Lean bulking cycle advice


New Member
Not sure where to begin here… thinking of a deca/npp cycle. I’m 35 and have done test, primo, tren, winstrol and anavar cycles.

I get injured easily with weightlifting intended to increase my physique and size. I injure easily outside of weightlifting as well. Just messed up my whole wrist and forearm from missionary intercourse with my girlfriend. The other night I messed up my ring and middle finger making her squirt. Now the whole thing is perpetually in a brace…. Anyhow it’s been the injuries that started around 30 that made me decide to cycle in the first place. I wanted more results to eventually meet my goals faster and in hopes of less injuries by the time I got to that goal physique.

I’m very fortunate in that I really believe my body puts muscle on exactly how I visually want it to. Big shoulders, big lats, thin waist, quality everything else. I’ve added a photo of me

All my past cycles were great but I’m looking for a different compound at this point to see if there’s something that works more ideal for lean bulking. I’m 190lbs and 6’ 1”.

I began bodybuilding and lifting naturally at 150lbs and got to about 175lbs over 3-4 years Deca/NPP seems to be the last thing worth seriously considering. Also I’ve been lucky and bloodwork has always been pretty ideal as well as recovery. I know that’s general but I could spend 4 hours elaborating on that and still miss things.

Anyhow one thing from past cycles I learned is that I’d do alllll this research and take notes on notes on notes, order everything anyone ever reccommended incase it became needed, and then somehow it’s like there was always another thing to have. I’d like to have anything and everything potentially needed that way if bloodwork or whatever indicates it- I have it to begin immediately.

Advice about deca/NPP cycles for bulking lean muscle and anything one should have on hand or take- supplements, pct (I stay on low dose test), diet, anything and everything, please share


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you forgot to mention dosages, without them its hard to recommend a cycle.

test deca is a no brainer for bulking and you should have started there if you have weak joints like me not with tren.. winstrol---i mean what the actual fuck... it is known that winstrol wrecks your joints

lean or dirty bulk depends on diet not gear... even if some aas give you a bit of water retention if you are lean you still look good and muscular just fuller...

take note that for some(like me) deca gives crazy appetite ... more like carbs cravings so be prepared for that.. if you get mental sides mast is good to stack with it and it will keep you dry as well

happy bulking! :)
Pics or it didn't happen.

If your getting hurt , finger banging your girl, maybe Deca is not for you.

Your physique is fine, just Cruise on test to get you there.