Lean Bulk Cycle Advice

Hi all.

Just after some advice. Hoping to be 10% bodyfat when I start this (end of Sept) and want to do a 12 week lean bulk.

I want to add as much tissue as I can with as little fat as I can. I don’t want to simply blow up, I just want to stay a similar bodyfat but add some quality muscle. I know this will be diet dependent and a focus on my macros and calories will be at an all time high to ensure I don’t overeat. In the past I’ve just got fat when bulking by overeating, albiet mostly clean food.

Here is it planned cycle. I’m thinking of this as a quite a dry cycle than uses compounds that gel well together and it’s not ovally complicated or silly in terms of doses. All copounds are long ester.

The Tren will be there to help with essentially keeping the fat low. Even 50mg a week can help with nutrition partitioning.

Test: 200mg
Mast: 400mg
Tren: 50mg - 100mg (unsure which yet)

I’ve sacked orals off and don’t bother with them anymore.

What’s everyone think. With my goals (dry, lean tissue, no water and or fat), to this cycle. Would you change anything?

I dont like tren in a growth phase.
Id personally lean towards NPP, EQ, or just higher mast/primo.

that being said, your dosages are reasonable and outside of my personal preference i dont see any real issue.

Do you plan on using GH?
I dont like tren in a growth phase.
Id personally lean towards NPP, EQ, or just higher mast/primo.

that being said, your dosages are reasonable and outside of my personal preference i dont see any real issue.

Do you plan on using GH?

I don’t no. It’s too expensive for the results based on research. Also heavily faked and underdosed. Just don’t need the hassle. I’m gonna eat clean, lift hard, sleep well and try to add some lean size. The tren is purely for keeping fat at bay along with good diet.
It’s too expensive for the results based on research.
The oldschool mentality of "pharma or nothing" is outdated by todays standards, quality generics can be found in the 1-2$ per IU range, and just 2-4iu makes a huge difference in body comp.
Also heavily faked and underdosed.
This used to be very true, but in todays underground scene, with the prevalence of 3rd party testing we see this isnt so common anymore.
There are quite a number of generics that have consistently shown high quality purity and dosing.

Im not trying to convince you in any way, just maybe shed some light on perhaps some dated misconceptions. If its not for you or in your plan, there's no issue there.
The oldschool mentality of "pharma or nothing" is outdated by todays standards, quality generics can be found in the 1-2$ per IU range, and just 2-4iu makes a huge difference in body comp.

This used to be very true, but in todays underground scene, with the prevalence of 3rd party testing we see this isnt so common anymore.
There are quite a number of generics that have consistently shown high quality purity and dosing.

Im not trying to convince you in any way, just maybe shed some light on perhaps some dated misconceptions. If its not for you or in your plan, there's no issue there.

Would be interesting to see how 2iU per day would help in a 12 week bulk. Whats your thoughts?