Libido super low. test/mast


New Member
Hi guys I need some advice here. I am currently on 500mg test sust a week injected eod and 3 weeks ago added masteron E at 300 a week hoping that it would help control my estrogen levels a little. My “estrogens, total” value was 130. Test level and free test was capped but it was greater than 1500. This blood work was taken a week before I started the masteron. My sex drive isn’t anything crazy on 500mg to begin with, but I was waking up with morning wood, erection quality was good. I was honeslty hoping for more on the test and that’s partly the reason I added the masteron for a little estrogen control and some more sex drive. I really don’t get side effects from the estrogen other than the fact that the low libido could be causing it. I’m tempted to drop the mast completely and drop my test dose back to 250 until everything levels out and try again in another 12 weeks or so. Another thing I can think that might be contributing to this is the fact that I am on 10mg of lexapro that I am in the process of tapering off. I know SSRIs can kill libido. Any advice?
How long have you been on lexapro?

also do not ever get a capped test if you can avoid it
There's really no where to go, other than guess, with capped tests. Could be this. Could be that. Could be something else. I would get new bloods drawn for sensitive e2, uncapped test, and maybe progesterone as well. With that, you can start to make a plan.
How long have you been on lexapro?

also do not ever get a capped test if you can avoid it
Been on it for just about 4 months. It was just implemented to get me through a rough spot and I wasn’t meant to be on it long term. The thing I find interesting is that when I hopped on the mast, I haven’t changed the lexapro dose a bit and my sex drive started declining more. I just started the off taper for the lexapro about a week ago so there was no change in dosage to that when the libido started declining.
Been on it for just about 4 months. It was just implemented to get me through a rough spot and I wasn’t meant to be on it long term. The thing I find interesting is that when I hopped on the mast, I haven’t changed the lexapro dose a bit and my sex drive started declining more. I just started the off taper for the lexapro about a week ago so there was no change in dosage to that when the libido started declining.
could be the mast. doesnt agree with everyone.

my next question is how long have you been on cycle? could be a mix of things
could be the mast. doesnt agree with everyone.

my next question is how long have you been on cycle? could be a mix of things
About 16 weeks. Started nov 17th was at 300 test for the first month then upped to 500 about 2 months ago. I’m tempted to just drop to a trt dose until I’m off the ssri and my estrogen comes back into range and then try again at a later date.
About 16 weeks. Started nov 17th was at 300 test for the first month then upped to 500 about 2 months ago. I’m tempted to just drop to a trt dose until I’m off the ssri and my estrogen comes back into range and then try again at a later date.
That's a long time. What were you planning to do? Permablast?

Take it as a sign your body is fighting back and wants to be normal again.
That's a long time. What were you planning to do? Permablast?

Take it as a sign your body is fighting back and wants to be normal again.
I mean I was planning on running 20 weeks. But you are certainly right. Dropping to trt dose beginning as of today. I’ll update on improvements and challenges on this thread. As the weeks go by on the lower dose. Thanks for your input.
I mean I was planning on running 20 weeks. But you are certainly right. Dropping to trt dose beginning as of today. I’ll update on improvements and challenges on this thread. As the weeks go by on the lower dose. Thanks for your input.
I stopped at 13 weeks on my first cycle. Overall fatigue, I had a massive change but I also got shingles activated.

Sometimes just take the simple signs as a time to stop.

Good luck brother
Take it as a sign your body is fighting back and wants to be normal again.

I'll second this. I recently had to drop Mast and anavar from my blast because my body was fighting back. It's been two and a half weeks and I feel great now. Sometimes you gotta take your foot off the gas pedal for a while.
I'll second this. I recently had to drop Mast and anavar from my blast because my body was fighting back. It's been two and a half weeks and I feel great now. Sometimes you gotta take your foot off the gas pedal for a while.
What was your bodies version of “fighting back” out of curiosity?
About 16 weeks. Started nov 17th was at 300 test for the first month then upped to 500 about 2 months ago. I’m tempted to just drop to a trt dose until I’m off the ssri and my estrogen comes back into range and then try again at a later date.
Did you check where your e2 levels are now that you are on Masteron?

I personally don’t buy the bullshit “use Masteron to help with e2”. It’s never effected my estrogen levels and it’s problematic advice if it doesn’t have the same affect for everyone.
I wonder if aas has anything to do with shingles. I experienced an outbreak when i was very young and blasting tren for an extended period like an idiot
It does. Reduces viral immunity

There is also a case report study of ocular shingles

It does. Reduces viral immunity

There is also a case report study of ocular shingles

Thank you. Is this just tren or aas in general?
Quick update for anyone that cares: dropped the masteron, pulled my dose back to 200, and hopped off the SSRI. Libido is coming back slowly but surly :). Will probably hang out here for the next 3 months before another blast. Feelin good.