letrozol vs arimidex


I was going to use arimidez a 0.5mg ed while on cycle ,but i found letrozol at a much more affordable price ...can i run letrozol instead of the arimidex and if so how much ????
I was going to use arimidez a 0.5mg ed while on cycle ,but i found letrozol at a much more affordable price ...can i run letrozol instead of the arimidex and if so how much ????
There is a HUGE difference between the two. I crashed the he'll out of my E2 on two separate cycles with Letro. I was on a gram of test each time and thought it would be hard to crash on that much aromatizing hormone present.... Wrong was I. Aromasin is the only compound I use now.
letro will wreck you man. I only suggest using letro to fight gyno. Arimidex and extem? work fine, letro is your last option

I wouldn't even know where to begin. But i keep my e2 in the 30s with 12.5ed cruising (23-2600ng) and 25mg ed when blasting.
I wouldn't even know where to begin. But i keep my e2 in the 30s with 12.5ed cruising (23-2600ng) and 25mg ed when blasting.
Yeah that's why I've never switched over... Why risk any sides/crashing just to switch. Adex seems to work fine for me, even at HIGH doses of aromatizing compounds. More or less I find .25mg'/day per 250mg's/week of test.

Obviously I adjust for the other compounds, so EQ would be half that.

Fucking complicated.
I doubt highly that you child crash on admission

It's funny, I have a full bottle of letro on hand, that I never intend to use... But, just in case!

On aromasin, I would worry more about not using enough.