Lipids and statins (advice)

Why would you start at 5mg because meso bro told you so?

I’m a NP but I don’t give medical advice on forums But what I do is I prescribe 40 or 20 simvastatin and retest in a month then lower the dose.

Medicine is straight forward. Ppl complicate shit
Hell yeah, by that logic I should just blast 1000mg of Tren and then only taper down when the side-effects get out of control!

You're doing fine OP. Your bloodwork looks like it's improved quite a bit just from a low dose of 2.5mg per day.

If you're not tracking your blood pressure I would highly suggest you do so and add in 20-40mg of Telmisartan if needed. Rosuvastatin, Telm, and Metformin are 3 drugs I firmly believe EVERY person using PEDs should be taking -- unless you're one of those people that hit the genetic lottery and have perfect bloodwork despite AAS use.
Hell yeah, by that logic I should just blast 1000mg of Tren and then only taper down when the side-effects get out of control!

You're doing fine OP. Your bloodwork looks like it's improved quite a bit just from a low dose of 2.5mg per day.

If you're not tracking your blood pressure I would highly suggest you do so and add in 20-40mg of Telmisartan if needed. Rosuvastatin, Telm, and Metformin are 3 drugs I firmly believe EVERY person using PEDs should be taking -- unless you're one of those people that hit the genetic lottery and have perfect bloodwork despite AAS use.
That’s your logic.

40mg of atrovastatin is a normal dose. 1000mg of tren isn’t.

and don’t compare a cholesterol medication to an AAS. don’t be silly
That’s your logic.

40mg of atrovastatin is a normal dose. 1000mg of tren isn’t.

and don’t compare a cholesterol medication to an AAS. don’t be silly
The starting dose is 10-20mg. There's no way you would look at OP's bloods and start him at 40mg.
The starting dose is 10-20mg. There's no way you would look at OP's bloods and start him at 40mg.
40mg is what a lot patients start on with high lipid profile. Like I said, you never prescribed anything, you never worked as a medical provider, you never followed up with patients after dosing protocols. you’re just googling and assuming..

You’re a typical bro

And please doctor, tell me how do you determine statin dosing.. you’re going to google this too?
40mg is what a lot patients start on with high lipid profile. Like I said, you never prescribed anything, you never worked as a medical provider, you never followed up with patients after dosing protocols. you’re just googling and assuming..

You’re a typical bro

And please doctor, tell me how do you determine statin dosing.. you’re going to google this too?
I like how you just assume I've never prescribed anything lmao. You could just answer the question: Would you start OP off at 40mg ED?
I like how you just assume I've never prescribed anything lmao. You could just answer the question: Would you start OP off at 40mg ED?
Well? Have you? Are you a medical provider?

You couldn’t even answer my question.

Yes. I like to manage lipids quickly before it causes damage. Then I like to follow a protocol of EOD same dose or 5 days on, 2 days off.
all doses at night.

Starting him at a low dose isn’t wrong either, but to say 40 is too much is plain stupid, most come in 40mg a tab.

I had great results with new patients with this protocol. And not every patient responses to every statin available, that’s why there’s many.

It’s an intervention followed by a reevaluation
Well? Have you? Are you a medical provider?

You couldn’t even answer my question.

Yes. I like to manage lipids quickly before it causes damage. Then I like to follow a protocol of EOD same dose or 5 days on, 2 days off.
all doses at night.

Starting him at a low dose isn’t wrong either, but to say 40 is too much is plain stupid, most come in 40mg a tab.

I had great results with new patients with this protocol. And not every patient responses to every statin available, that’s why there’s many.

It’s an intervention followed by a reevaluation
Yes, although I assumed my response was self-explanatory :)

Then that's where we will disagree. I would have no inclination looking at OP's CCT to start him on 40mg ED of Atorvastatin, unless he has a family history of MI or familial hypercholesterolemia. Not to mention the fact the studies showing there's virtually no difference (we're talking 2-3pts in value) between 20mg and 40mg, also my experience with pt's as well. Not to mention the fact that he's CLEARLY made drastic improvements on only 2.5mg of Rosuvastatin alone.

EDIT: I glassed over the part of you saying starting lower isn't wrong either, my apologies. Nor am I saying 40mg is too much, but clearly we have differences in opinion on this.
Hello guys I'm trying to fix my lipid panel and just received some meds for it..

Last blood work

Cholesterol 185mg/dl
Hdl 36mg/dl
Ldl 127mg/dl
Non hdl 149mg/dl

Statins I have
Atorvastatin (as calcium) 40mg
Rosuvastatin 40mg

I have no experience with statins but would like to hear some opinions on what should I do and take also dosages etc..

Thank you all

pre TRT Or any gear my levels were

275 total
160 tris
54 HDL
190 LDL

I have family history of high chokesterol and have had high one since my late 20s but never treated it. Now I’m in my 40s and decided to treat it.

Primary put me on 5mg. Was on that for a month and I saw a cardiologist. He bumped me to 20 mgs. And said if you’re tolerating it there’s no lower range and you can crush LDL as low as you want .

month later I had the following bloods (20mg daily crestor + 100 mg /w TEST-cyp)

145 total
95 tris
48 LDL
80 LDL

Now, subsequent to that I bumped my TRT to 160 mg and am yet to do bloods.

Looking to start my first cycle anyway so I’ll be getting a checkup before that.

your cholesterol isn’t that bad I’d start off with 5 mg Maybe 10 and see where you’re at in six weeks

one thing I want to read up on -and maybe see if there’s any experience in the forum - is for those of us on statins , did the statins keep LDL in check while on cycle or did folks up their statins for cycle duration.