Letrozole and feeling good

Ambitious Guy

New Member
2 months ago I decided to take letrozole (femara) to increase my testosterone. The reason why I wanted to increase my testosterone was that I was feeling depressed, socially anxious and lonely. I figured out that low testosterone might have something to do with it. 5 weeks after taking the letro I had a blood test done. I will quickly write the results down:

Cortisol 6-10 h: 6,4 microgram/dL (6,2-18,0 microgram/dL)
Total testosterone: 884 ng/dL (Tanner stage 5)
Free testosterone: 24,3 ng/dL
DHEA sulfate: 329 microgram/dL (70-492 microgram/dL)
SHBG: 24 nmol/L
Estradiol: 18 ng/L (27-52 ng/L)
Progesterone: 0,5 microgram/L (<0,15 microgram/L)
LH: 20,6 IU/L (1,7-8,6 IU/L)
FSH: 7,3 IU/L (1,5-12,4 IU/L)

With these numbers appearing in my blood test, you would think that I'm feeling amazing. Well the thing is, I don't feel amazing all of the time. In fact most times I feel like shit (also when this test was taken), because my estrogen gets too low. Side-effects of too low estrogen include hot flashes, joint pain and a very uncomfortable feeling like you're feeling depressed and 'trapped' inside your own mind.
But when the letrozole concentration lowers in my blood and my estrogen starts climbing up again and my testosterone is still skyhigh, I feel amazing. I feel confident, I like taking risks , my attention span shortens and I feel good.

The best way to describe how I feel is to put here a little part of an article written by Andrew Sullivan from the New York Times.

Because the testosterone is injected every two weeks, and it quickly leaves the bloodstream, I can actually feel its power on almost a daily basis. Within hours, and at most a day, I feel a deep surge of energy. It is less edgy than a double espresso, but just as powerful. My attention span shortens. In the two or three days after my shot, I find it harder to concentrate on writing and feel the need to exercise more. My wit is quicker, my mind faster, but my judgment is more impulsive. It is not unlike the kind of rush I get before talking in front of a large audience, or going on a first date, or getting on an airplane, but it suffuses me in a less abrupt and more consistent way. In a word, I feel braced. For what? It scarcely seems to matter.

And then after a few days, as the testosterone peaks and starts to decline, the feeling alters a little. I find myself less reserved than usual, and more garrulous. The same energy is there, but it seems less directed toward action than toward interaction, less toward pride than toward lust. The odd thing is that, however much experience I have with it, this lust peak still takes me unawares. It is not like feeling hungry, a feeling you recognize and satiate. It creeps up on you. It is only a few days later that I look back and realize that I spent hours of the recent past socializing in a bar or checking out every potential date who came vaguely over my horizon. You realize more acutely than before that lust is a chemical. It comes; it goes. It waxes; it wanes. You are not helpless in front of it, but you are certainly not fully in control.

What a nice effect huh? I tried getting that effect the whole time just like Andrew Sullivan says in the article (it stays for three days with him! For me it only stays strong for one hour). I supplemented with vitamin D, zinc, magnesium and vitamin K2 in the hope of increasing my testosterone even further and getting the effect more often. Maybe it has increased my testosterone but I don't feel a big difference.
So now my question to you bodybuilders is how can I get this effect the whole time/as often as possible? Could I maybe take another estrogen reducing compound like aromasin/clomid/... that will give me that 'good' T-effect the whole time? Could I maybe supplement the letrozole with DHEA to increase my testosterone in the 1000's? Please tell me what you think could be helpful to get that feeling as much as possible, because I really think it could change my life for the better.
Didnt read the while post but at those test levels you need to find your underlining problem, seek professional help 884 is high what is your personal life like to where you feel the way you do? Almost sounds like addict qualities, shouldn't have to run so high to feel ok
i would drop the letro or use a more mild AI. or if off everything and with low T levels get on hrt then. but likely your estro is a bit too low, this could be why, i would go to doc and look into it. but letro , not even on cycle is likely going to cause you issues, its very strong, even at small doses, i know because i use it alot and small doses on cycle
good luck man
Didnt read the while post but at those test levels you need to find your underlining problem, seek professional help 884 is high what is your personal life like to where you feel the way you do? Almost sounds like addict qualities, shouldn't have to run so high to feel ok

Bro I just said it I don't feel ok when it's that high because my estrogen is too low. That's why I want to search an alternative. Can you help with that or are you just going to say that I'm an addict?
i would drop the letro or use a more mild AI. or if off everything and with low T levels get on hrt then. but likely your estro is a bit too low, this could be why, i would go to doc and look into it. but letro , not even on cycle is likely going to cause you issues, its very strong, even at small doses, i know because i use it alot and small doses on cycle
good luck man

Thanks bro what do you think of toremifene? I read on cutting edge muscle forum that some dude compared 120-150 mg of toremifene a day to the typical dianabol 'feel good' (I've never taken dianabol or other steroids but that sounds pretty good!)
Bro I just said it I don't feel ok when it's that high because my estrogen is too low. That's why I want to search an alternative. Can you help with that or are you just going to say that I'm an addict?
Sorry if I came off the wrong way wasn't saying your an addict, just that its better to find an underlining problem (if possible) then to rely on chems. Endocrinologist is your best bet