Lipids and statins (advice)

Hello guys I'm trying to fix my lipid panel and just received some meds for it..

Last blood work

Cholesterol 185mg/dl
Hdl 36mg/dl
Ldl 127mg/dl
Non hdl 149mg/dl

Statins I have
Atorvastatin (as calcium) 40mg
Rosuvastatin 40mg

I have no experience with statins but would like to hear some opinions on what should I do and take also dosages etc..

Thank you all!
Bro, everything is basically in range maybe the hdl could be slightly higher. You may only need some cardio if anything
Man I've been taking 5mg crestor daily the past 6-9 Mos and my numbers are great now. I wish I would have started taking this stuff years ago. So far I've had zero sides from it as fat as I can tell.
Rosuvastatin Was the only thing I could find to get my LDL in check. Went from 140 to 70 in a month and a half. No more orals for me.

before statins
Cholesterol 185mg/dl
Hdl 36mg/dl
Ldl 127mg/dl
Non hdl 149mg/dl

After statins (less than 3 weeks)
Dosage 2.5mg a day rosuvastatin.

I am fucking shocked!
Mabe can type-llx or someone more well read can add in. I'm curious becaue I've heard bad things about statins. Ur saying high lipids how about hdl? Who here has high hdl?

before statins
Cholesterol 185mg/dl
Hdl 36mg/dl
Ldl 127mg/dl
Non hdl 149mg/dl

After statins (less than 3 weeks)
Dosage 2.5mg a day rosuvastatin.
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I am fucking shocked!
The biggest drop is in your triglycerides. No you got a 2.3 ratio which is good. If you like the results that’s great I’d be interested to see if f you have more profound results taking 5mg EOD. On your next blood panel you should pull you LP(a) and APO B these are also some good markers to pull for your heart in relation to lipids.

Mabe can type-llx or someone more well read can add in. I'm curious becaue I've heard bad things about statins. Ur saying high lipids how about hdl? Who here has high hdl?
The bad things about statins are over blown compared to the potential down sides. If you want to know the recipe for plaque in your arteries, well that’s easy. High blood pressure damaging your endothelial glycocalyx (lining of arteries) and the damage is filled with cholesterol particles. What are two sides we deal with on gear, high lipids and BP problems. Statins are also anti inflammatory, anti coagulant. To avoid sides you can try and EOD, 2x a week, or a very low dose ED schedule like OP. If you read back you’ll see my bloods I am doing 5mg EOD and I had more profound effects.
I'm shocked about the hdl went from 33 36 47!
That puts me in my natural hdl range..
I went through my grandmother blood work she's on statins for decades her hdl 67 ldl 58 ..
I'm just curious what happens in the body when you are on statins and add an Anabolic Steroid that effects lipids does it cause toxicity or doesn't effect the lipids etc..
Why is everyone complicating this and practicing medicine giving doses?

The right dosing is 40 mg a day. Do that and rest in a month..

wanna be doctors
Why is everyone complicating this and practicing medicine giving doses?

The right dosing is 40 mg a day. Do that and rest in a month..

wanna be doctors
If the right dosage was 40mg they wouldn't make it in 5mg pills also..
2.5mg did the job wonderfully you are brining the old bro science to the wrong topic.. "take 500 test and 50mg dbol and don't ask questions"..
And we are doctors in a way.. even more than that.. this is dangerous what you are doing crashing cholesterol ain't joke..
If the right dosage was 40mg they wouldn't make it in 5mg pills also..
2.5mg did the job wonderfully you are brining the old bro science to the wrong topic.. "take 500 test and 50mg dbol and don't ask questions"..
And we are doctors in a way.. even more than that.. this is dangerous what you are doing crashing cholesterol ain't joke..
Why would you start at 5mg because meso bro told you so?

I’m a NP but I don’t give medical advice on forums But what I do is I prescribe 40 or 20 simvastatin and retest in a month then lower the dose.

Medicine is straight forward. Ppl complicate shit
Why would you start at 5mg because meso bro told you so?

I’m a NP but I don’t give medical advice on forums But what I do is I prescribe 40 or 20 simvastatin and retest in a month then lower the dose.

Medicine is straight forward. Ppl complicate shit
No I started with 2.5mg rosuvastatin and that worked great so where does those 40mg of your coming from treating somebody natural that has issues with lipids and someone on Anabolic steroids it's different protocol you don't have to be a doctor to understand that..
Same goes to every other medicine I take regarding steroids start low do blood work change protocol if necessary..
Why would you start at 5mg because meso bro told you so?

I’m a NP but I don’t give medical advice on forums But what I do is I prescribe 40 or 20 simvastatin and retest in a month then lower the dose.

Medicine is straight forward. Ppl complicate shit
Not because the meso bro told me so: cause the FICKING MEDICAL COMMUNITY said so dumbass!

Dosing guidelines are a thing. Not your thing but a thing nonetheless
Not because the meso bro told me so: cause the FICKING MEDICAL COMMUNITY said so dumbass!

Dosing guidelines are a thing. Not your thing but a thing nonetheless
You’re a medical community? this is hilarious
My heart doctor made me run bloods shortly after I went on crestor (Rosuvastatin) 5mg a day she said some people can have a bad kidney / Liver reaction, so I'd imagine that is another reason they start off with a low dose.
My heart doctor made me run bloods shortly after I went on crestor (Rosuvastatin) 5mg a day she said some people can have a bad kidney / Liver reaction, so I'd imagine that is another reason they start off with a low dose.
Link me to that research? I been on it for years so is my 100 of patients, no kidney problems
Link me to that research? I been on it for years so is my 100 of patients, no kidney problems
2.9% and 1% ? That’s laughable

You think drugs won’t cause side effects.. Tylenol has side effects but only happens 1 in a 100000