Liquid Var using Sarms Recipe Issue

I am going to use children’s ibuprofen which is a120ml bottle, so for winny @ 50mg/ml i am going to use 6g of powder and remove 5ml of the original ibuprofen suspension.
Yes, just use Humco Flavor Blend, 16oz 2 in 1 for var it works great. Just shake every time before using. Nothing else will be needed, plus trying to dissolve var is hard. Plus, this will taste good.
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I did winny today w children’s ibuprofen. I heated the suspension up with the hottest my tap water would get and mixed the raw in. No clumps. Worked great. Im not sure heat is necessary but it made me feel better and we all know feelz are important!
A question I forgot to ask. How long do suspensions last for if stored properly?

Just a guess, but the kids Advil is a suspension and has a shelf life (expiration date) of something like 2 years. i don't see why it would be any different with a raw steroid vs the raw ibuprofen they put in there.
I've seen products like this on Amazon.

There was one I was looking at which I cannot find anymore but I found another brand, Humco.

It's a compounding syrup vehicle or oral solution for medication.

This pre-made syrup comes in plain or cherry flavored and many others.

Add your raws to the right dosage, mix and you're done, no pill press no capsules no more nasty homemade oral suspension liquid.

Most people won't think twice about an innocent little dropper filled with your medication vs a small container of white powder in your medicine cabinet or gym bag.

I thought about going this route for even cheap Cialis. Much easier to dose this way than a mg scoop and scale every day and cheaper than a script.

Thanks for bringing this up.