways, yes sust shots can hurt.

How many mgs are you doing a week?

Whats your pct look like?

I think 1 1/2" is better.
i find pain minimized when my injection routine is *completely* sterile, my hand is sure and steady, my syringe is filled no more than 2 (maybe 3) ml, and i inject very slowly. remember that your muscles are bundles of fibers wrapped in a thin sheath called the most people here, that fascia is gonna be wrapped pretty tightly. injecting too fast can make that fascia bulge in one place and also cause scarring...and pain.

also, 250mg/ml is pretty strong in terms of irritation potential...might be better to take multiple 1 or 2ml shots on different spots, depending on your dosage.
Thanks you guys. My current injection time takes me about 10 seconds, is that to fast? As far as my stats. I played college ball for 5 years and then took about a year off from working out seeing that my body needed some rest. Anyway, I'm trying to get my body back to where it used to be. I was 190lbs w/ 7% body fat. But I would love to be about 200lbs. and stacked you know? [:o)] Anyway, I will try to increase injecton time to about 30 seconds and see if that helps. I do wipe everything down with alcohol, hands included. Thanks again guys, and can't wait to explore this site more to learn more about this stuff. Thanks...
Thanks you guys. My current injection time takes me about 10 seconds, is that to fast? As far as my stats. I played college ball for 5 years and then took about a year off from working out seeing that my body needed some rest. Anyway, I'm trying to get my body back to where it used to be. I was 190lbs w/ 7% body fat. But I would love to be about 200lbs. and stacked you know? [:o)] Anyway, I will try to increase injecton time to about 30 seconds and see if that helps. I do wipe everything down with alcohol, hands included. Thanks again guys, and can't wait to explore this site more to learn more about this stuff. Thanks...

i never take less than 1 minute to inject 2 ml...and i'll go longer if i feel any pain spikes. the flip side is i now rarely get post-injection pain, and it's always very minor the rare times it happens. also, my hands can be a bit tremors, just not absolute fine-control for more than a few seconds. so when i inject directly in, i concentrate on being steady for the first push on the hammer.

the reason is because i suspect that even slightly jerky hands can cause some added damage since the end of a 1.5" needle can lacerate with side-to-side motion...i imagine that getting some oil in there quickly might surround the needle tip with a bubble of oil and minimize the minor internal laceration that could happen with an unsteady hand and a long needle.

btw any time i've had an IM injection taking 10 seconds, it's been from a busy ER doctor and the injection site would ALWAYS ache for days after.

hope this helps.
As long as your not jabbing it in and pushing the plunger down you should be fine, you don't need 2 minutes to inject 2 cc's that's crazy. Depending on your syringe size and teh oils used will depend on how slow you can go.
You used sust, it has prop, it's gonna hurt, suck it up. Try a hot water bottle or heating pad after you shoot or even an hot shower and run the area.
Thanks everyone! I only have 13, 250 mg viles left of sustanon 250. I do 2x/week cycle. I'm really loving this experiment on myself. I really want to learn more about the best steroid for my goal. Thanks again you guys...
Thanks you guys. My current injection time takes me about 10 seconds, is that to fast? As far as my stats. I played college ball for 5 years and then took about a year off from working out seeing that my body needed some rest. Anyway, I'm trying to get my body back to where it used to be. I was 190lbs w/ 7% body fat. But I would love to be about 200lbs. and stacked you know? [:eek:)] Anyway, I will try to increase injecton time to about 30 seconds and see if that helps. I do wipe everything down with alcohol, hands included. Thanks again guys, and can't wait to explore this site more to learn more about this stuff. Thanks...
Yeah sus u can get some pretty bad pip, if it's your first time injecting the glute which ever side your doing lift your foot of to loosen the muscle. Try not to move the needle around when it's in you. It's hard for me not to do because my hands are shaking all the time. Also wait for alcohol to dry and your skin before inhecting. When I do 2 or 3 ml I go super slow if I'm injecting 2ml It'll take me about min and half when I do 3ml around 2 mins and 15 seconds. The slower the better bro. I know it sounds long but you'll get less pip. I think sus u get allot of pip because of the fast acting test in it like prop. Prop always gives me bad pip all the time.
Newbie here,
I just started my 8 week cycle of Sustanon 250. My first injection felt great the first day, then really anoying and bothersom, actully really sore the next few days. I've been reading on different injection sites and chose the glute/ass for my first trails. I'm using a 22g 1" needle. This is my first experience ever in this and I really want to get everything I can out of this. I am 26 years old, 5'11'' and anywhere between 185lbs-195lbs. Anything from you guys will help. Thanks in advance for all replies...
Okay brother your glute is your entire ass. Upper right quadrant is your target. More research is in order.
Yeah sus u can get some pretty bad pip, if it's your first time injecting the glute which ever side your doing lift your foot of to loosen the muscle. Try not to move the needle around when it's in you. It's hard for me not to do because my hands are shaking all the time. Also wait for alcohol to dry and your skin before inhecting. When I do 2 or 3 ml I go super slow if I'm injecting 2ml It'll take me about min and half when I do 3ml around 2 mins and 15 seconds. The slower the better bro. I know it sounds long but you'll get less pip. I think sus u get allot of pip because of the fast acting test in it like prop. Prop always gives me bad pip all the time.
Dude, this thread is from 2009