Less Atrophy Toward End of Day


New Member
Finished Week 2..Week 3 of pct starts tomorrow
My PCT plan looks like this:
Nolva@ 50/50/25/25
First week of course no signs of change. Towards the end of week 2 I noticed less atrophy at night. But end up rising by the time i wake up. So now atm they go down in the afternoon and remain like that til i wake up.

Is this normal? Does atrophy disappear over night for some of you? or is it a slow process?
My cycle was 13 weeks of sustanon@ 500mg
Age 25 First cycle
Is this normal?

Atrophied testicles are not normal idiot but chances are you will recuperate after pct unless you do something STUPID like running more gear without fully recuperate or without proper cycle ancillaries

Running that long of a cycle without dr supervision or without hcg is very abnormal too

I remember you said you were not going to control your estrogen during cycle:eek:
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