Lipids and statins (advice)


Hello guys I'm trying to fix my lipid panel and just received some meds for it..

Last blood work

Cholesterol 185mg/dl
Hdl 36mg/dl
Ldl 127mg/dl
Non hdl 149mg/dl

Statins I have
Atorvastatin (as calcium) 40mg
Rosuvastatin 40mg

I have no experience with statins but would like to hear some opinions on what should I do and take also dosages etc..

Thank you all!
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You can go to 10mg 2x week but at those numbers it will be excessive.

Why did you opt for the highest strength pills? Those are for the people that have severe dyslipidimia.
You can go to 10mg 2x week but at those numbers it will be excessive.

Why did you opt for the highest strength pills? Those are for the people that have severe dyslipidimia.
Received them from granny she has prescription for everything but everything is mega dosed..
I'll try cutting the pil with a pill cutter..
When should I take it morning/night?
Also what's the difference between both of the statins?
Dude good for you looking into statins. Everyone wants to blast gear and tren but worries about a statin’s side effect. The easiest way to damage your self blasting gear is to have high lipids and elevated BP, that’s the literal recipe for clogged arteries. Anyways rant over.
Here is my blood work one month apart On Cycle of 175test/420 deca/210 mast. The only change was I added in rousuvastatin at 5mg EOD, same macros. I’ve had zero sides and my lipids are outstanding. Once I’m off cycle I will go down to 2x a week of the statin.


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I ordered 5mg until arrive ill just cut the 40's to small dosage..
You sure 5mg a week will be enough?
Not the person you’re replying to, but all of your values are either excellent or good. Back in the day, the lowest dose a doctor would prescribe would be 10 mg/day atorvastatin or 5 mg/day rosuvastatin. Now, people are more frequently prescribing them EOD or 2-3 times weekly. That’s a perfectly reasonable schedule with data to suggest it can reduce side effects.

The major difference between the two is drug interactions. Atorvastatin is degraded by an enzyme that degrades a few more things than the one that metabolizes rosuvastatin. Otherwise, they’re not all that different.
Dude good for you looking into statins. Everyone wants to blast gear and tren but worries about a statin’s side effect. The easiest way to damage your self blasting gear is to have high lipids and elevated BP, that’s the literal recipe for clogged arteries. Anyways rant over.
Here is my blood work one month apart On Cycle of 175test/420 deca/210 mast. The only change was I added in rousuvastatin at 5mg EOD, same macros. I’ve had zero sides and my lipids are outstanding. Once I’m off cycle I will go down to 2x a week of the statin.
In my case would you think it will be better to run 2.5mg daily until blood work instead of taking full dosage every other day?
Also any interaction of statins with other meds? Such as aromasin/caber/supplements?
I take adex with mine just find, I don’t think there’s any problem with Caber. Just look up drug interactions online it’s all googleable.
For your dosing idk I have had good success with EOD, it’s not going to hurt you either way. Just report back in a month so some other guy in the future can find. This thread in search.
In my case would you think it will be better to run 2.5mg daily until blood work instead of taking full dosage every other day?
Also any interaction of statins with other meds? Such as aromasin/caber/supplements?
Neither of them interact with aromasin. There is an interaction with high dose niacin. Atorvastatin can make ketoconazole less effective (an antifungal that some guys use as a medicated shampoo because it helps prevent hair loss). Atorvastatin can also accumulate with caber. Rosuvastatin won't interact with either of those.

The other medicines it interacts with are not things you're going to accidentally take. It's mostly other cholesterol meds or antibiotics/antifungals that you'd only take at a doctor's direction.

Personally, I'd take 5 mg EOD over 2.5 mg daily. We have data on how 5 mg works, and 2.5 mg may be under the threshold for effectiveness of any kind.
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Don't take my advice, because what I'm about to say is something I'm experimenting with at the moment. I've been takin 5 mg of Crestor for about a year, but my rheumatologist told me to drop it for a month because my liver numbers were elevated. I tested again in a month and everything was in the reference ranges with my cholesterol and liver enzymes.

My PCM actually knows about my AAS use--which he obviously doesn't condone, but I respect him enough to be honest with him about it--and he urged me to stay off the Crestor as well since my levels have looked good for the past year and 5 mg is a low dose anyway. I expressed to him that I would still like to figure out some way to get my HDL up more and he provided me with some studies about the use of controlled release niacin to help control elevated lipids. In the studies he showed me, 500 mg of slow release niacin was just as effective as my dose of Crestor and comparative doses of other statins at lowering overall cholesterol levels and raising HDL cholesterol.

I'm currently taking 1000 mg of slow release niacin in the morning. I haven't experienced any flushing or side effects with the slow release formulation. I'm going to test again in a month to see how my numbers look. I'll see if I can find the studies he showed me as well as some studies that may contradict this school of thought, but it may be something you want to look into if you don't want to hop on the statin train quite yet.
Don't take my advice, because what I'm about to say is something I'm experimenting with at the moment. I've been takin 5 mg of Crestor for about a year, but my rheumatologist told me to drop it for a month because my liver numbers were elevated. I tested again in a month and everything was in the reference ranges with my cholesterol and liver enzymes.

My PCM actually knows about my AAS use--which he obviously doesn't condone, but I respect him enough to be honest with him about it--and he urged me to stay off the Crestor as well since my levels have looked good for the past year and 5 mg is a low dose anyway. I expressed to him that I would still like to figure out some way to get my HDL up more and he provided me with some studies about the use of controlled release niacin to help control elevated lipids. In the studies he showed me, 500 mg of slow release niacin was just as effective as my dose of Crestor and comparative doses of other statins at lowering overall cholesterol levels and raising HDL cholesterol.

I'm currently taking 1000 mg of slow release niacin in the morning. I haven't experienced any flushing or side effects with the slow release formulation. I'm going to test again in a month to see how my numbers look. I'll see if I can find the studies he showed me as well as some studies that may contradict this school of thought, but it may be something you want to look into if you don't want to hop on the statin train quite yet.
Thank you for the reply , I actually tried fixing my lipids profile with supplements herbs etc.. berberine / bergamot/ krill oil / omega 3 etc spend a lot of money on the supplements and wasn't happy with the blood work my hdl only went up by 3 units and all the other cholesterol panel went up drastically also this is why I started to search for alternatives..
I mix tudca with milk thistle and astragalus root therefore my liver and kidney enzym is always low.. I will give statins a go but will read about slow release niacin also can you send iherb link for it thank you
Thank you for the reply , I actually tried fixing my lipids profile with supplements herbs etc.. berberine / bergamot/ krill oil / omega 3 etc spend a lot of money on the supplements and wasn't happy with the blood work my hdl only went up by 3 units and all the other cholesterol panel went up drastically also this is why I started to search for alternatives..
I mix tudca with milk thistle and astragalus root therefore my liver and kidney enzym is always low.. I will give statins a go but will read about slow release niacin also can you send iherb link for it thank you
You're welcome, brother. This is my first time trying it, so I'm very curious to see how it goes. I always take the claims about supplements with a grain of salt, but this one does have a lot decent studies and positive outcomes to back it up, so thats exciting.