Libido vs Energy


New Member
Hi guys, thinking and needing some answers. After a cycle and pct successful or not! if someone has energy to train, keep up his training with others that are using AAS, he can get out of bed early and not feel lathargic, still eat 6/7/8 clean meals a day etc etc but still have libidos issues!? What receptor would not be responding?? Or what is suppressed? If he is currently having stress related issues eg home life/relationship etc Would it be a mental problem!? Thanks..
All what you stated does not mean you're fully recovered. The only way is getting post-blood work and go from there. If all indicator points toward recovered to your baseline-then it could be a mental game. The mind is a powerful thing!
Thanks guys I think it is more a mental game tbh....
My post bloods came back two days ago but I was only tested for testosterone which was a 9 baseline is 12, sexual testosterone which was an 8 baseline is 12, free testosterone which was 253 basseline is 247. I'm from the uk and the docs are useless and I'm now having tests from prolactin and cortisone and been referred to an encronologist!? But the stress is still roaming around after splitting with my 10year partner and sorting visitation rights to our daughter etc etc.