Lean Bulk Cycle Advice

This cycle seems extremely weird for a bulking phase. Caring so much about water retention, being fluffy and as shredded as possible in a bulk is not productive imo.
Point is to gain as much muscle as possible not look dry in the mirror.

using highly anti catabolic compounds/ things that can preserve strength/ in a cut or make you much stronger with a higher potential to get injured if you’re actually moving weight in a bulk seems counter intuitive. Why ruin blood in an off season then be unable to use tren in a cutting phase when it’s actually more useful?
I need to call out some of the “bulking” and “cutting” BS here by some folks. We know better.

There is reasonable vetting and then there is just being plain picky with newcomers.

Unless you are a competitor and _significantly_ above your genetic max (or approaching) _and_ on PEDs… heavy bulking and cutting may not be the most advisable approach.

There is _absolutely_ lean or clean bulking. (Consistent lifting at or slightly above maintenance calories with managing macros)

Granted what we know and refer to as bulking and cutting is different than an average lifter. (Myself included)

OP basically wanted to stay lean and add lean muscle mass over time. Which is completely reasonable for 99.99% of people.

This is what he called a “clean or lean bulk”.

Come on gents. We knew this, or should have. We could have educated him on the nuance and variation of concept in bodybuilding forums and still given him useful and helpful info.

Instead the first page was full of calling him out without clarifying that bodybuilders push for additional muscle accrual in short rapid bursts and then cut trying to maintain 70-80% or mass gain on the leaning phase.

This is the modern concept and works well for the elite who have pushed well above genetic limits or are pushing against the clock to add tissue.

For the rest of the population, particularly those 40+ years old, slow consistent gains result in more long term lean muscle accrual without injury and muscle that is more “mature” and less prone to degredation on cruise

EDIT: No comment on PED cycle. Most folks were spot on there and it is highly personal preference and individual. Don’t know enough about him to critique
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You’ve prob never even cycled for real before. You need to start with test only and use an AI to control estrogen. 350/wk and 16 week minimum or you’re wasting your time, and with your approach at least 60% of it won’t even be there when it’s time to come off or cruise. If 16w minimum you can maybe hope to keep 60% of just the lean tissue gained (which will likely be under 12 lbs and will likely appear underwhelming compared to on cycle and in spite of the fact that you’ll be up 10 ish lbs of lean muscle from before). The water gains from test will leave shortly after blast is done. Additionally, some tissue will wear off gradually over multiple months if you come off to natural levels. You’ll keep the tissue by cruising but of course likely hurting your health more in the long run
Great advixe thanks
I need to call out some of the “bulking” and “cutting” BS here by some folks. We know better.

There is reasonable vetting and then there is just being plain picky with newcomers.

Unless you are a competitor and _significantly_ above your genetic max (or approaching) _and_ on PEDs… heavy bulking and cutting may not be the most advisable approach.

There is _absolutely_ lean or clean bulking. (Consistent lifting at or slightly above maintenance calories with managing macros)

Granted what we know and refer to as bulking and cutting is different than an average lifter. (Myself included)

OP basically wanted to stay lean and add lean muscle mass over time. Which is completely reasonable for 99.99% of people.

This is what he called a “clean or lean bulk”.

Come on gents. We knew this, or should have. We could have educated him on the nuance and variation of concept in bodybuilding forums and still given him useful and helpful info.

Instead the first page was full of calling him out without clarifying that bodybuilders push for additional muscle accrual in short rapid bursts and then cut trying to maintain 70-80% or mass gain on the leaning phase.

This is the modern concept and works well for the elite who have pushed well above genetic limits or are pushing against the clock to add tissue.

For the rest of the population, particularly those 40+ years old, slow consistent gains result in more long term lean muscle accrual without injury and muscle that is more “mature” and less prone to degredation on cruise

EDIT: No comment on PED cycle. Most folks were spot on there and it is highly personal preference and individual. Don’t know enough about him to critique

Thanks mate


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